Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 145, The impact of winning the award, the work left in school, creation

Chapter 145, The impact of winning the award, the work left in school, creation
The 3rd floor of the art museum.

During the visit, the teachers from the Department of Plastic Arts and the Art Society naturally divided into several groups.

The department head and President Cui and a few others walked in the front, and the teachers each chatted with people they knew.

Teacher Hu also appeared in the team. After hearing the news, she quietly found Jiang Zhe.

"Jiang Zhe, you won a prize in a competition, why didn't you tell the school?"

Jiang Zhe explained: "Teacher Hu, the gallery pushed me to participate in the competition. I am not sure whether I can win the prize, so I am embarrassed to tell others. If I don't win the prize, I will publicize it everywhere, which will be very embarrassing."

"We can tell the school about the award as soon as possible, so that we won't be clueless when asked," Teacher Hu said in a low voice.

Jiang Zhe looked at Wang Zhen who was not far away and had to let her take the blame. He believed that she would not mind. "The gallery just told me the news. I didn't see anything, so I want to wait until I get the official notice before reporting to the school."

"You are too cautious." Teacher Hu advised: "When you have time, tell me the details. The school will definitely ask us to summarize our experience."

At the same time, teachers from the college's academic affairs office were looking up information about the American painting competition. The relevant information was not complicated. They had received an invitation to this competition before, but because it was not a domestic competition, they only conveyed the notice and did not organize a group to participate.

A teacher confirmed Jiang Zhe's award-winning information and immediately reported to Director Liang.


Director Liang heard from Chairman Cui that Wang Zhen's gallery had sent one of Jiang Zhe's works to participate in the provincial art exhibition. In addition to paying attention to Jiang Zhe, he also began to pay attention to Wang Zhen. He had heard of Wang Zhen's gallery before, but had never had any business contact. This news made him start to pay attention to Wang Zhen.

When many teachers heard the news, they took the initiative to talk to Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen came to the Art College to expand his business. Both parties were interested in cooperation and hit it off.

Chairman Choi had something to do at the Art Academy, including visiting the exhibition, and meeting Kang Cheol was just a side job. He had finished his work and was ready to leave. Wang Zhen said hello to Kang Cheol and left with Chairman Choi and others.

Jiang Zhe and the teachers escorted the guests to the outside of the art museum.

The teachers in the Academic Affairs Office saw Director Liang send the guests away and the teachers dispersed, so they immediately found a chance to report. "Director Liang, the news has been confirmed. Jiang Zhe did win a bronze medal and a newcomer award.

We know that some teachers and students from our school participated in the competition, but no one won, so we didn't pay attention to it. Jiang Zhe's participation in the competition should have been before he entered the school. "The implication is that it's not that we are not serious, it's just an accident.

Director Liang understood what she meant. "I understand. I will report this to my superiors."

He asked the teacher in the Academic Affairs Office to go back to work and called Professor Qin himself. "Old Qin, Jiang Zhe, a student in your major, won a prize."

... "He has won honor for the school, we should promote it. You should ask him to prepare well for the joint exhibition."

Some teachers who knew Jiang Zhe would give him some words of encouragement before leaving the art museum.

The news of his winning the award was gradually spread by his classmates who heard about it.

Jiang Zhe wanted to have dinner with Chen Yan, but Professor Qin called him and asked him to meet in the studio. He had no choice but to go to the studio first and explain what happened to Professor Qin. He was busy until late at night and only had time to eat lunch and then go back to the dormitory to rest.

After lunch, he turned on the system and saw that the honor experience bar had increased compared to the morning. The system continued to remind him that he had gained honor.

Jiang Zhe estimated that the news of winning the award played a big role.

In the afternoon, Director Liang called a meeting of all the teachers in the department. After arranging the routine work, he took everyone to the third floor of the art gallery again.

They waited for a while and the dean came to the third floor.

He said to many professional teachers: "Dear teachers, I am very sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. This morning, I went out for a meeting and was unable to attend the opening ceremony.

I came here this afternoon just to see the works of our freshmen..."

Director Liang waited for the dean to finish his speech before accompanying him to visit the students' works.

The dean looked at the works and asked, "Director Liang, I remember you are going to select works to be retained by the school?"

Director Liang said: "Yes, we have selected four works."

"I want to see which ones they are." They began by appreciating the most recent printmaking works and worked their way up to the watercolor works.

The dean said to Director Liang, "Old Liang, you are the leader of the Department of Plastic Arts. You will preside over the next meeting. I will not interfere."

Director Liang called the teachers to sit in the art museum's seminar room. He faced everyone, cleared his throat, and said, "Today, we are selecting works to be retained in the school. We will conduct the selection according to the usual requirements. We would rather have nothing than something sloppy. As long as there are controversial works, we will not consider retaining them for the time being.

Previously, we preliminarily selected a total of four works and we all rated them together.”

Teacher Hu has placed photos of the four paintings on the projection screen.

Everyone gave scores to the works according to convention, and the teachers from the Academic Affairs Office were responsible for statistics.

The statistical results show that two works scored lower.

Director Liang saw that the dean had no reaction, so he said, "Let's not consider these two works for now."

The other teachers had no objections either.

"There are only two works left to consider. One is by Lan Xin, a Chinese painting major, and the other is by Jiang Zhe, an oil painting major."

When many teachers began to re-grade, the dean motioned for Director Liang to come to the side and talk. After leaving the venue, the dean asked, "You said on the phone that a student won a prize. Can you tell me the details?"

Director Liang first briefly introduced the award, and then said: "That competition does not have the influence of our National Art Exhibition. It only has influence within a certain range. This honor does not have any authority here. Therefore, we did not organize teachers and students to participate collectively."

The dean said, "Since it has a certain influence, you must consider it carefully. Will it have any effect on your major and our school?"

Director Liang said: "There will definitely be positive effects."

"Is there anything wrong with Jiang Zhe's work?"

"I've seen it, no problem, a seaside scene and a portrait of a woman."

The dean said: "In this case, we must make the award play a positive role."

Director Liang understood the dean's meaning.

When they returned to the venue, they heard the discussion of several teachers. Professor Li, who majored in Chinese painting, insisted that Lan Xin's work stay in school. He thought that Jiang Zhe's work was too much of an imitation of the masters and had too little of his own expression.

Professor Qin believes that Jiang Zhe's works reflect a stronger sense of beauty and his painting language is in the exploratory stage, while Lan Xin's works lack consideration of modeling and beauty.

The dean stood up, and everyone stopped talking. "I heard everyone's discussion. This is a good thing. If there is controversy, we can discuss it slowly. When there is a result, you can report it directly to me. You guys go ahead and do your work. I still have to go to the Design Department."

Everyone saw the dean off and continued their discussion.

Because it is difficult to reach a consensus, we can only put it on hold temporarily and ask for instructions from our superiors.

Jiang Zhe felt bored in the dormitory and prepared to go back to his studio.

As he walked to the school gate with his bag on his back, he received a call from Teacher Hu.

"Jiang Zhe, where are you?"

Jiang Zhe replied: "I'm at the school gate."

Teacher Hu said, "If you have nothing else to do, come to my office. I'll be waiting for you."

Jiang Zhe didn't know what was going on, so he rushed to the Academic Affairs Office. The office was open and he could see Teacher Hu typing on the computer.

Teacher Hu saw Jiang Zhe come in and continued to stare at the screen: "I'll be there soon. I have some good news for you first," she said while typing: "The department has decided to temporarily designate your and Lan Xin's work as a work to be retained in school. Are you happy?"

Jiang Zhe said, "Glad, thank you Teacher Hu. But what's the matter with the tentative decision?"

"Tentative means that it needs to be reported and approved before it can be confirmed." After Teacher Hu gradually became familiar with Jiang Zhe, they spoke more like they were chatting about family matters.

She clicked the mouse and turned to look at Jiang Zhe: "Tell me in detail about your participation in the competition and winning the award. The school needs to prepare publicity."

Jiang Zhe described in detail his experience of preparing the three works.

Teacher Hu recorded them one by one. "Do you have clear pictures of your work?"

Jiang Zhe said: "Yes, it's still stored in my camera."

"Okay. It should be useful." Teacher Hu asked Jiang Zhe to copy the picture to her computer.

After Jiang Zhe finished copying the pictures, she instructed him, "I have specially approved that you don't have to go to the art museum in the next few days. Go back and prepare your works for the group exhibition. Since you have already won awards, your works will definitely attract attention. If there is a problem with the works in the group exhibition, it will be embarrassing."

Jiang Zhe said: "Thank you, Mr. Hu. I will go back and prepare now."

"Go ahead."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Teacher Hu continued to stare at the computer screen and started typing, freeing one hand and waved to Jiang Zhe.

As Jiang Zhe walked toward the school gate, he sent a text message to Chen Yan, telling her that he was going back to the studio.

Chen Yan replied that she was playing outside with her friends.

Jiang Zhe did not continue texting.

He returned to the studio and checked the task bar, but did not see any notification that the task was completed. This was probably because the work had not been officially confirmed as a work to be retained by the school.

Since there was no result for the time being, he put aside all the trivial matters and started to think about the previous topic.

Because he acquired new skills in direct oil painting, Jiang Zhe had new ideas about the color design of his works.

He did not alter the sketch but went straight to the pencil draft.

In this still life of used painting tools and green plants, the purest colors are the colors of some wrapping paper and green plants. He originally wanted to highlight the soft tones and light, but now he is considering changing some colors while maintaining the meticulous portrayal, so as to maintain the meticulous portrayal and have subtle changes in colors.

While Jiang Zhe was drawing the pencil draft, he had already thought about how to change the color tone. He planned to experiment during the coloring stage, so he quickly laid down some of the base colors and began to depict the details from the dark part of the green plants.

(End of this chapter)

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