Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 117, Stop in Time, Create, and Fulfill

Chapter 117, Stop in Time, Create, and Fulfill

Wang Zhen's car was speeding on the road.

When Jiang Zhe was chatting with Wang Zhen, he heard his cell phone ringing. He took out his phone and saw that it was a message from Sister Liao.

Wang Zhen waited for Jiang Zhe to put away his phone before asking, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? We can change the time."

Jiang Zhe turned to look at Wang Zhen and smiled, "It's okay. My parents asked me if I would go home for dinner today. You are helping me find a house, so you need to use your favors, right? If I owe you a favor, I won't ask for it."

Wang Zhen explained: "Don't worry. I've been running the gallery for quite a few years and I still have some friends. Friends help each other and we don't owe each other any favors."

Jiang Zhe asked again: "Are you looking at a new house or a second-hand house today? Which group's house?"

"The house was developed by Yingsheng Group. I am familiar with several of their middle managers."

"Is it expensive? I can't afford a house that's too expensive."

Wang Zhen said: "I will definitely help you find a satisfactory studio. Oh, there is one more thing."

She took out a file bag from her bag. "This is the membership card of the Art Society. It's yours."

Jiang Zhe took the file bag and took out a blue-covered membership card from it.

He opened his membership card. Inside the card was his photo, his name, and the words "Art Society member", which was already stamped.

Wang Zhen said: "The society has already contacted the newspapers and is preparing to report on the field trip and the exhibition, and will mention you as well."

Jiang Zhe put away his membership card and said, "Thank you for your help."


Wang Zhen took Jiang Zhe to see a 120-square-meter house first.

After hearing the price, Jiang Zhe gave up immediately, saying it was too expensive.

The second house they looked at was a duplex in a neighborhood that was almost sold out.

Wang Zhen told Jiang Zhe that this house was one of the few left by the development group. Although the house was on the first floor, it had independent drainage and a lawn.

Jiang Zhe thought it was suitable to be a painting studio, but still refused.

They went to see another large apartment.

After viewing three houses, Jiang Zhe said, "Manager Wang, I can see that the houses you introduced to me are all good, but they are not suitable for me."

He said frankly that he already had a loan.

Wang Zhen advised: "With your income, it's no problem to get a loan."

Jiang Zhe said, "Would you mind letting me think about it first? I feel really bad for asking you to accompany me to look at houses all the time."

Wang Zhen asked: "Are you dissatisfied? Don't be polite to me. If you are not satisfied, let's look for another one."

Jiang Zhe said, "I understand your good intentions, and I really need to think about it. In addition, I promised to paint two works for someone, which will take time. Let's put the matter of finding a studio on hold for now."

Wang Zhen immediately asked, "Who buys your paintings? How much do they cost? Don't lower the price."

Jiang Zhe was vague.

Wang Zhen wanted to know more, but since Jiang Zhe didn't say anything, she didn't want to ask any more questions.

Seeing that Jiang Zhe refused to go to see the house again, she sent Jiang Zhe back to the studio.

He returned to the gallery, closed his office door, and dialed a number on his cell phone.

"...Mr. Li, the matter was not accomplished...I don't understand his idea...

I’m sorry, this is my fault, maybe…”

Before she could finish, the other party hung up the phone.

Wang Zhen leaned back in his office chair, feeling very lost.


Jiang Zhe returned to the studio and made a pot of tea.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw Sister Liao standing outside.

Sister Liao is still dressed in a slightly neutral style.

She walked into the studio and her originally tense state instantly relaxed.

"How was it? Was everything fine when you went to see the house?" She sat on the chair and watched Jiang Zhe pour tea for her.

Jiang Zhe described the process again.

Sister Liao nodded: "You handled it well."

Jiang Zhe said: "Do you think Wang Zhen is unreliable? Or is there something wrong with him?"

Sister Liao said, "Wang Zhen is just a middleman. The group that commissioned her has problems. I vaguely heard that the head of that group likes to use artworks to operate funds. You can't get involved with them. Once you are involved, you can't get rid of it."

Jiang Zhe knew what Sister Liao meant. While he was alert, he was also glad that he had asked Sister Liao for advice first.

"Thank goodness you reminded me. Otherwise, I might have bought a house."

Sister Liao said: "There are many suitable houses, just find an agent directly."

Jiang Zhe said, "I've got that in mind. Should we contact Wang Zhen less in the future?"

Sister Liao said: "She is a middleman. She will be of some help to you in the future. When you come into contact with her in the future, pretend that you don't know about this matter."

"I understand."

Sister Liao looked at Jiang Zhe silently.

Jiang Zhe stood up.


An hour later, Jiang Zhe saw Sister Liao off.

He returned to the studio, played music on the computer, sat in a chair, and closed his eyes to rest.

Wanting to buy a studio can also lead to a lot of messes. However, the bad thing has already happened, and since it cannot be solved for the time being, you can't let it affect your mood.

Listening to the soothing music, his heart gradually calmed down and he considered what to do next.

After all, his main job is painting, which cannot be affected by accidents or other things. Jiang Zhe decided to finish the two works he promised to Mr. Wu first.

Mr. Wu had clear requirements for the works: one painting depicted horse racing; the other depicted the beautiful scenery of an outdoor venue.

Jiang Zhe has already created a work with the theme of equestrianism. He did not want to repeat himself, so he kept thinking about the content and arrangement of the two works.

Now that he had time, he immediately began to prepare.

He cut out the watercolor paper to the appropriate size and re-drew the sketch as requested.

Because he acquired basic skills in direct oil painting, he changed his original idea.

Jiang Zhe quickly drew a new draft, and when he was satisfied, he drew another sketch of the same size as the final draft.

He wanted to resolve the details of the image and other issues as much as possible in the sketch.

The preparations complete, he began to draw pencil drafts on watercolor paper.

The protagonists of this work are two knights.

They were galloping, the gap between them was very small, chasing each other, and the other knights were left behind.

Because he felt that the characters in this painting were very dynamic, Jiang Zhe weakened the color contrast to avoid conflicts between color and light and shadow in the painting.

Before applying the colors, he prepared the colors very carefully in order to make the work last longer.

Some tube colors can be used directly, while some colors need to be ground more finely.

After starting to lay down the colors, Jiang Zhe quickly finished the base color, and then used some techniques to blend the background with the base color. In this process, it is necessary to blend and overlay colors.

He tried to use large watercolor pens to depict, alternating between dry and wet painting, focusing on the movements, expressions and horses of the two knights. Other elements were deliberately weakened as much as possible, and the background was more hazy.

Blocks of color are laid out on the canvas...

Jiang Zhe sometimes uses a clear water pen to guide the color, and sometimes uses a hard board to scrape off some of the color to reveal the base color. Sometimes he also adds thicker colors...

Vivid images slowly emerge under Jiang Zhe's brush.

A few hours later, the watercolor painting was completed.

Jiang Zhe uses the system to test his works.

The evaluation given by the system is - Excellent, lower than expected.

He took the painting down and kept it as a backup. If he couldn't come up with a better work by the appointed time, he would use this painting as a replacement.

Jiang Zhe took a short break and started preparing another work.

When he was conceiving this painting, he wanted to use the racecourse and the surrounding beautiful scenery to show the beauty of leisure and comfort.

He used trees and roads to divide the stadium into several blocks. Lawns, running tracks, trees and buildings constitute the main characters of the picture.

On different blocks, there are people taking a walk, horse trainers preparing to take a rest, and people chatting under parasols.

When Jiang Zhe is painting, he will occasionally get inspiration and change his original idea. For example, he will intentionally enhance the subtle changes in the color of the picture to avoid monotony.

He completed this landscape painting in one day.

The system gave a high-quality evaluation.

During the period when Jiang Zhe was concentrating on his creation, Wang Zhen called him several times to inquire about the affairs of his studio, but to no avail.

He stayed in the studio, continuing to create watercolor paintings of racecourse themes until he created another masterpiece.

A few days later, Jiang Zhe looked at the two works on the easel and felt satisfied.

In order to balance the quality and quantity of his works, he destroyed all the watercolor paintings of the same subject matter that were evaluated by the system as excellent or even mediocre works.

Jiang Zhe called Mr. Wu.

When Mr. Wu heard that Jiang Zhe had completed the creation, he immediately sent someone to pick up the painting.

Soon, Mr. Wu called Jiang Zhe back and told him that the venue's management liked Jiang Zhe's creation very much and expressed their gratitude to him.

Both parties completed the transaction promptly, and 10 yuan was added to Jiang Zhe's account.

He opened the system and saw the prompt. The 10 yuan he just received was part of the reward.

In the following days, Jiang Zhe enjoyed a period of peace, learning to paint, going out with Chen Yan, and occasionally meeting with Sister Liao.

Because he had enough money, he started asking an agent to help him find a new studio.

One morning, when he was looking at a house, Wang Zhen called.

Jiang Zhe thought that Wang Zhen had heard the news and came to recommend a house to him again. He pressed the answer button while thinking about what to say.

"Hello, Manager Wang."

"Jiang Zhe, is there anything wrong now? If not, come to the gallery quickly, it's urgent." Wang Zhen's voice was filled with anxiety.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Zhe asked.

Wang Zhen said, "Let's talk about it when we meet. It's very important."

Jiang Zhe thought that he would have to deal with Wang Zhen in the future, so he took a taxi to the gallery.

He knocked on Wang Zhen's office door and saw Wang Zhen reading a weekly magazine.

Wang Zhen asked him to sit down and closed the office door.

"Manager Wang, what's the hurry?"

"Take a look." Wang Zhen pushed the opened weekly magazine closer to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe saw that it was a cultural and arts weekly, so he asked, "Hasn't the exhibition been reported?"

"Take a look at this paragraph." Wang Zhen pointed to a small paragraph of text.

Jiang Zhe read through this paragraph of text, his expression becoming increasingly grim.

This passage has a title: Young artists should not pursue fame and fortune too much.

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(End of this chapter)

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