Ming Dynasty: Zhu Biao's younger brother, the most rebellious son in history

Chapter 284: A little bit of coercion and inducement

Marquis Deqing was able to stay by Zhu Yuanzhang's side for so many years. He was definitely not a fool, nor was he a person without sensitivity. Although he had been numbed by alcohol and sex, these abilities were still there.

Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang say this, he immediately recalled some details, but the housekeepers and guards under his command had never told him about the incident of bumping into His Highness Zhu Kai on the road.

He has realized that what he is doing is a bit excessive, but it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

Even for Liao Yongzhong, it seems unlikely that he can control these excessive behaviors now. These followers around him have already developed the habit of spending lavishly and being arrogant.

This is not something that can be corrected in a day or two. He thought that if he was given some time, Zhu Yuanzhang might be able to understand these actions and forgive himself.

However, he never expected that these events would become a fuse and a catalyst for his beheading.

“Your Majesty, I didn’t know the judge from the Imperial Hospital was here. It’s possible that when they came, I was taking a nap, and the housekeeper in the mansion didn’t dare to wake me up.

Your Majesty, I have a rule that no one can disturb me during my nap.

Oh~ I think this is a habit developed on the battlefield. On the battlefield, I often didn't close my eyes or sleep for days and nights. When I finally got a chance to sleep, I had to get enough sleep.

You see, I can't change this habit after so many years.

Even though the judge from the Imperial Hospital came to my house to see me, I was still unable to wake up. I feel really ashamed when I think about it. I wonder which judge came to see me?

How could I not know? When I get back, I will definitely punish these housekeepers around me and make them apologize to the adults in the Imperial Hospital.

If all else fails, I can personally go to his hospital and apologize to the hospital staff. They were so rude. "

Although Liao Yongzhong appeared to be quite humble on the surface, what he said was purely argumentative.

If he could openly admit that he had done something wrong, Zhu Yuanzhang might give him a chance. But who knows. What he just said contained both moral blackmail and threats of abuse, and Zhu Yuanzhang had already been annoyed.

When Crown Prince Zhu Biao saw Zhu Yuanzhang's expression, he knew that something was wrong.

"Father, since Lord Liao Yongzhong has already said that this matter is a misunderstanding, let's forget it. It would have been right to let Lord Liao Yongzhong stay in the palace yesterday and send him back to the palace after the bridge was repaired. It was all because of my lack of consideration."

Hu Weiyong finally avenged yesterday's incident. He could see Zhu Yuanzhang's anger and the rage burning in his heart.

"Marquis Deqing, if you take the initiative to apologize to the director of the Imperial Hospital, you have to see if they dare to accept it. Everyone in the court knows your temper.

If anyone dares to ask you to apologize, their whole family might die the next day, either from an accident or from an illness."

"Hu Weiyong! What do you mean by that? Do you think I would take revenge on someone else? Just because of such a small matter?

In this case, I am a little too narrow-minded in your heart."

Liao Yongzhong had no intention of repenting at all, and even had a slightly threatening tone.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very angry, but he was still able to control his expression. He had his hands under his chest and was shaking with anger. If Liao Yongzhong was not eliminated, he would become a great disaster.

"Marquis Deqing, you don't have to think like that. There are indeed some misunderstandings. Hurry up and get up. Since your legs are not in good condition, don't kneel on the ground."

Everyone knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was definitely suppressing his anger when he said this. Even when asking Liao Yongzhong, it could be seen that he was kneeling on the ground and refused to get up for a long time, trying to pretend to be pitiful.

Wang Jinghong saw this and immediately called the eunuch beside him.

"You colorless people, why don't you help Marquis Deqing up quickly."

Two young eunuchs rushed forward and immediately helped Liao Yongzhong up, one on each side.

Liao Yongzhong continued to pretend to be lame, he wanted Zhu Yuanzhang to sympathize with him.

Thinking back to the days when they had fought together to conquer the world, the same tactics had been used too many times and the other party had long since become immune to it, especially someone like Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the past, he might have still taken his contributions into consideration, but due to various reasons in these incidents, Zhu Yuanzhang had long forgotten what the other party's mentality was.

The more he thought about what it was like when he had fought alongside him, the angrier he became. He felt that the other party was taking advantage of his contributions and was being unscrupulous.

People who are more successful than their masters are the ones who deserve to die. This has been the case since ancient times. If Zhu Kai was by his side, he would definitely try to persuade him, but Zhu Kai was too lazy to care about this guy.

"Marquis Deqing, if you feel unwell, you should go see a doctor earlier. You are so old, you should not be afraid to see a doctor."

Did Zhu Yuanzhang really find a good reason for Liao Yongzhong to hide his illness and avoid medical treatment?
This reason sounds reasonable and will not arouse suspicion. It seems that Zhu Yuanzhang gave the other party enough face.

When Zhu Biao heard this, he quickly echoed it.

"Yes, Marquis Deqing, if that's the case, then after we're done, I'll ask the judges of the Imperial Hospital to take you home together, so you can rest at home while receiving treatment. How about that?"

There were too many shameful things in Liao Yongzhong's house. The reason why he didn't let the hospital's director into his house was because he was afraid that some shameful things would get out.

So he had no choice but to put the entire blame on his butler.

Now that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said this, he felt even more embarrassed. He didn't know how to refuse, but he also had no way of agreeing.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince really misses me too much, and I am not worthy of His Highness the Crown Prince to come to my house in person. How about this, in order to make it easier for the Imperial Hospital to complain and save him from having to make another trip, I will go to the hospital in person after the court is dismissed."

"Go in person? With your status and position, you will only cause trouble to others wherever you go. You should wait in the next room."

After Hu Weiyong said this, he couldn't help but laugh.

He knew that Zhu Yuanzhang had begun to fear this person, and that Zhu Yuanzhang would most likely ask his most trusted son, Zhu Kai, to do this.

Getting rid of Liao Yongzhong is the most urgent thing now. As for Wang Baobao, there is still time to deal with him later.

Li Shanchang's face turned pale and he seemed to be feeling unwell.

Crown Prince Zhu Biao was also a very meticulous person. The fact that he could take such good care of his younger brother showed that he was not a careless person at all.

He also discovered that something seemed to be wrong with Li Shanchang.

"Father, Lord Li Shanchang doesn't look very well. Is he feeling a little unwell today?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately looked at Li Shanchang carefully.

"Li Shanchang, what's wrong with you? If you have a problem, don't force yourself. You are already so old, and taking good care of your body is the most important thing. If you are not feeling well, just rest at home. Why are you still coming to the court?"

Liao Yongzhong was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhu Yuanzhang had shifted his attention to others.

However, he still holds a grudge against Hu Weiyong in his heart.

The two of them lowered their heads, you looked at me, I looked at you. For these old foxes, everything in their eyes represented the subtext of their hearts.

"Marquis Deqing, the people from the Imperial Hospital will be here soon. Don't act like you did yesterday. They are all scholars who write poetry and cannot compare with people like you who practice martial arts.

You fight on the battlefield, killing people without hesitation, but when you face these civilian officials, you have to change your communication method, otherwise they will complain."

When Liao Yongzhong heard Hu Weiyong say this, he thought it was obviously a mockery of him.

"Hmph... Lord Hu, I didn't know much about some civil servants, but after meeting you today, I can say that I have really opened my eyes."

"As the saying goes, when a scholar meets a soldier, he can't explain his reasoning clearly. This is exactly the situation between the two of us now. We can't understand each other's thoughts and ideas."

"In fact, we are not two different camps. I really don't understand why you are targeting me like this."

Hu Weiyong gave a sly smile.

"No, no, no, Marquis Deqing, you seem to have forgotten that I don't want to target anyone. When His Highness Zhu Kai was here, we had a common goal. Now that His Highness Zhu Kai is away from the court, we naturally..."

"Do you think that if you drive His Highness Zhu Kai away, you can control the power of the court by yourself?"

"I am on the side of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Everyone can see how much the Emperor values ​​His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Even if His Royal Highness Chao is a little clever and has some fantastic ideas, so what? He is just a noble man."

Seeing the other party's smug look, Deqing Marquis Liao Yongzhong did not dare to be too ostentatious. Having just been criticized by Zhu Yuanzhang, he now knew that he should keep a low profile.

He was thinking that after returning, he must make it clear to the housekeepers and guards in the mansion that they should not be too conspicuous in the capital during this period of time.

"A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. You villains must be unhappy when you see how kind the emperor is to me!"

"You must not say that. It is you who has surpassed the emperor in achievements and has always wanted to bring up the past with the emperor. Don't forget that the emperor was only a hegemon of one area, but now he is the ruler of the world.

People change, and you yourself are not aware of this fundamental change."

Zhu Yuanzhang is now in high position and he demands that everyone submit to him.

"Your Majesty, some things can't wait any longer."

When Liu Bowen brought up this matter, he knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was not dragging his feet and not wanting to deal with it. The main reason was that Zhu Yuanzhang intended to let others speak first.

Don't try to guess what the emperor is thinking. You won't understand no matter how hard you try.

"Master Liu, what did you say cannot wait any longer?"

"Aren't you asking even though you already know the answer? Wang Baobao! The brother and sister have been in Yingtian Prefecture for so many days, and the emperor has been arranging them in the inn. This is really inappropriate."

Zhu Yuanzhang was secretly delighted. Finally, someone could say these words, which also relieved a lot of pressure for him.

Then, Chang Yuchun said.

"Your Majesty, what Lord Liu Bowen said is absolutely right. If we wait any longer, it may not be good for anyone. How about this? Let them come to the palace to meet the emperor this afternoon. What do you think?"

Lan Yu didn't care about anything else now. He only listened to Zhu Kai. Since Zhu Kai was not here, he had to keep silent.

Then, after a while, Crown Prince Zhu Biao smiled and said.

"Father, please prepare a family dinner tonight. It may be too late for us to meet tonight."

"Your Majesty, are you going to start the family dinner tonight?"

"Why? Chang Yuchun, do you want to join in too?"

"What qualifications do I have to attend the emperor's family banquet? I am just the emperor's subject. I dare not overstep my authority and talk about family with the emperor. Do you think I don't want to live like this anymore?"

"Master Chang Yuchun, you are too modest. Your daughter is the crown princess of the current dynasty. Are you dissatisfied with anything?"

"When talking to the Emperor, we should first talk about monarch and subject, then talk about relatives. If you want to be related to the royal family? I'm afraid it will shorten your life."

After hearing this, Xu Da shook his head helplessly.

Zhu Yuanzhang finally got to the point.

"Don't discuss this matter for now. What's more urgent now is to hold a wedding for His Royal Highness the Prince of Qin's Guanyin slave."

Li Shanchang said while trying to suppress his discomfort.

"Your Majesty, are you planning to get this done before the New Year?"

"I haven't decided on a specific date, but we can discuss it. Although I am personally granting the marriage, it cannot be without ceremony."

"In that case, the emperor is planning to make a big deal about this matter?"

Crown Prince Zhu Biao smiled and said.

“In fact, Zhu Chong has worked really hard over the past year or so. He has learned a lot from Zhu Kai and has actually grown up.

Now he is the legitimate Prince of Qin, and he can have his own fiefdom and handle everything independently."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's attitude is already very clear. Anyone who disagrees can only go and deal with Zhu Biao first.

In fact, the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang was anxious to get Zhu Chong married was simply because he felt that he had a lot of things to do. From the current perspective, Zhu Yuanzhang and traditional Chinese believe that a person's life is a process of self-cultivation, family management, governance of the country, and peace in the world.

Zhu Chong has basically cultivated himself by following Zhu Kai. Now he should focus on managing his family. As for governing the country and bringing peace to the world, these two things are not that important when combined.

Because the only candidate in his mind was Crown Prince Zhu Biao. (End of this chapter)

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