Chapter 5 Primary School Level

After getting used to the hot and noisy August in New Taipei City, it must be very pleasant to suddenly return to this small city where the summer night is comfortable enough just by turning on the fan. However, Li Yan, who should have been lying on the floor in the living room watching TV, is now staying in the room nervously flipping through her summer homework book.

For some reason, he always felt that this kind of tension was very strange, and his brain seemed to have an immune response to the current tension.

How can it not be rejected? Li Yan suddenly laughed out loud, "Damn it, I'm an excellent student, number one in the grade!"

Back in the fifth grade, I was still the academic star of Yucai Primary School. I could get 100 points in the math test as long as I was not careless. So what was I worried about the summer homework?

The greatest common divisor, the least common multiple, volume, surface area, the meaning of fractions, trains that race against each other, Xiao Ming's father who abandons his child and walks faster and faster while preparing to throw a ring...

Li Yan smiled knowingly, these questions are so simple and basic, they are so cute.

However, when he actually started writing, he still had to concentrate, which was a bit painful for him.

How can I describe this feeling? It's like seeing a beautiful scene and wanting to paint it but can't find a pen; like knowing that I can kick the basketball stuck in the basket if I jump but can't exert the strength with my waist; like having seen the answers to an exam but can't remember them when I get to the exam room.

A sense of separation and helplessness, is this the power of amnesia?
After writing half a math book helplessly, Li Yan realized that the "ding" sound she expected did not sound. "Is it because doing this kind of math problems is not considered an improvement for me?"

He remembered that he had a question yet to ask the system:
[View all current values]

【Please wait】

The brain felt like it was being massaged by electric current, and a tingling and numb feeling spread from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

[All numerical query results have been sorted, do you want to filter?]

Li Yan was stunned, "All the data", considering that even cursing someone for taking a bath can become a skill, he hesitated because he was afraid that his brain might explode if he didn't filter it. However, whether he was in the fifth grade or the 24-year-old, one thing had never changed -

He went there knowing that there was a tiger. The more challenging something was, the more he liked it.

[No screening]

Li Yan, who was ready to face the data storm, saw the complete list in an instant:

[Logic: 4; Mind: 3]



"That's it?"

The doubt flashed through my mind for only a moment. These were the items whose values ​​had changed since the system was activated. It was obvious that the system only recorded the skills that had been increased.

Li Yan took out the small notebook in the drawer, not daring to talk to herself, and silently modified the recording rules:
After "the skill value is based on your fifth-grade self", add "the basic value is not zero and needs to be activated and checked for confirmation."

His brain was also undergoing a rapid brainstorming: the numerical list sent three messages, indicating that the initial guess that there were level differences in the skill concept was correct, and there were obvious overall differences in the numerical distribution between different levels, indicating that the meanings of skill points at different levels were indeed different.

However, the upper limit cannot be confirmed, which makes it difficult to intuitively judge the specific meaning of these values.

There is a way to make a preliminary judgment. Badminton is a good breakthrough. Li Yan has been studying seriously for more than three months. If the whole human race is used as a standard, he is definitely a minority among the minority. As a fifth-grade student, his physical development is far from complete. He is not even a sports student. Sports are his weaknesses. Muscle endurance, explosive power and physical strength are naturally also weak points among the crowd.

However, the average value of badminton and physical fitness related items is only nine points apart.

In terms of percentage, Li Yan dared to judge that he was better than 90% of the people in the world. After all, the majority of people do not play basketball. But in terms of physical fitness, he probably dared not say that he had reached the average level of all human beings. Based on this, he made a conclusion:
[Does the point evaluation exclude those with zero skill points? ]


He had not expected any answer and was so surprised that he opened his mouth, not daring to make a sound, and danced around the room like a monkey.

"That makes sense. Among the people who play basketball, I am only better than beginners. Even middle and high school students who are not as skilled as me can suppress me with their physical fitness. In comparison, it is impossible for someone to get a zero for physical fitness, unless they are dead."

He lay down on the bed. "In this case, although my oral and expression skills are at the level of a 24-year-old, after all, I have lost the knowledge I have accumulated from reading books over the past ten years, so my Chinese level has naturally dropped a bit. But my oral and expression skills... I have forgotten a lot of words, and I can't quote from classics when I speak. Maybe this score is not my true level?"

[Do you only answer if the question I ask has a correct answer? ]


"Okay... you annoying little goblin, wait for me. If you dare to answer, don't I dare to ask?"

Li Yan was very excited by the system's response, and the several exercise books in front of him became much more pleasing to the eye.

"Then write well. Since the homework is not difficult, let's challenge our speed. If we can do it faster, we should get more points in math and English." Li Yan took a deep breath and concentrated. "When we compare it with Chinese, we will know a lot of information."

He was also a little worried. What would happen if the numbers in math and English were higher than those in Chinese?

The child in the room's brain was working rapidly, and his pen was flying on the question book. His mother knocked on the door, interrupting his thoughts:

"It's half past nine, come out, brush your teeth and go to bed."

The weight of this sentence is basically equal to the heavenly law in Li Yan's family. Li Yan felt that his brain was burning and smoking, and he was a little dazed when he slowed down. Unfortunately, the one-hour struggle did not bring him any extra points. The result of violating the heavenly law was very unhappy, so he could only stand up dejectedly.

From racing through a sea of ​​math problems to simply wanting to brush his teeth, he felt tired, and more importantly, "slow".

At first he thought his brain was dazed and slow, but he soon realized that he had not yet adapted to his fast-paced thinking. A simple operation like "brushing teeth" and the route to the bathroom that he was used to required too little information, so his brain processed it in an instant, and it seemed as if time had slowed down.

This is actually a very normal experience, but today Li Yan is feeling it very attentively.

[Thinking speed +1]

My brain, which had just stopped, started to work again. It wasn't the math, but the speed of thinking? I didn't speed up when I was sprinting at full speed, but I did speed up when I slowed down?
Even when brushing his teeth, Li Yan was still thinking, how to recognize that his mind is running at high speed? When you experience the surrounding slowing down.

It is impossible to judge the speed of running without a timer, unless there is a car next to you, or you speed up and then stop, and define the speed with your own behavior.

He just felt the change in the speed of thinking and defined the "speed" of thinking based on it.

[Only the skills I define will be upgraded? ]


I was actually wrong. Sure enough, these skill concepts should be objective. I was too arrogant and even tried to define concepts and become the creator... Li Yan rinsed his mouth and decided to put all the problems behind him. He was indeed a little tired, so he decided to officially welcome his new life with a good sleep!

"Nine thirty... I haven't tried to go to bed before eleven since I graduated from junior high school. I really used my time lavishly when I was a child."

Then he suffered from insomnia.

(End of this chapter)

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