Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 136, Commenting on homework, creative progress, and threatening

Chapter 136, Commenting on homework, creative progress, and threatening

Jiang Zhe took Xiao Ka's hand and strolled on the wooden boardwalk by the sea.

Xiao Ka was wearing a bell and was running happily, sometimes to the left and sometimes to the right, leaving behind a series of crisp sounds.

September is the peak season for coastal tourism.

Jiang Zhe avoided busy tourist spots and took walks along the coast where there were fewer tourists, looking for inspiration.

He walked and looked, paying special attention to lesser-noticed details, or observing familiar scenery from another angle.

When you see something interesting, take a picture of it with your camera.

The scenes he pays attention to often have some special marks of 2001. These marks are often overlooked by people.

For example, what clothes, what do people of different ages like, what do they wear, what do they hold; common vehicles on the street, signs, old bicycles, small stalls on the street, snacks, etc. These marks of the times will gradually change in the future, and some will even disappear.

Jiang Zhe has a sense of the future and knows what things will be forgotten in the future, and he may even not be able to find the information if he wants to. Therefore, it would be interesting to write these things down and draw them.

Jiang Zhe was tired from walking, so he sat on a chair provided for passersby to rest and checked the memory of his camera. Before he knew it, he had accumulated more than a hundred photos in two hours.

He felt that he had gained a lot today, so he took the small card and rushed back to the studio to continue preparing for his creation.

In the next few days, Jiang Zhe attended classes during the day and used the evenings to turn his drafts into color drafts. He drew a few every day and gradually accumulated more than a dozen drafts.

Some of these manuscripts are more realistic, while others are just hazy scenery.

Unfortunately, most of the manuscripts he accumulated were rated as mediocre by the system, and only a few were rated as excellent works.

Jiang Zhe didn't get high evaluation from the system, and felt that even if he participated in the exhibition, he probably wouldn't get very good results.

There was no progress in the creation, but it is gratifying that as he copied and learned Michelangelo's sketches, his sketching class was getting better and better.

On Friday afternoon, Teacher Jia came to the studio to guide students in their creation.

He walked up to Jiang Zhe's work and observed it intently.

In Jiang Zhe's works, there is no use of a lot of light and dark to render the background. Instead, lines are combined with light and dark to fully express the structure, movement, space, and volume of the sculpture. By creating these effects, the power and overall beauty of the sculpture are highlighted.

Teacher Jia liked Jiang Zhe's calm attitude when painting, but was worried that he would become proud if he was praised too much. Therefore, he considered his words and pointed out to Jiang Zhe that the advantage of his work was his grasp of the movement and beauty of sculpture. Then, he suggested that after learning the master's skills, he should use them flexibly and form his own expression language.

Jiang Zhe took the opportunity to raise some questions about copying.

After Teacher Jia and Jiang Zhe talked about copying methods, they went to look at other people's works.

After he looked at everyone's work, he began to give a concentrated review. "Jiang Zhe, Fu Min, and Mou Xing's works each have their own characteristics, you can take a look. Many students' paintings have useless light and dark, those who painted too quickly and too impetuously should pay attention..."

Teacher Jia directly pointed out the problems in the students' works and asked them to change the painting habits they developed during the art exam.

"I have very strict requirements for professional course assignments. If there is an unsatisfactory assignment, it must be redone."

Teacher Jia scared the lazy students and left the studio.

Some students began to consider whether to redraw the painting, and some went to observe the works.

Jiang Zhe has become accustomed to this situation and continues to paint without being affected.

In the evening, he reviewed his work again.

Parts of the originally regular arrangements and lines gradually merge into the structure.

The light and shadow factors in the picture are weakened, and the audience is impressed by the beauty of the structure. Due to the modeling technique, the statue still has the weight and texture of marble.

At this point, most of the shaping work has been completed, and the remaining two days of professional courses can be used to tidy up and adjust the pictures.

Before Jiang Zhe left the studio, he looked at the paintings of Fu Min and Mou Xing. Both of them were consciously changing their creative consciousness, and some students who were good at painting were also working hard to modify the paintings.

He understands the role of mutual comparison and mutual promotion among classmates. The changes in his classmates also put pressure on him and he dared not relax.

Jiang Zhe took his bag, said goodbye to his classmates, left the studio, and went to the canteen to eat.

Chen Yan was already waiting in the cafeteria.

After they met, she was very enthusiastic and took Jiang Zhe's hand to ask about his well-being: "Are you tired? What do you want to eat today? I'll treat you."

Jiang Zhe was dragged by her into the small cafeteria. "Let me be clear first, what is the situation today?"

Chen Yan said flatteringly: "Hey~ I want to treat you to a meal, is that not okay?"

"No!" Jiang Zhe didn't leave. "From your expression, I know something's wrong. Tell me or not, if you don't, I'm leaving."

Chen Yan held Jiang Zhe and said, "Let's talk while we eat, okay?"

"Okay." Jiang Zhe ordered a bowl of tomato and egg noodles. Seeing that there was steamed pork with rice flour in a ceramic bowl for sale, he ordered one too.

The two sat down in the dining area. Jiang Zhe didn't say anything, just lowered his head to eat.

The noodles are average quality, but the steamed pork with rice flour is delicious.

Chen Yan watched Jiang Zhe eat and asked, "Can I trouble you for something?"

Jiang Zhe picked up the noodles with chopsticks: "What do you want to talk about first?"

"We need to draw some costume design renderings. Can you help with the coloring? Your watercolors are better than mine."

Jiang Zhe sucked the noodles into his mouth, chewed a few times, swallowed them, and asked, "How many?"

Chen Yan said: "Four. With your level, you can finish them quickly."

Jiang Zhe asked again: "Have you really finished the pencil draft?"

Chen Yan laughed and said, "I just drew a rough outline."

Jiang Zhe was helpless: "You started to slack off in the second professional class, right?"

Chen Yan said, "We are studying modeling, not designing. Many students in my class ask their boyfriends for help. I am embarrassed if you don't show up."

Seeing that Jiang Zhe was indifferent, she leaned close to his ear and whispered in a coquettish voice, "Please, **." Jiang Zhe felt itchy in his ears: "Where are we going to paint?"

"Go to our classroom."

"If your classmates saw this, would anyone report it?"

“Several classmates did this.”


After dinner, the two walked to the teaching building where the modeling class was located.

This building houses many professional classrooms.

Chen Yan pushed open the classroom door and led Jiang Zhe in.

Jiang Zhe saw two pairs of men and women in the classroom.

The look they gave Jiang Zhe was filled with gossip.

Chen Yan greeted a few people.

Jiang Zhe discovered that the two girls in Chen Yan's class were indeed looking for external help.

Chen Yan brought in a drawing board.

When Jiang Zhe took a look, he was surprised to see four clothing design drawings framed on the drawing board.

The design of the pencil draft is very simple, and some details such as the neckline, cuffs, hem, pockets, etc. that reflect the position of the design are drawn very vaguely.

Jiang Zhe glanced at Chen Yan and said, "Is this the design drawing?"

Chen Yan smiled and said, "If you think there's something wrong with it, help me fix it."

Jiang Zhe didn't know much about fashion design. After asking about the design requirements, he used watercolors and pen light colors to draw the renderings.

In order to avoid the clothing effects from being similar, he used colored powder to represent the texture of wool in one rendering.

Chen Yan talked about her thoughts while watching Jiang Zhe paint.

She was full of praise for Jiang Zhe's smooth painting style.

During the painting process, Jiang Zhe found that Chen Yan was very sensitive to clothing and had a lot of ideas. However, she was a little lazy and was not willing to spend time training, which led to a serious deviation between the draft and the creativity.

After he finished drawing four pictures, Chen Yan told him that there were four smaller design renderings waiting for him.

Jiang Zhe said, "I knew it wouldn't be that simple. Wait, I'm going to the bathroom first, you prepare the pencil draft."

Chen Yan told Jiang Zhe where the toilet was, and then smiled and told him, "The toilet is dark and there is water. Be careful not to slip or step on disgusting things."

Jiang Zhe found the toilet according to Chen Yan's instructions.

Two of the three lights in the toilet were broken, so it was dark. I don't know where the water is leaking, the floor is wet, and I can hear the sound of dripping water.

Jiang Zhe looked carefully at the road under his feet, found the position, and released the water.

Then, walk back on the wet ground.

I had just taken two steps when I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be other sounds amid the clattering footsteps.

Jiang Zhe distinguished the sound carefully, it sounded like a whisper, or like something was deliberately suppressing its breathing.

When he realized that the voice seemed to come from the female guard opposite the male guard, he shuddered suddenly, as if a cold wind was blowing behind him.

I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, but the originally dim lights suddenly became even more gloomy.

The other side was dim and dim, as if something was hidden.

Even though he was a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, after experiencing rebirth and being in such an environment, how could he not be afraid?
He held his cell phone tightly, took a step forward, and told himself that it was okay and not to scare himself.

Just as Jiang Zhe was about to walk out of the men's bathroom, two dark figures suddenly flashed out from the opposite female bathroom, making a "ha" sound.

Jiang Zhe was so frightened that he roared loudly.

The two dark shadows on the opposite side were frightened back by Jiang Zhe's roar, and a scream was also heard outside the bathroom door.

Jiang Zhe was no longer afraid when he heard the sound made by the black shadow. He was angry and said, "You are *sick*, why do I come here to scare you*!"

The shadow on the other side also started to curse: "You are crazy!"

"Who scared you?" It was the voices of two women.

At this time, a girl came in from outside the bathroom and told Jiang Lian that it was a misunderstanding. She explained that the two people in the women's bathroom were her classmates and they did not mean to scare him.

The noise in the bathroom startled those who were still studying.

Many people were peeking out of the classroom door, looking towards the bathroom.

Chen Yan heard Jiang Zhe's voice and ran over to help: "What's wrong? Why are you cursing?"

Jiang Zhe said: "Two girls hid in the toilet and scared me."

Several more students came over to ask the reason.

The two girls who were hiding in the women's bathroom had come out. One of them complained about Jiang Zhe's rudeness, while the other was wiping her pants with a tissue.

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(End of this chapter)

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