Chapter 77 Big Experience Pack Mechanism
In fact, Li Yan once asked himself, what exactly did this system bring to him?

The system didn't give him any tasks, so he couldn't suddenly improve himself by completing some set behaviors.

Of course, he no longer thinks that with his original talent, as long as he has enough passion and hard work, he can replace the system.

Without the system, he wouldn’t have made such rapid progress in just one year after his rebirth.

The answer is actually not complicated. The system gave him an ideal path of "once you improve, you will never decline", and transformed the abstract "accumulation" and "breakthrough" into certain numerical values.

For normal people, there is no such thing as quantitative change necessarily leading to qualitative change.

If it improves, there will be no decline, so Li Yan saves the effort of "maintaining the level".

These are the basic improvements to the system, but the real bugs are the various rules that Li Yan gradually discovered.

While he was improving the values ​​of his various skills, he was actually also improving his understanding of this "all-round point-adding system."

The fact that high-level skills radiate low-level skills is enough for him to make a huge profit.

Li Yan could imagine that his learning speed would become faster and faster in the later period.

For example, if the physical value is improved, the sports skills are also improved through other items. Even if he has never touched volleyball, the volleyball skill is influenced by "sports" and the physical conditions are also there. How fast can he learn!

It probably only takes one or two days from the first time you understand the rules to becoming an all-around volleyball master.

Therefore, before coming to New Taipei First Middle School, Li Yan had been indulging in all-round self-improvement. Elementary school only gave him one year, and in junior high school he should have started to reach a level that ordinary "excellent students" could not reach.

Being an excellent and talented student is not enough.

He was indeed a little carried away by his own ambition. Before he saw how strong the top students in New Taipei No. 1 High School were, he did not feel as nervous as he does today.

Thanks to Wu Qiang for giving him this crushing defeat, he began to think again in the quiet dormitory.

Li Yan hid the notebook that recorded the system rules in the deepest part of her backpack, but except for the fourth point, it recorded:

"Skills can be upgraded, and the original scores will be maintained proportionally after upgrading. It is not yet known whether they can be downgraded."

This sentence has been modified: downgrades also keep the original score proportionally. There are no other changes.

Li Yan was almost ready to say confidently that he had already figured out the basic operating mechanism of this system.

No, the most important point is not understood, that is, the underlying logic of the system operation:

Who determines the meaning and standards of these skills?

If it is based on the truth of the objective world, then Li Yan should not trigger the skill at all when he has a cognitive error, let alone perform operations such as modifying cognition or upgrading or lowering the frame rate.

If it is based entirely on Li Yan’s own understanding... No, he had asked the system a long time ago whether only the skills he defined would be improved, and the system did not answer.

That means it was rejected.

Wait…Aren’t definitions and cognitions somewhat different? Definitions can be subjective, but cognition needs to rely on objective laws and the real world?

[Are only the skills I recognize going up? ]


It’s still wrong, but Li Yan feels that the “underlying logic” is about to emerge.

[Are the activation and improvement of skills based on my cognition? ]


This is an expected result, otherwise the skill upgrade and downgrade operation cannot be explained.

Logic: There are skills based on my cognition but I am not aware of them. Once the conditions are met, the system may actively improve them.

Li Yan was suddenly stunned. Could this be the mysterious first-level skill?

[Are skills defined by the system? ]


So that's how it is. The system defines the meaning of various skills. If Li Yan understands them correctly, even only partially, he can activate this skill and improve it.

If, as your knowledge improves in the future and you have a more correct or comprehensive understanding of the skills, you can complete the operations of upgrading and downgrading and fusion and splitting.

It’s just a pity... In the end, I still have to rely on rational cognition. The system doesn’t give me the opportunity to define it randomly. It seems that I can’t become an immortal.

[Is the relationship between skill concepts self-consistent based on my logic? ]


Fortunately, logical consistency is more tolerant than being "correct".

After asking this question, it is clear that the system does have an objective standard, and the statement of "only improving skills that are beneficial to yourself" has a solid basis.

In this case, there is a very strange skill that must be mentioned - morality. Do more good deeds and you will get improved "morality".

Ever since Li Yan activated this skill, she has been wondering what would happen if this thing was upgraded to 100%. It is absolutely impossible to be a saint.

The same goes for "filial piety". Being filial is a good thing, but if we want to get 100 points for this, what should be the standard?
The modern twenty-four filial piety? That's called foolish filial piety!

Faced with this skill where moderate improvement is a good thing but excessive improvement is a bad thing, Li Yan had a bold idea.

[Are not all skills scored 100 points? ]


No, I asked the wrong question. The full score for level 2 and 3 skills is 10 and 50...

[Is it true that not all skills can reach 100% progress at the corresponding level? ]


【For example, morality and filial piety? 】


The system really understands people's hearts! It knows that too much is as bad as too little. Morality and filial piety are all about being a good person, not a saint. So, if the value cannot be increased, can it be used as an experience pack?


This almost frightened Li Yan silly. He even felt that the system was gloating, as if “only you know this.”

"Let's call this the big experience pack mechanism of the all-around point-adding system!"

Li Yan sat upright on the bed and began to meditate. He had already explored the experience pack mechanism before, but the effect was not as high as expected, especially the fact that "finger strength" only added 1 point to "muscle strength".

When he first discovered the experience pack mechanism, he thought it was a bug.

For example, finger strength is already included in muscle strength. If you take it out and practice it until you get 27 points, and then incorporate it into the muscle strength entry, the muscle strength concept, which originally had 36 points, will be raised to 37. According to the radiation effect, wouldn't the finger strength suddenly become 37?
According to this idea, as long as we keep splitting up small projects and improving them, we can keep fixing bugs.

Unfortunately, the system did not give this opportunity.

There is no radiation relationship between skills of the same level.

Even if there is, the skill of finger power has disappeared and cannot be radiated.

After the "muscle strength" was improved, Li Yan's finger strength did not improve much, but the strength of the whole body became more obvious.

Sure it brought a small boost in overall strength, but it was unnecessary in the first place.

Unless the "muscle strength" is upgraded to level three to achieve the radiation effect, but level three has individual strength, and level two also has a body, so it is obvious that it cannot be improved.

The improvement of "finger strength" can be linked to the improvement of "muscle strength". Feeding the "finger strength" will indeed give some extra improvement.

But this is equivalent to sacrificing a special improvement path in exchange for a small overall improvement.

[Is it true that skills that have been swallowed up cannot be activated again? 】


[Without changing the cognition, the skill has been absorbed...]


The system seems to be getting more and more naughty...

It seems that unless you have a new and correct understanding of the acquired skills, you will not be able to activate them again. It is hard to say whether you have made a profit or a loss.

Of course, Li Yan still has the bug-solving method of splitting one skill into a hundred skills, practicing and improving each skill, and then feeding them back.

Not to mention that the benefits of this approach are not much different from practicing honestly, the matter of mergers and splits alone is not something Li Yan can understand however he wants. It requires a deep understanding of the world.

All in all, the merger of the lowest level four skills doesn't make much sense.

The strongest point of the experience pack mechanism is that low-level skills can be fed to high-level skills across levels when the experience pack is fed, thus achieving radiation.

There are also some that are used to improve some abstract concepts - the kind that you don't know how to improve just by looking at the skills themselves.

For example, the mind.

 This kind of chapter is a typical thankless task, but it still needs to be written, so that the subsequent plot does not become a "shit mountain" and run on a bunch of bugs.

  When some parts are briefly mentioned later, "the right of interpretation belongs to Chapter 76". (狗头)

  I will add another chapter tonight. If you don’t want to read this kind of setting chapter, I will just think about the data and pass it over later.

(End of this chapter)

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