Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 125, Walking, Award Ceremony, Military Training

Chapter 125, Walking, Award Ceremony, Military Training

At dusk, Chen Yan took Jiang Zhe's arm and walked around the campus. They talked about the dormitory and their respective classes.

As the hustle and bustle of the day fades away, the campus gradually reveals its other side. The exterior walls of buildings made of imitation plain bricks, architectural styles of different styles, and several two-story buildings with decades of history are all a reminder of time.

On both sides of the stone road that Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan walked on, there were tall sycamores and magnolias, and in front of them were pines, cypresses, metasequoias, ginkgo trees and other trees that were several decades old. Various flowers on both sides of the road and in the flower beds were blooming. The trees were of different shapes and the flowers were vying for beauty.

The afterglow of the setting sun and the newly lit street lights make the campus hazy and dreamy, giving people a sense of pure and quiet beauty.

Chen Yan leaned her head on Jiang Zhe's shoulder and said, "I thought about what college life would be like, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful."

Jiang Zhe didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, so he quietly walked with her.

Until Chen Yan was a little tired, Jiang Zhe sent Chen Yan back to the dormitory.

Jiang Zhe saw Chen Yan's face appear on the windowsill, then he waved to her and walked back to the dormitory.

He returned to the dormitory and saw his three roommates were there.

Shao Hui and Du Xin are also making study plans.

Jiang Zhe glanced at them. The two forms had their own characteristics, but both were too detailed, even too substantial.

“Do you make schedules too?”

Du Xin said, "We were influenced by Gan Wenjie. We can't fall too far behind. Do you want to write one too?"

Jiang Zhe smiled and said, "Let's talk about it when we have time."

How many people can stick to such an overly detailed and full plan?

He doesn't need to make a schedule. The systematic accumulation of learning rewards serves as an incentive, which is stronger than most supervision.

Gan Wenjie was sorting books. "Jiang Zhe, I just went out and saw you walking with a girl. Is that your girlfriend?"

The other two people who were filling out their study plans also stopped and pricked up their ears.

Jiang Zhe said: “Yes.

Gan Wenjie continued to ask: "High school classmate?"

Jiang Zhe asked, "We met during the college entrance examination."

Gan Wenjie's curiosity was aroused, and he even asked the girl what her major was and how they met. When he heard that Chen Yan was majoring in modeling, he kept sighing that Jiang Zhe was lucky.

Jiang Zhe asked back: "Which school does your girlfriend go to?"

Gan Wenjie was vague: "Well, study is the most important thing."

Du Xin smiled and said, "Gan Wenjie will be a teacher in the future, so he must be a role model for others." He has a wife and a child, so it is difficult for him to interrupt when someone is talking about his girlfriend. Now he has found an opportunity to tease her.

Shao Hui turned around and said, "Jiang Zhe, if there is a chance, can you ask your girlfriend to introduce one to us?"

Jiang Zhe said: "You were able to get into the Art Academy. You should have been excellent students in your original school. Don't you have a confidante or something?

Gan Wenjie said: "Yes, but we were not admitted to the same school."

No one in the dormitory pointed it out.

Jiang Zhe felt that Du Xin was embarrassed to join in when the others were discussing girls, so he asked him about some interesting things that happened in school.

Du Xin got the chance and started talking. The boys had a lot of fun chatting after they had a common topic.

The lights in the Art College dormitory are always on, so no one will bother you if you want to stay up all night. However, there are still things to do tomorrow, so the four people in Room 309 washed up early, turned off the lights, and started their dorm chat.

Jiang Zhe didn't remember when he fell asleep.

On the reporting day, the school arranged many departments in the auditorium and set up more than a dozen service windows to facilitate student reporting.

Jiang Zhe finished reporting and received a notice from Teacher Hu. Students majoring in oil painting were to gather in the lecture hall. The dean of the Department of Plastic Arts was to give a speech to the freshmen.

He came to the lecture hall as required.

Teacher Hu gathered together the students majoring in oil painting.

Jiang Zhe saw his classmates for the first time.

While waiting for the department head, everyone chatted and got to know each other.

At least half of the students in the oil painting major class dream of becoming professional painters. This can be seen in their behavior and clothing: they are either very refined or very casual.

Teacher Hu asked everyone to elect a temporary monitor. A female student named Han Yin volunteered to serve the class.

Everyone didn't know each other very well, so no one objected.

Soon, students from other majors of the Department of Plastic Arts came to the lecture hall one after another and were divided into classes.

Director Liang from the Department of Plastic Arts came to the podium, introduced himself first, and then gave students study suggestions.

Jiang Zhe summarized as he listened, roughly three points. First, there is no one to supervise the study life in the university, but there are assessments. If you fail the assessment, you can't get a diploma or a degree. Therefore, you have to supervise yourself.

Second, learning should pay attention to accumulation. In libraries, studios, and any other occasions, there are opportunities for learning, not only learning professional knowledge and skills, but also learning from life.

Third, never violate rules or disciplines. Director Liang specifically described several cases.

After he finished stating the requirements, he announced that a foreign language test would be conducted today.

Freshmen have three cultural classes per week. Cultural classes are not divided into majors, but are basically large classes. In other words, students from many majors will study in one classroom.

The school will arrange cultural classes based on foreign language test scores. (It's just so weird)

On that day, 26 students majoring in oil painting took a foreign language test together with students from other majors.

This was the first time that Jiang Zhe felt the learning atmosphere of the school.

The next day, the school held a mobilization meeting for military training for freshmen.

All freshmen must wear military training uniforms and gather in the school auditorium.

The four boys in Jiang Zhe's dormitory changed their clothes one after another.

After Gan Wenjie changed into his military training uniform, he began to sigh. "I heard that other schools wear camouflage uniforms for military training. Why are we wearing this?"

"It was like this in the past. Just endure it for a week and it will be over." Du Xin frowned as he advised others.

The new students sat in their respective areas in the auditorium.

Teacher Hu called Jiang Zhe out and asked him to go to the front row to find Teacher Jin.

Many classmates saw Jiang Zhe being called away and didn't know why. When you go to college, many people don't care much about other people's affairs.

Teacher Jin was in charge of arranging the meeting process. She asked Jiang Zhe to sit in a seat in the third row so that he could go on stage more easily.

The mobilization meeting begins.

The dean and faculty representatives gave speeches to the freshmen, followed by commendations.

In order to encourage students, the school selected ten students with excellent admission scores and gave them rewards.

The first place is Jiang Zhe.

When Jiang Zhe heard his name, he followed Teacher Jin's instructions, went on stage and stood in his seat.

The other nine students followed Jiang Zhe onto the stage one by one, standing in a row facing the audience.

The music usually used for award ceremonies sounded, and the dean, vice dean, and department head presented award certificates to Jiang Zhe and others.

Jiang Zhe and others shook hands with the dean and department head, and then, as required, held the certificates in front of them and showed them to the audience.

He had already received a bonus of 5 yuan yesterday, and now all he got was a certificate.

He glanced at the audience and saw Chen Yan applauding.

When their eyes met, Chen Yan sat up straighter.

Several girls next to Chen Yan asked with a chuckle, "Chen Yan, is Jiang Zhe in the middle the boy who sent you off that day?"

"Is that your boyfriend?"

"He's tall and handsome, not bad."

"When will you introduce us?"

Hearing this question, Chen Yan refused without hesitation.

"Don't be so petty, just getting to know each other."

Chen Yan acted like a little bird when facing Jiang Zhe, even a little weak, but her IQ was definitely online. "Just getting to know each other? Haha."

After the award ceremony, Jiang Zhe returned to his class.

The classmates expressed their congratulations one after another.

Before the awards ceremony, many students did not know that they would receive bonuses if they performed well in admissions.

The tuition fee for undergraduate students at the School of Arts is 1 yuan per year. Although 5000 yuan is only half of the tuition fee, it is already a large amount for many students.

Students who leave home realize that the money they have is never enough. Therefore, scholarships are something everyone looks forward to, especially those who are not well-off.

The meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

Chen Yan found Jiang Zhe and pestered him to take a photo with her in military training uniforms.

Jiang Zhe took out a camera, stood in front of the auditorium with Chen Yan, and asked his classmates to help take a group photo.

Chen Yan wanted to go out for dinner with Jiang Zhe, but Jiang Zhe had already made an appointment with his roommate, so they could only go next time.

Jiang Zhe took his three roommates to a restaurant outside the school and selected some seasonal seafood such as conch, clams, shrimps, and crabs.

The signature dish of this restaurant is steamed seafood.

Gan Wenjie and his friends had a big pot of steamed seafood, some side dishes, and a few pots of rice wine. They were very satisfied with the meal.

After returning to the dormitory, they chatted for a while and then went about their own business.

Jiang Zhe continued to sketch. He never finalized the work required by the system task.

However, he was not in a hurry because the system did not set a time limit and he could draw it anytime.

The early morning of the first day of military training.

The freshmen lined up according to their classes and gathered in the playground.

The instructor in Jiang Zhe’s class is named Lian.

After Instructor Lian explained the requirements of military training, the training began with standing at attention. The students had all experienced military training, but the requirements this time were stricter.

The weather was so hot that the students' clothes were soon soaked with sweat.

Students who wear glasses have it even harder. Their glasses are affected by sweat and slip off little by little. And because of the training requirements, they can't move freely.

Instructor Lian was always observing and would wait until the glasses were about to fall off before helping the students push them back up.

In order to make standing at attention less uncomfortable, Jiang Zhe could only use his imagination to pass the time.

Recall the scenes you saw and simulate the process of drawing some scenes.

An hour later, the fainted student was carried to the shade of the trees next to the playground.

The school doctor was waiting next to the playground, ready to provide treatment at any time.

During the break, thirsty students rushed to buy mineral water. The small shop was packed with people, but few people went to the water room.

Jiang Zhe was well prepared. He prepared a large water cup in advance and brewed a large cup of jasmine tea.

He first drank half a cup of herbal tea, then walked to the water room, added half a cup of boiling water, and diluted the tea into warm water so that he could continue drinking it.

When Jiang Zhe walked back to the playground, he saw Chen Yan also queuing up to buy water. He waved to Chen Yan, signaling her to come over to him to drink water.

Chen Yan ran over, took the cup, and gulped down half a cup of tea.

She let out a long sigh of relief: "Why didn't I know before that tea is so thirst-quenching."

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(End of this chapter)

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