Chapter 63 Goodbye
In fact, for everyone, the longest time spent with the same group of classmates in the entire student life is in elementary school.

However, since we are young and ignorant, our understanding of the world before the third grade may be vague. We cannot remember much, let alone understand much.

Children use time as a luxury. They look forward to growing up and are anxious to leave primary school and move towards a wider world.

Elementary school may be the time when the gap between classmates is the biggest, because the future life path is still completely unknown. Even after graduating from college, everyone goes their separate ways. Many of these friends who have been with each other for six years have taken completely different paths before even entering high school.

The further you go, the more screened the group becomes.

As time goes by, the gap between individuals in a group becomes smaller, as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

It is impossible for Li Yan to have the same life as He Han. After graduation, they will probably never have any intersection again.

Perhaps when they get married and have their own careers, He Han will still remember that there was a genius in his class, but Li Yan will have long forgotten everything about Yucai.

As time goes by, Li Yan, who had difficulty finding a job in New Taipei City in her previous life, has long stopped communicating with any of her elementary school classmates.

Eh? Why didn't the fat boy Lin Zhiyuan communicate?
Maybe it was because he went to New Taipei Experimental School and I stayed in Lincheng No. 1 Middle School, and maybe I gradually had nothing to say to him?
The person who had been forgotten now appeared vividly before my eyes because of my time travel.

It's really amazing.

Li Yan remembered some emotions. At the elementary school graduation ceremony before his rebirth, he had a blank expression and acted like a cool boy.

But this time, he was really reluctant.

However, it’s not that I can’t bear to leave these classmates, but I feel sad that time is gone again after my rebirth. My childhood is slipping away again before I have a chance to fully experience it.

I didn't expect that even after being reborn, I would still be in a hurry to grow up.

Fortunately, a more exciting and bright future is waiting for him. Even in just one year of primary school life, he has left too many traces.

Looking at these children who were studying and discussing seriously, Li Yan finally confirmed that he did not choose to beat Zhang Ming to death with one punch.

How many people's lives will I change in the future?

In the last month, Class 601 was more united than ever and loved to study more than ever. From Chen Wenjing's happy and gratified smile, we could tell how proud she was of these children.

He Han and Wang Chao sometimes couldn't stand the loneliness, but after making a lot of noise for a while, they suddenly felt bored and sat down to read.

They have no system and are not geniuses, so more than two months of hard study will not actually change much.

Those who can enter the four major junior high schools can naturally enter, and those who cannot enter still cannot enter.

But at least they know the importance of studying and have awakened some ideas. Even if they are assigned to an ordinary junior high school in the future, their chances of passing the high school entrance exam will increase if they study hard.

Maybe some inspiring examples of awakening and counterattack are being nurtured?

Li Yan was very busy during this month, answering classmates' questions while reading various books.

If you do one thing repeatedly and attentively, time will pass very quickly.

Li Yan temporarily put aside the fixed academic content, and went back home to learn junior high school knowledge, occasionally did housework, and started learning to cook. "Ding ding ding" sounded in her head like an alarm clock, and a bunch of messy values ​​were raised. This was to lay the foundation for junior high school life.

The most noteworthy thing is not the extra points for the series of third-level skills such as history, geography, politics, biology, physics, and chemistry - because the extra points are really not much, and he is also very clear that these skills will be stuck later.

But it is "concentration", which has a very high score of 37.

"However, this can be considered as being irradiated by 'energy'..."

You must not think about it, and you must not think clearly, otherwise all your efforts will fail.

"It's graduation time, what are you still thinking about, Mr. Yan?"

Xiaopang's interruption was very timely, and Li Yan gave him a look of gratitude.

Due to the conditions at Yucai Primary School, there were not many special activities at the graduation ceremony except taking graduation photos. Chen Wenjing gave a heartfelt summary of everyone's sixth grade experience and sent out sincere blessings.

Amidst warm applause, the routine part was completed.

In fact, when Chen Wenjing was speaking, Li Yan was afraid that the focus would be on him again. Today's graduation ceremony belonged to all the children in Class 601, and he didn't want it to become a personal show. Fortunately, the head teacher was very capable and pointed out Li Yan's excellence and the shining points of other children.

But what he didn't expect was that when it came to the part where the children had free time, he became the focus of the whole class.

Zhang Ming was still the leader, but this time, he called on everyone to prepare gifts for Li Yan.

The reason is that he was giving a passionate speech at the podium:

"Li Yan is the pride of our Class 601 and our Yucai Primary School. He has helped us a lot and also... enlightened me. I am very grateful. Let us express our gratitude to Li Yan together!"

It was a bit embarrassing to be honest. Li Yan's ears started to feel hot, but Zhang Ming in the stands didn't dare to look at him directly. It seemed that this kid was just forcing himself to go on the court.

But it's good. It would be better if there weren't so many gifts, as if I were doing a book signing.

Lin Zhiyuan was happy to be an assistant. He took some candies, biscuits, cards and envelopes with a smile. The most interesting things here were a sausage for He Han and a bag of soda for Wang Chao.

They had to sneak out and buy it, their heads were sweating.

These two, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick…eh, this word is still a compliment now, why would I describe them like this?

Another inexplicable memory came into my mind.

No matter what, the children’s reluctance is real, and the embarrassment and shame of Zhang Ming and his group are also real.

Although it may seem a little funny when it is a way of making amends, the intention is genuine.

Li Yan was glad that she still believed in the innocence of children, and was also glad that there was no such hopelessly pure evil among this group of people.

After the noisy gift-giving session, it was time for everyone to write in each other's yearbooks as souvenirs.

It seems that my "writing" ability has to increase a little today...

Their smiles became stiff, their hands became numb from writing, and everyone chatted in groups of three or five and gradually left.

Six years, looking back, it really is a time of raising high and putting down lightly. These children have not yet realized that this friendship is not strong under the tearing of time, and they are still saying "good friends for life", but for this moment, it is enough.

Looking at the remaining people, Li Yan knew that she would have to stay in her seat for a while.

Zhang Ming, Wu Jin, Ding Weijie, Wang Chao, He Han... the five of them were whispering and pushing each other, but finally squad leader Zhang stood in the front and handed over an envelope and five cards.

The cards were all the five of them sending their best wishes to Li Yan on her trip to New Taipei City, and the envelopes contained...

"Our letter of apology."

Li Yan was about to take it, but saw Zhang Ming directly pull out a piece of letter and prepare to read it on the spot.

But seeing his fearless expression, Li Yan stood up and folded the letter in his hand.

"No need to read it, the thought is enough. Whether or not to apologize is not important to me, it is important to you."

It was still the kind of words that made them seem incomprehensible... Zhang Ming and the others looked at each other, breathed a sigh of relief, stuffed the letter to Li Yan, and left tactfully.

Before leaving, Li Yan vaguely saw the miraculous change in Zhang Ming's expression from confusion to sadness to relief in just a few steps.

Sigh... Lao Zhang, why do you always play the role of the miserable male protagonist?

Not to mention that I didn’t think there would be any story between me and Li Xinyuan, the point is…

Li Xinyuan never liked you from the beginning to the end!

Well, the process of saying goodbye to elementary school has come to the final stage, and the protagonist is Li Xinyuan, who also holds a letter in her hand.

 Heading to a bigger stage

(End of this chapter)

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