Chapter 73 I Hate Being Slandered

At the end of August, the sun was still scorching, and the fan on the top of the classroom was working hard, blowing the pages of students' books and blowing away time.

The speed of teaching progress in Class Zero surprised the experimental class next door. The children who came to watch the Class Zero teacher answer questions after class were basically confused and asked, "How did you learn this far?"

The students in the regular class had just finished their first class. They occasionally came up to play with their elementary school classmates. When they heard what Class Zero was discussing, they thought they had traveled through time.

Rapid progress means increased learning intensity. Although this group of students with a strong competitive spirit appear relaxed and happy on the surface, they are extremely serious in class, especially in the four subjects of politics, geography, history and biology which they only start in the first grade.

During the night self-study session, the twelve students living in the dormitory all started the preview mode.

However, Li Yan didn't feel any strength for the time being, because the values ​​of his courses had not been improved yet.

This means that I haven’t caught up with my progress in this course. After all, it’s only been a week, and I’m still focusing on adapting.

Physics is taught in the second year of junior high school, while chemistry is taught in the third year of junior high school. Li Yan plans to learn some of it in advance this year.

Before he confirmed what level he was in Class Zero, he didn't want to do anything too pretentious, lest he be slapped in the face by these geniuses and then ask for advice...

Life was quite interesting during this week. He walked around the school and found the rubber track was very bouncy, the badminton court was very advanced, and the cold drinks in the dormitory store were very ice-cold. Everything made him look forward to the official arrival of the new semester.

Ever since Li Yan said that he had no woman in his heart, his image in 403 has become a benchmark for hard work.

Li Yan was originally planning to meet with Lin Zhiyuan on the weekend, but she didn't expect that the Experimental Middle School next door was so busy that they started recruiting new members for the club before school started.

"It's worthy of being called quality education." Li Yan could only reply to Lin Zhiyuan on QQ.

With Chen Fan's help, Li Yan finally re-established an intimate connection with his computer.

That weekend, six talented students stayed in the dormitory and took turns playing CrossFire for two days...

Li Yan therefore activated the "Game" skill, with an initial value of 14 points.

Commonly known as, the food is so delicious that you have to pick your feet.

But activating skills also means... Brothers, playing games will be your nightmare from now on.

In two days, relying on his strong thinking speed and dynamic vision, he managed to improve his score to 26 by playing a game. Although it is still average, compared with his initial stupid state, he is no longer a burden.

After being awakened by the nightmare of "losing one's ambition due to indulgence in toys", Li Yan welcomed September 1st, the official first day of school.

Unlike him, his five roommates were not upset about wasting their weekend, but instead threw themselves into the new day's study with full energy.

Play when you should play, study when you should study, is this the self-control of a genius without a system?
Everyone was very excited at the opening ceremony in the morning. Li Yan spent the whole morning expressing her feelings about the beauty of her new life. However, she received a wake-up call at noon.

It was originally a normal lunch break, and Li Yan ignored the group of people chatting happily next to him. He just lay down quietly with his eyes closed to rest.

Suddenly, I heard the dormitory manager and a middle-aged man in a white shirt come in to rectify the situation. The discussion disappeared, and the aggressive male voice became even more unpleasant to the ears:
"School has started, so you should behave like school has started. Don't think that you are all outstanding just because you entered New Taipei First High School. Those who don't follow the rules will be dealt with in the same way and punished in the same way!"

"What the hell?" The strong guy next to Li Yan complained in a low voice.

"Especially those students who hide in the toilets of the teaching building to smoke during lunch break. Don't think the school doesn't know."

Li Yan was stunned. All the freshmen at New Taipei No. 1 High School go out to smoke in the first week?

It’s understandable that students in the second and third year of junior high school give up and get led astray, but what about freshmen?

He is so vigorous and has good grades to get into this school. Whose general is he?
There were bursts of discussion in the lunch room, and then it immediately fell into deathly silence.

The dormitory aunt and the middle-aged man slowly walked among the beds. Along with the sound of footsteps, a deep and powerful male voice spread words that made people inexplicably nervous:

"I'm the supervisory teacher from the teaching department. I came here specially this time not only to warn you, but also to have evidence of the report. If you have made a mistake, you'd better come out and admit it yourself, otherwise..."

The voices were close at hand, and the two middle-aged men glanced sharply at Li Yan's bed.

"Ding ding ding!" The inspecting teacher knocked on the ladder of a bunk bed with his hand, and the six beds connected together transmitted slight vibrations.

This made Li Yan very unhappy - his bed was one of them.

"It's not a good look if it's caught!"

Li Yan cast a suspicious look at the bed next to him. The sturdy man was a little nervous, with his brows tightly furrowed.

"You won't cry until you see the coffin, right? Don't think I don't know what kind of people you kids who just got in on the edge are." This is a very low-class thing to say, teacher, Li Yan complained in his heart, but suddenly he felt someone clinging to the foot of their beds.

The four supporting legs of the bunk bed are very tall and are hollow cylinders, with a black plastic cover on the top.

The sturdy inspector forcefully pulled open the plastic cover, sneered, and used tweezers to pick out two balls of tissue paper, then some candy wrappers, and finally a few cigarette butts.

"You, come down! And you!" The two students on the upper and lower bunks were called out of the lunch room with reluctance on their faces.

Soon, the person in the bed next to Li Yan was also called away. Even though the sturdy man kept shouting that he didn't have any, he was still intimidated by the aura of the teacher from the teaching department and left dejectedly.

Then Li Yan saw a man clinging to the edge of his bed, looking at him seriously.

Same operation, same candy wrappers and cigarette butts.

"get down!"

"I do not have."

"No need to say so much, the evidence is irrefutable, get down here! And you!"

Wang Hang's little brother who slept on the lower bunk of Li Yan had already stood up and walked out of the nap room. The inspector followed him for a few steps before realizing that Li Yan was still on the upper bunk and had not gotten down.

"Boy, didn't you hear me telling you to come down?"

On the other side, a group of students in the experimental class were already whispering to each other.

Some very bad emotions are engulfing Li Yan. Before his rebirth, he had a strong temper. Although he understood human nature and knew when to advance and retreat, he would not give in on some issues of principle.

This includes being slandered out of thin air, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Even if my mental level reached 50% after rebirth, it couldn't change this.

"I said, I didn't, didn't you hear me?"

The entire nap room was quiet, so quiet that even the fan was a little noisy.

"Hey, kid, you say there is no evidence? The evidence is right here. Just cooperate and educate him, and everything will be fine. If you..."

“You call this evidence?”

Unexpectedly, Li Yan dared to refute continuously. The dormitory manager looked at the inspecting teacher whose face began to turn red, and silently took two steps back.

"You smoked, the evidence is irrefutable, why can't you get off?"

"Teacher, if I go down today, you'd better give me an explanation, otherwise, it will be very embarrassing."

The other students couldn't help but crane their necks to see who this person was.

"You, come, down! I'll say this for the last time!" The inspector's voice was deafening.

Li Yan's face turned cold, and he turned over and got out of bed. He first whispered to the man in the white shirt:

"Thanks to your efforts, my getting out of bed has been given the meaning of 'being checked for smoking'. You must be responsible for the consequences of this behavior."

Then he shouted directly:
"Since you insist on defaming my innocence out of thin air, let's confront each other in public. Dear students of New Taipei First Middle School, use your logical judgment to see what the level of our school's supervisory teachers is!"

If you don't give me a chance, I don't want to be a good person anymore.

Of course, there was no cheering at the scene. This matter was still inexplicable. Who would dare to take sides?

There was already a row of students at the door with different expressions, but their eyes were all focused on Li Yan.

Li Yan glanced over coldly and snorted, "You better not smoke."

"Boy, which class are you from?" The inspector teacher pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Experimental Class 1, Li Yan."

 The data tomorrow is very critical. I will update the next chapter as soon as it passes midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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