Chapter 52 It's Really Hard to Fight (Part )
After returning home, Li Yan told her parents the good news that she had entered the semi-finals of the city competition, but Li Chun and Chen Fengling had complicated expressions.

If we were to say who in the world has the greatest confidence in Li Yan, it would actually be his parents.

Because no matter what achievements Li Yan makes, they always take it for granted.

Especially Chen Fengling. After hearing Li Yan say some good news, she almost instantly regarded this good news as an established fact, and then began to consider the subsequent impact of this fact.

But at the same time, she likes to compare very much. Li Yan is "other people's child" in every sense outside, but at home, she often hears about the glorious deeds of other children.

The funny thing is that those glorious deeds are often not as good as his.

Before his rebirth, Li Yan hated this aspect of his mother extremely, and the mother and son had quarreled countless times because of it.

Even 24-year-old Li Yan would get furious if his mother told him, "How great that the son of someone in the vegetable market got a job as a screwdriver in a factory."

Logically speaking, Li Yan, who traveled back in time, should still find this unbearable.

However, the 5-point mental state, which has reached % of the progress bar, expressed disagreement.

There is no doubt that Li Chun and Chen Fengling love their son Li Yan very much.

Love alone cannot offset some character flaws. Chen Fengling does have the characteristic of being less satisfied with love. The couple is confined to a small town, so their vision is naturally low. There is a huge information gap between them and Li Yan in their understanding of the world.

Does Chen Fengling really think that working in a factory to screw screws is better than her son who is working hard in the big city?
Sadly, how to express love has always been a big problem for Chinese families.

After being reborn, Li Yan no longer cares. If she doesn’t want to hear these words, she will just pretend not to hear them.

His parents have completely accepted the result that Li Yan made it to the city competition, and they even confidently believe that their son will soon win first place in the city and successfully go to New Taipei First High School.

Is that a good thing? Yes.

Are you worried? Yes, I am.

My child is going to study in New Taipei City for junior high school. It is the provincial capital. How much will it cost? Will he be looked down upon? Will he get used to living in a boarding house? What should I do if he is bullied in a foreign country?
Junior high school is in New Taipei City, high school is probably also in New Taipei City, then college, and then work.

Will I not be able to see my son again so soon? I still feel a little reluctant.

The couple kept these questions in their hearts, and then Li Yan saw through them clearly with a complicated look.

"There will always be a way out when you get there, Mom and Dad, I haven't gotten it yet, have I?" Li Yan took her parents' hands and said, "Once we get there, we'll naturally find a way."

Li Yan slept soundly that night. Tomorrow's competition is important, but it doesn't matter even if he loses. He still has a month to improve.

Whether it is reaching the peak as soon as he debuts or playing a revenge drama, he can do it.

The next day, Li Xinyuan's mother drove the three children to the stadium again.

Lin Zhiyuan never stopped talking along the way, constantly analyzing Liang Jian's playing style, and his choice of words was very childish.

Oh, no, he is only a sixth grader, not even in the second grade of junior high school.

What about fierce, swift, strong... whatever strong words are used, and finally a "Black God of War" was created.

It made Li Xinyuan and her daughter laugh.

Then Xiaopang became quiet.

When it came to the on-site preparation stage, Li Yan couldn't help but ask Lin Zhiyuan:
"Fatty, you've been analyzing for so long... I just know that he plays very fast and has a very strong offensive attack, but what exactly is his weakness?"

"Easily impatient."

Well, after all this time, I find that there are no shortcomings in my technical ability.

Li Yan was helpless. When he arrived at the venue, he realized that this competition was not something he could take lightly at all.

According to the little fat boy, these four kings are the strongest elementary school students in the entire Rin City.

Lincheng City has a total of three districts and two counties. Dongmen District has eight places, and the other four districts and counties have a total of sixteen places.

There is also a saying in the city that there are four kings, that is, a master from Qingxi County replaced Liang Jian. In other words, Liang Jian is the weakest of the four kings in Dongmen District, and Li Canhui is recognized as the best in the city.

If Li Yan wants to take first place in the city, he has to get past Li Canhui.

Coincidentally, if he successfully defeats Liang Jian and enters the semi-finals, his opponent will be Li Canhui.

This was purely a rehearsal. If we really lost, we would be at a disadvantage before the city competition even started.

"Don't think too much," Li Yan finished warming up and encouraged himself with a firm look in his eyes, "I have no distractions. It's not for the city competition. I just don't want to lose."

No wonder Liang Jian is called the Black God of War, his skin is so dark that it stands out.

I heard that it was achieved by years of running shirtless in the sun. Children should not learn this because their skin is very fragile at a young age.

He is 170cm tall, with long arms, and well-defined lean muscles above his knees, which shows that he must have good explosiveness.

Li Yan wanted to say hello, but was blocked by Liang Jian's gloomy expression.

This kid standing there actually had a faint wolf-like temperament.

Full of aggression, even the racket in his hand is painted black.

Li Yan took another look at his red skirt and pink shoes outfit. If he were the third party at this moment, he would definitely support Liang Jian in beating him up.

The game starts and Liang Jian serves.

Li Yan planned to test this man's playing style first, but Liang Jian was not prepared to give him a chance.

Soft pressure, interception, flat shot, blocking the far net, continuous backcourt smash...

An airtight attack, an attack that goes all the way, every ball is aimed at the idea of ​​"suppression".

When Li Yan realized that he had been drawn into the opponent's rhythm, he had already lost control of the ball. He was forced to block a ball that was far away from his position and had to rush diagonally.

However, Liang Jian followed up with a fake move and moved the ball in the opposite direction of Li Yan's center of gravity, and the ball landed safely.

In this point, we were completely suppressed.

Liang Jian stood there expressionless, and Li Yan picked up the ball and passed it to him.

The atmosphere was quiet, tense, and high pressure.

Liang Jian actually hit a small opening, which is quite rare in junior and low-level competitions, because it is easy to give up the initiative - just the opposite of adult competitions, after all, the junior group does not have the ability to kill with one shot in the backcourt.

Li Yan pushed the ball to the backhand position in the backcourt, Liang Jian used more force to make a transition with his backhand, and Li Yan also used more force to pull it back.

Liang Jian changed his wrist and gently pushed the ball to the sideline in front of the net, forcing Li Yan to hit a high ball.

Then came a smash. The speed of the ball was not very fast, the smash was not heavy, and the landing point was quite tricky, but it was not difficult to receive it back.

But Li Yan couldn't add mass, so the ball he blocked was a little floating.

He was still wondering whether Liang Jian would let the ball go into the net or push it out, but he saw him quickly push off the ground and rush forward, bending down and lowering his hips, and actually backhanded it and shot a diagonal shot into the bottom corner.

Li Yan was fixed in place, and was once again being led by the nose.

He is indeed not on the same level as his previous opponents... He analyzed quickly in his mind that Liang Jian's playing style is quite offensive. He chooses to press harder for many transition and maneuvering balls, but he is also very mature and will not rush into an aggressive attack.

Liang Jian killed several times in these two rounds, neither fast nor heavy, and the hits were continuous.

With his fast-paced style of play, the effect of some flat and high shots will be very poor, but his high and long-range pressure on the backcourt is also quite satisfactory at the moment.

After Li Yan finished his analysis, he had two paths to take. One was a strong attack route to disrupt Liang Jian's rhythm and not give him the opportunity to seize the transition and launch a continuous pressure; the other was a defensive route to force Liang Jian into his own rhythm through fighting near the net and consuming high energy.

He decided to try the first one first, and hit a few "Li Yipai" balls high and low to teach you a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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