Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 106: Traditional Skills, Unexpected Gains

Chapter 106: Traditional Skills, Unexpected Gains
Jiang Zhe walked around the hotel lobby, looked at all the works on display, and then went for a walk in the courtyard.

He walked to a secluded place and quietly opened the system page.

On the honor progress bar of the random task, the cursor has exceeded the 15th mark and is still moving slowly.

The speed at which honor increases is slightly slower than yesterday.

Jiang Zhe estimated that it might be because his work today did not attract as much attention as yesterday.

After the walk, he planned to go back to his room to sort out what he had learned today. After walking a few steps, he heard Teacher Yin calling him from afar.

Jiang Zhe saw that Teacher Yin seemed to be busy, so he went over to ask, "Teacher Yin, what's the matter?"

Teacher Yin asked, "Can you help carry someone?"

Jiang Zhe thought someone was drunk again and agreed immediately.

Teacher Yin took Jiang Zhe to the restaurant and explained to him as they walked.

Things turned out to be different from what Jiang Zhe had expected.

An elderly man in his fifties suffered from gout and was in so much pain that he could not walk.

Jiang Zhe and his companion arrived at the restaurant and saw several people surrounding a bald old man wearing a white sweatshirt and shorts.

The old man leaned back in his chair, sweating profusely from the pain.

People around him advised him not to stay here and go back to the hospital quickly.

Jiang Zhe learned about this from the discussions of people around him.

This old man has gout, which is an old problem, and he can't control his drinking habit. He drank white wine twice last night and at noon today. In the evening, he was in so much pain that he dared not walk.

A staff member of the organizer returned to the hall: "We have arranged a vehicle to take Lao Xie back."

"Old Xie, please call home."...

Everyone was talking and making suggestions.

Soon, the vehicle arrived in front of the hotel.

Jiang Zhe and several strong men carried the old man into the car.

The old man kept apologizing to several people.

The car left and the incident was over, and a group of new members arrived at the hotel. The restaurant became lively again.

Jiang Zhe returned to his room to perfect his work.

Today, a lot of time is spent on painting, so today's learning accumulation exceeds the average of the past.

The second day of the field trip.

Teacher Yin and his companions were too tired from climbing the mountain and had sore waists and legs, so they couldn't walk far, so they decided to sketch near the village.

Because Jiang Zhe was not familiar with the road, he also went to the village to look for suitable materials.

In the morning, I completed three watercolor paintings depicting residential villages.

In the afternoon, he chose to depict the village's mill and several ancient trees.

When Jiang Zhe painted these works, he chose realistic techniques to highlight the changes in light and shadow.

When he finished painting a picture and was taking a break, the gate of a courtyard in the distance opened, and an old woman walked out with a basket and slowly walked towards several painters who were sketching.

Jiang Zhe saw the old woman selling something to several teachers, but he didn't pay much attention.

When he was taking down his finished work and replacing it with new paper, he heard the old woman approaching and trying to sell something to a painter. "Teacher, my wife made a brush herself. Can you take a look at it? Do you want any?"

The painter was not young either. He looked into the old woman's basket and said, "Thank you, sister. I don't usually use a brush. Can you ask someone else if you can use one?"

When Jiang Zhe heard the old man selling brushes, he took a closer look.

The old man was wearing old-fashioned grey clothes and his hair was grey and tied into a bun at the back of his head.

She carried the basket and tried to sell her products to nearby painters one by one, but was unsuccessful. Finally, she walked towards Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe saw the old man coming and stood up and waited.

The old man walked up to Jiang Zhe and said, "Teacher, do you need a brush? I have good brushes."

Jiang Zhe knew that the old lady's address was just a courtesy, but he still felt a little embarrassed to be called a teacher. "Auntie, I'm not a teacher, I'm a student. Please sit down first and let me take a look."

The old woman smiled and placed the basket in front of Jiang Zhe.

The basket was very old, with a piece of gray cloth inside. On the gray cloth were three bundles of brushes, each with about a dozen brushes.

Jiang Zhe judged that the old man's life was difficult from the way he was dressed.

He had already decided that as long as the quality of the brushes was not too bad, he would buy a few as a favor to the old man.

The old man introduced Jiang Zhe.

"There are three kinds of brushes in total: small wolf hair, large white cloud, and large goat hair. These brushes are all made by my husband himself. He used to work in the brush factory in our town, but later the brush factory closed down, so he did odd jobs. Now he is back home to retire, and when he has nothing to do, he makes a few brushes. They are all very useful."

Jiang Zhe picked up a small wolf-hair brush.

The pen holder is made of roasted red bamboo, the pen tip is about 5 or 6 mm in diameter, and the tip is about two centimeters.

The Baiyun brush is slightly larger, while the sheep-hair brush is the largest, with a tip of about three centimeters.

All three pen models are on the small side.

As Jiang Zhe was choosing, he asked, "Auntie, how much are these three brushes?"

The old woman said, "A wolf-hair brush costs 39 yuan. A Baiyun brush costs 35 yuan, and a goat-hair brush costs 26 yuan."

Jiang Zhe paused. This price is not low.

In 2001, brushes mixed with nylon hair had already appeared on the market. Small brushes priced at more than a few dozen yuan were all high-end brushes.

He understood why it was difficult to sell the old woman's brushes.

Jiang Zhe hesitated for a moment and asked, "Auntie, can I try it with clean water?"

"Sure." The old woman took out a wolf-hair brush with scattered bristles and handed it to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe soaked the brush with water and wrote on the back of his left hand to feel the sensitivity of the brush tip. He wrote a few regular script and cursive script characters and was surprised to find that this small wolf-hair brush was very easy to use. The brush tip was flexible, elastic and did not fall apart. The different movements of lifting, pressing and turning could allow the force to reach the brush tip smoothly.

As Jiang Zhe acquired skills such as calligraphy, his knowledge of brushes also increased.

Many people think that wolf hair brushes should be very elastic. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. The real wolf hair brushes are only slightly more elastic than goat hair brushes.

The wolf hair brush with strong elasticity can only mean that nylon thread is mixed in it.

Jiang Zhe asked, "Auntie, what materials are used to strengthen the wolf hair brush?"

The old lady said, "I don't quite understand, but my husband told me that ramie is added to it.

Ramie needs to be combed, which is very troublesome. Ramie pens have good water absorption and full tip. They are easy to use.

My wife doesn’t use any other materials when making brushes. The other two types are also made of ramie.”

Jiang Zhe was worried about encountering a situation where all the ones I gave you to try were good, but if you buy more, the quality would vary.

The old man seemed to understand Jiang Zhe's doubts. "Don't worry, my wife is very careful in choosing pens."

Jiang Zhe tried all three types of brushes and found that wolf-hair and Baiyun brushes were the best, while goat-hair brushes were average.

The old woman told Jiang Zhe that the Baiyun pen is made of sheep wolf hair as the pen holder, and the outer layer of hair is also sheep hair.

"My wife told me that this brush was originally called Baiyun, which is the traditional method of making Baiyun brushes. Some pen factories add purple hair to the pen holder. We can't buy good purple hair here, so we use ramie to make it stronger."

Jiang Zhe chose five wolf-hair brushes and five Baiyun brushes.

The old woman smiled happily and said to Jiang Zhe, "The writing brushes are not engraved with words. If you want to engrave words, my husband can help you engrave them for free."

"Oh, really?" Jiang Zhe became interested.

The old woman pointed to her home and said, "My husband has trouble walking. He makes brushes at home. You can come to my home and let my husband carve words on the brushes."

"Okay, I'll go with you."


Jiang Zhe followed the old woman into the courtyard.

The courtyard is not big, with two main rooms and one side room.

An old man sits at an old wooden table, adjusting the pen tip with a pen picker.

The old man heard the voice and looked up to see Jiang Zhe.

The old woman introduced Jiang Zhe.

The old man took the brush that Jiang Zhe had chosen and asked, "What words do you want to carve?"

Jiang Zhe has already thought of the content of the engraving.

"I used a wolf-hair brush to carve a dream-like flower, and wrote my name below. My name is Jiang Zhe, so it was customized to Jiang Zhe.

The Baiyun pen is engraved with green mountains and white clouds, and the bottom is also engraved with Jiang Zhe’s custom design.

The old man figured out the content and asked the old woman to get a special knife and start carving.

He did not write a draft. Instead, he held the pen with one hand, placed one end of the brush on the table, and with the other hand, he held the knife and began to slide it on the pen.

Going back and forth, one short horizontal stroke is carved, and then the second stroke is carved.

The stroke order of the old man's carving is similar to writing, but there are occasional adjustments. Some characters need to be completely carved before you can understand the intention of some of the carving methods.

Jiang Zhe found it interesting and observed more carefully.

The old man had superb skills and quickly finished engraving a pen. He asked Jiang Zhe if he wanted to fill in the engraving.

Jiang Zhe said no.

He picked up the engraved brush and checked the details.

The old man's handwriting is very beautiful, and some of the strokes and radicals have the charm of running script.

The more Jiang Zhe looked at it, the more he felt that this brush had a unique beauty. The traditional engraving and the simple pen holder complemented each other.

At this time, the system gives a prompt, allowing players to get in touch with traditional pen-making skills, watch the engraving process of veteran artists, and start the experience of appreciating traditional craftsmanship.

The system will issue rewards based on the player's experience.

Jiang Zhe understood the instructions and found that the old man was almost done carving.

The experience ends here? No way.

He thought of a solution quickly: "Master, do you have any other brushes?"

The old man said, "Yes, I have made other models."

The old woman took out two large wooden boxes.

There are more than a dozen bundles of brushes arranged in different categories in the wooden box.

Jiang Zhe selected five long-hair goat-hair brushes made of ramie, five wolf-hair brushes with a three-centimeter tip, and five wolf-hair small calligraphy brushes, and asked the old man to engrave words on the brushes.

The old man was very happy and told Jiang Zhe that the wolf-hair brush he chose had a tip of three centimeters, which was the orchid-bamboo brush of the past and was a high-end brush.

The pen holder is made of weasel tail, badger needle hair, and ramie, and is covered with a layer of wolf hair on the outside.

While Jiang Zhe admired the old man's carving, he listened to him talking about the brush.

The old man said that what he was best at was making mixed-hair brushes and wolf-hair brushes, and he also talked about his days in the pen factory.

After the old man finished engraving the words on the brush he bought for Jiang Zhe, Jiang Zhe heard the system prompt again.

Players can appreciate and get in touch with excellent traditional skills, activate perception attributes, and get a chance to draw a lottery.

Jiang Zhe paid the bill and said goodbye to the two old people.
After leaving the courtyard, a smile appeared on his face.

The price of these brushes is not low, but the chance to win a lottery is even more rare.

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(End of this chapter)

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