Chapter 97: Adventure in the Art Museum
Li Yan suddenly looked at Lin Zhiyuan, and then Wei Yunzhi also looked over. The fat boy was stunned and gave his cell phone number.

Wei Yunzhi smiled and said, "We agreed that we can play together when we have the chance. It's only half past ten in the morning. If you want to go to the art museum, how do you get there?"

“Is there a subway nearby?”

"Go out from the back door, turn left and go straight. Line 1 goes directly to the New Taipei Museum of Art."

"Okay, uh...what about you?" Li Yan asked again.

"My home is not far from here. I can just walk back slowly later. But it's two kilometers from here to the subway."

"It's okay, we'll just walk over slowly."

After leaving the community, Xiaopang looked back several times, making sure that Wei Yunzhi couldn't have heard it, and immediately pinched Li Yan:
"Why do I feel like I'm going to be a carrier pigeon again?"

"Why is it a carrier pigeon? We are all friends."

"Oh my, oh my, tut tut."

Xiaopang let out a few meaningless screams, then immediately focused on what was happening: "Two kilometers, so tiring."

“I still want to run over there.”

"No, spare me, Master Yan..."

"Are you going to the subway station?" A motorcycle taxi suddenly stopped beside the two of them. The driver was a handsome man wearing sunglasses.

"Ah... yes." Li Yan observed quickly.


"We didn't..." Li Yan was about to refuse, but saw Lin Zhiyuan had already stepped into the car.

"I have, I have. Let's go, let's go, Mr. Yan."

He was about to remind Lin Zhiyuan to be careful about safety issues, but the uncle interrupted him in advance:
"Just keep talking like this. There are people everywhere in the broad daylight. I just need you to shout for help."

Having said this, Li Yan shook her head and got into the car.

Even in 08, when motorcycles were banned, motorcycle taxis were rare in the old city of New Taipei. Although there were many people in this area, it was a residential area after all, with few large vehicles and crisscrossing paths, so there was indeed room for motorcycle taxis to survive.

Soon, the car arrived at the entrance of the subway station. Seeing the various conspicuous signs and the subway entrance, Li Yan realized how wrong she had been that morning.

"I was going here too, and when I heard you guys were talking about the subway, I decided to give you a ride on the way. I won't charge the child." The handsome old man said this and left without even looking back.

Even after buying the subway ticket and getting on the subway with the crowd, Li Yan was still thinking:
"When did we talk about the subway..."

"Oh," Lin Zhiyuan was very excited about the subway. "Mr. Yan, two kilometers away, of course the people soliciting customers nearby know where we are going. The uncle is so nice and the subway is so fun, why are you so entangled in weird things?"

It was their first time taking the subway, and they were both not used to the noise. The subway was still buzzing even when they got to the station and exited.

"Okay, we've finally gotten to the art museum after all this trouble, let's go have a meal first."

Then Li Yan accompanied Xiaopang to eat his favorite pasta restaurant, went to his favorite shopping mall, and played games in his favorite game city, and they played until 2:30 in the afternoon.

"Great! We can go to the art museum now."

Even Li Yan, who only had 50 energy points, couldn't stand such consumption, but the little fat boy was full of energy.

Socializing and playing are energy-sucking activities for Xiaopang, and they are like a vacuum pump for him.

The New Taipei Art Museum is an old venue built in the 1990s, so Li Yan couldn’t understand why the bus didn’t have a stop at the “New Taipei Art Museum” but had to go to the east of Shuixing Road.

Then he saw several large buildings scattered around, surrounding a square with many art installations.

"This whole thing is considered the New Taipei City Art Museum," Lin Zhiyuan explained.

"I am short-sighted..." Li Yan laughed at himself, "It's so big, we can only choose one exhibition hall to visit in the afternoon."

“It has to go to No. 1. The best paintings are placed at No. 1.”

The shock of seeing a huge building for the first time is a life experience worth cherishing.

Li Yan walked over slowly, thinking of his past life when he was connected with architecture. He probably didn't achieve much afterwards, otherwise why would he regret it so much that he was reborn. This time, he also wanted to leave a building of his own on the city map.

There were many event posters posted along the way. Li Yan took a quick look and found that none of them were ones she recognized.

There are quite a lot of guests in Hall 1, but the atmosphere is very good.

Everyone walked slowly, stopped in front of the paintings, and watched in silence. They occasionally communicated with each other, but they were very restrained.

Li Yan immediately started to appreciate the paintings, but Lin Zhiyuan's eyes were basically on the tourists.

This kid, he came to the art museum today just for the lunch project, his real purpose is not to do this.

After slowly turning around, Li Yan let out an imperceptible sigh.

The paintings are certainly good, and you can learn something from them, or understand what the author wants to express, but they are all too shallow and cannot form a breakthrough understanding.

There is even less to say about his research on techniques, there are some works that he even feels he could paint if given enough time and locked in a room with only painting tools.

After all, at least after looking around in this small exhibition hall, he didn't find any work that shocked him.

Come to think of it, what we usually read in books about painting are all masterpieces by top masters. New Taipei is certainly a big city, but this is an art gallery, not a museum after all.

"Mr. Yan, let's change the exhibition hall. Over there, I want to go to the toilet." The little fat man was so bored that he couldn't hold it anymore.


After passing an exhibition hall, Li Yan stopped at the corner where Xiaopang was going to the toilet, and his eyes were finally attracted by a painting.

It should be said that everyone who comes here will be attracted by this painting to some extent.

It was too big, a huge painting of two meters by two and a half meters. It was indeed the first time he had seen it.

No matter how big the paintings displayed in the book are, they are not bigger than the pages of the book. Li Yan finally found the meaning of visiting the offline art exhibition today.

The content of the painting is simple, with two dark-skinned Northwestern farmers, with loess behind them and farm tools in their hands. It is actually a very classic image, and even the name is classic and direct - "Loess Farmers".

This painting actually has a lot of homage flavor, like an expanded version of Luo Zhongli's famous "Father", of course the technique is very different, this painting is very rough.

“It turns out that this huge painting is also very interesting if you look at it up close…” Li Yan was so engrossed in the painting that she didn’t realize she had been standing next to it for nearly five minutes.

"Hello, little friend." A sudden deep male voice startled Li Yan who was concentrating on his studies.

"Sorry to interrupt you." The man who came was a middle-aged man with long gray hair, wearing coarse linen clothes, with bright eyes and thick lips.

It fits well with one of the stereotypes of people who visit exhibitions: the artist style.

"Uh, hello, what's wrong?" Li Yan remained alert.

"I see you have been looking at this painting for a long time. I want to hear what you feel."

The person who came was very humble, bent over, and spoke in a very soft voice.

“The feeling of the whole painting is very similar to Luo Zhongli’s “Father”. I feel that the theme should be similar.”

The middle-aged man remained calm.

"But this technique is much rougher and less particular, and should highlight the special, original vitality of the Loess Plateau."

The middle-aged man raised an eyebrow and said, "Yeah."

"Moreover, this rough technique is not only reflected in the brushstrokes. It is not called rough just because it is casual and drastic. It is rough but not coarse, wild but not arrogant." Li Yan looked at the painting in front of him carefully, "Moreover, such a huge painting gives this painting a three-dimensional sense."

The middle-aged man raised both eyebrows, "Hmm?"

“The paint is smeared upward in large clumps, and between different strokes and on the same stroke, there are gullies like the Loess Plateau. When I look at this painting, my thoughts follow my sights flowing across the uneven painting, and also rise and fall between the gullies of the Loess Plateau.”

The middle-aged man couldn't control his expression and started clapping in the quiet art gallery.

(End of this chapter)

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