Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 132, Master of Learning, Honor, Free Creation

Chapter 132, Master of Learning, Honor, Free Creation

Jiang Zhe stepped into the studio and saw that five classmates had arrived earlier than him.

He went straight to his easel, prepared his tools, and calmed his mind.

The light in the afternoon was even worse, so we had to turn on the lights in the studio. Although several students tried their best to adjust the indoor light source, the effect was still not good.

Jiang Zhe was not affected by the light. He followed the preset steps and portrayed the work bit by bit. He took both individual lines and evenly arranged lines seriously and never dealt with them perfunctorily.

Students came to the studio one after another and started painting.

Teacher Jia and a female teacher walked into the studio.

This was the first time that Teacher Jia came to the studio after the class started yesterday. When the students saw the teacher come in, they all greeted him.

Teacher Jia asked students to concentrate on painting and not to be distracted.

He inspected all the works and occasionally gave instructions to students.

When Jiang Zhe is painting, he listens to light music with headphones to avoid external interference and also to increase his learning accumulation.

Teacher Jia and another teacher browsed the students' works from different directions, but they all stopped behind Jiang Zhe and looked at Jiang Zhe's sketches attentively.

After looking at each other for a while, the two of them whispered quietly.

Jiang Zhe gave up his seat and asked Teacher Jia to help find the problem.

Teacher Jia thought for a while and said to Jiang Zhe, "Your painting is good. Relax a little more."

Then, it was gone.

Seeing that the teacher said nothing more, Jiang Zhe thanked Teacher Jia and continued painting.

Teacher Jia and the other teacher left the studio quickly. Soon, Teacher Hu came to the studio with Teacher Qin.

The two walked around the studio, and Teacher Hu looked at Teacher Qin with an inquiring look.

Teacher Qin signaled not to talk about it here.

The two left the studio and walked to the corridor. Teacher Hu couldn't help asking, "Teacher Qin, what do you think of Jiang Zhe's painting?"

Teacher Qin said: "The draft is good. It's just the beginning, so nothing can be seen yet. However, it can be seen that when he was drafting, he already had ideas, took the initiative to deal with the shape, and was able to express emotions subjectively."

"How did you know that?" Teacher Hu is a graduate student and is familiar with Teacher Qin's temper, so he did not hide his doubts.

"I saw it with my eyes." Teacher Qin made a joke and began to explain: "Pay attention to his treatment of composition and image, especially the virtual and real changes of the outer contour. Although there are only a few lines now, it is obvious that some lines are changed after thinking, without rigidly imitating the image itself. This shows that when he considered painting, he did not follow the crowd."

Teacher Hu seemed to be thinking about something.

In the afternoon, most of the teachers of the oil painting major visited the freshman studios.

Students who have paid close attention have discovered that most teachers pay attention to Jiang Zhe's works.

Jiang Zhe also discovered it.

When he was taking a break, he checked the system and found that he had gained some honor experience. He guessed that it might be related to the sale of paintings.

He didn't dwell on the matter any longer and focused all his attention on his work.

Jiang Zhe used the afternoon time to further distinguish the light and dark, real and fake in the manuscript. The first time, the tones were very light, in order to leave room for later.

In the evening, the rain stopped.

Tomorrow is the weekend and students can arrange their time freely. Many students have started discussing their weekend plans.

Jiang Zhe said hello to his classmates and left the studio to eat.

I've been a little nervous during the painting process these past two days and need to take it easy.

The school cafeteria.

Chen Yan and Jiang Zhe sat together to eat.

"What are your plans for the weekend?"

Jiang Zhe said, "I plan to stay at home for one night and go to my studio on Saturday and Sunday."

"Then~ I'll go play with you?"

"Okay, welcome."

"Can you take Xiaoka with you? I haven't seen him for a long time and I miss him."

"No problem." Jiang Zhe also missed his pet a little.

"I'll go home tonight, too. I'll come to see you tomorrow."

Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan agreed on a time, went back to the dormitory, packed their things, and went straight home.

When Jiang Yi and his wife saw their son come back, they were happy, but also complained that he didn't come back early for dinner.

Jiang Zhe caressed Xiaoka while explaining why he came back late. He spent a relaxing night at home chatting with his parents and watching TV.

Early Saturday morning, he brought Xiao Ka to the studio.

There is an album in the studio containing Michelangelo's sketches.

Jiang Zhe chose a work that depicted a person's back and copied it, trying to find a suitable method for the next step of the long-term assignment.

After he finished the draft, he felt that copying like this was like mechanical reproduction and his learning efficiency was too slow.

He decided to select selected parts for study, which could not only save time but also quickly verify his learning results.

He chose a part of Michelangelo's sketch to copy, and the image characteristics of this part were somewhat similar to those of the plaster statue.

Jiang Zhe copied this part several times in a row. The purpose of copying is different, some are to learn the modeling method, some are to learn the rhythm of the picture, etc.

In the afternoon, Chen Yan came to see Jiang Zhe on time.

When Xiao Ka saw Chen Yan, he rushed over to her and was intimate with her, wagging his tail non-stop. Chen Yan lifted Xiao Ka up, put him on her knees and stroked him gently.

Jiang Zhe recorded the scene of Chen Yan teasing Xiao Ka in a sketch to accumulate materials for the future. He found that after studying Michelangelo's sketches for a long time, he suddenly relaxed and sketched, which made him feel like he was doing nothing.

Chen Yan has already adapted to the role of model and lets Jiang Zhe paint her in a very relaxed manner.

Seeing Jiang Zhe stop writing, she asked, "Are you done?"

"Okay." Jiang Zhe put away his tools, washed his hands and prepared tea and snacks for Chen Yan.

Chen Yan sat next to Jiang Zhe. After school started, the time they had to play together became less and less.

They talked about things that interested them and unknowingly sat closer to each other.


In the evening, Chen Yan was awakened by the ringing of her cell phone while she was sleeping soundly. Her parents called her home for dinner, so she had to leave the studio reluctantly.

Jiang Zhe saw Chen Yan off, took a short break, and then resumed practicing copying works.

When I get tired of painting, I take a break by reading some materials. After reading the materials and appreciating the works and getting some ideas, I will start copying again.

He found some interesting things from the materials, which helped him in his studies.

For example, Michelangelo was younger than Leonardo da Vinci, and the two had some interactions. For example, in 1504, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci painted murals in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence together.

However, the two masters had conflicts.

The conflict between them began with the statue of David.

Florence needed a statue full of freedom and hope, and Michelangelo became famous overnight.

In 1504, the statue of David was completed. Florence convened dozens of influential people to discuss a plan for where to place the statue.

Among these influential figures was Leonardo da Vinci.

He made no secret of his contempt, believing that the statue should not be placed in a prominent position, that it did not have such high artistic value, and that placing it under the roof of a gallery in the Piazza della Signoria was the greatest respect for him.

It is said that when Michelangelo learned the news, he went straight to have a big quarrel with Leonardo da Vinci.

Jiang Zhe admired this artist even more after seeing this information. It was so precious that he lived in the same era as a genius like Leonardo da Vinci and was able to forge his own path and influence the art of later generations!

He re-examined the model work that he had copied several times.

In this work, Michelangelo depicts the powerful contraction of the man's back structure, and the vivid effect of the structure is amazing.

When creating this work, the painter should have been looking for perfect and accurate movement. The tense twisting of the characters brought about changes in the structure, and the complex dynamic combination appeared real and vivid, just to study the various possibilities of creation.

According to historical records, Michelangelo understood the gap between himself and Leonardo da Vinci, and also knew that he might never catch up with Leonardo da Vinci in some aspects of modeling, so he took another path.

Jiang Zhe gradually understood those rhythmic brushstrokes and majestic shapes.

He found a picture of Leonardo da Vinci's sketch, compared the differences between the two sketches, and looked for the most important expressive language.

In the process of appreciating the beauty of these works, he became more and more convinced that his learning direction was correct, although the process would be slow.

He studied until very late before turning off the lights and going to bed.

On Sunday, Jiang Zhe came back from a walk with Xiao Ka.

He didn't plan to continue sketching, but instead turned on his computer to look at the photos Sister Liao sent him.

Sister Liao in this photo is brimming with youthfulness. Although she is wearing an old-fashioned military training uniform, it cannot hide her youthful beauty. Instead, it makes her look more heroic.

The previous sketching exercises unknowingly improved his modeling ability and awareness.

He almost instantly captured Sister Liao's unique charm and appearance and drew it.

When he was sketching, he imitated Michelangelo's style and expression language. When he felt that he had drawn out all the content he wanted to express, he stopped drawing decisively.

Although the draft at this time is simple in shape, all the necessary details and features have been portrayed, and all the problems that need to be dealt with have been solved. Such a picture looks very comfortable.

Jiang Zhe was very satisfied with the draft and did not want to make any changes, so he transferred the drawing to an oil canvas of the same size.

He used the direct painting method and began to apply the first layer of color.

When the characters in the picture were initially presented, he put the rough draft and the oil painting draft together, took a photo, and sent it to Sister Liao.

A few minutes later, Sister Liao called.

"Xiaozhe, I saw your painting, it's really great. How have you been these past few days?"

Jiang Zhe has already noticed the change in how Sister Liao addresses him. As he chats about her recent life, he thinks that he must ask her to change the way she addresses him the next time they meet.

Sister Liao told Jiang Zhe that due to recent work adjustments, she did not have time to accompany Jiang Zhe, but she would find time to make up for it later.

The two people talked on the phone for more than ten minutes and then ended the call.

When the first coat of paint for Jiang Zhe and other portraits is slightly dry, we start by depicting the eyes and gradually perfect the details.

His skill accumulation and portrait painting expertise play a very good role. Although he uses direct painting, he can still show the changes of the characters very delicately.

The superposition and collision of several layers of colors and the changes in brushstrokes enrich the color texture and make the portrait more vivid.

Jiang Zhe became more relaxed as he painted and soon finished the work.

He gently raised the paintbrush and stared at the picture.

The expression of Sister Liao in the painting is slightly different from that in the photo. With the help of oil brushstrokes and color texture, it is more alive.

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(End of this chapter)

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