Chapter 164, Expensive Materials, Gifts

Tao Lin followed Yuan Xiaohan and left the area with the most visitors, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yuan Xiaohan noticed that many people were looking at her, so she calmly took Tao Lin and continued to look at the exhibition. They walked through all the booths and looked at all the works. Only when Tao Lin suggested going back did she reluctantly come to the exit.

Before leaving the exhibition hall, she looked back at the work. After seeing Ou Jin and Lan Xin's works, she still felt that this one was the best.

"Okay, stop looking." Tao Lin took Yuan Xiaohan's arm and walked towards the stairs.

"You say, if I buy it..." Yuan Xiaohan expressed his thoughts.

"You'd better think about it carefully. I've inquired and found out that Jiang Zhe's paintings are already tens of thousands of yuan each. Moreover, these are works to be exhibited in a group exhibition. It's impossible to sell them at this time." Tao Lin said as they walked.

"I know. Never mind."

The two walked outside the art museum. Yuan Xiaohan signaled Tao Lin to stop, took out his cell phone and dialed Jiang Zhe's number.

The call was quickly connected. He heard Jiang Zhe's voice was very low, and there seemed to be music in the background, so he asked: "Jiang Zhe, this is Yuan Xiaohan, is it convenient to talk?"

Jiang Zhe seemed to deliberately lower his voice: "It's convenient, you say."

Yuan Xiaohan said: "I saw your work in the art gallery. It's really great."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I want to thank you for painting me so beautifully. I'll treat you to a meal when I have time."

Jiang Zhe said, "No need, I should be the one to treat you as a model for me."

Yuan Xiaohan was happy and wanted to find someone to share her happiness with. After chatting for a few words, she noticed that Jiang Zhe was keeping his voice down, so she politely ended the conversation.

Jiang Zhe put away his phone and continued reading.

He is choosing books in the largest bookstore in Binhai.

The school library has a lot of books, but the book city has the latest books.

He selected two picture albums that interested him, and when he passed by the painting supplies store on the same floor, he went in to have a look.

The bookstore has five floors. In addition to all kinds of books, other companies have set up sales outlets here. The company selling painting supplies and stationery is an old store, affiliated with a certain light bureau. The goods are high-priced, the variety is complete, and there are relatively few fakes.

Jiang Zhe walked from the comic tool area to the watercolor and oil painting supplies area and selected a few watercolor and oil painting colors that were consumed quickly.

Now that he has enough money, he will buy any useful tool without hesitation.

Seeing the area in front of him with supplies for Chinese painting and calligraphy, he planned to choose some paper for copying small regular script. But after taking a few steps, he saw an acquaintance.


Lan Xin and two of her classmates are shopping for painting supplies.

She had no plan to buy painting supplies here. She came here mainly to accompany her classmates and to enjoy the sight.

Her life was tight, and she had tried to save as much as possible on books and consumables she used on a daily basis. However, as she learned more about her major, she gradually understood the various tools and consumables that might be used in this major.

The more I learn about the profession, the more I like various tools.

Two classmates are discussing whether to buy a few pieces of Shoushan stone seal materials and ask someone to carve them.

Lan Xin listened and kept it in mind. She decided to learn seal carving as soon as possible so that she wouldn't have to ask others to carve seals for her in the future. Maybe she could even use this skill to earn some living expenses.

A classmate complained that these materials were expensive.

Lan Xin felt the same way.

I used to hear people say that Chinese painting requires fewer consumables, but after actually studying Chinese painting, I realized that unless you only use cheap pens, ink and paper (in fact, these things are consumed very quickly), otherwise, as long as you are a little particular, you will spend a lot of money.

There are various brands of calligraphy and painting papers, pens, and inks, both good and better, ranging from a dozen yuan to several thousand yuan.

In addition to the basic materials, there are also pigments. You can use small boxes of tubes of pigments, or you can choose traditional mineral and plant pigments from a certain hall or studio. After you have these, you will want an inkstone, which is even more of a pitfall.

Once you have an inkstone, you will want to use other stationery. Lan Xin has visited the studios of several professors in this major. The studios are filled with so many items that they can fill up half of the drawing table.

She has heard from junior and senior students and graduate students in the same major that many of them first trained themselves to be stationery enthusiasts before becoming painters. This phenomenon also exists in other majors.

Lan Xin didn't have any money, and she understood the reason, but when she saw nice stationery, she couldn't help but like it.

During this sketching session, the teacher suggested that they try to paint with a brush. The two students were discussing whether to buy an album to facilitate sketching.

Lan Xin saw that the cheapest album leaf that could be used for sketching cost 1000 yuan. Although she earned yuan from Yuan Xiaohan, she had to use the money to live.

Think about it, forget it.

She walked alone to the counter selling inkstones and ink boxes and took a fancy to a plain brass ink box.

If I had such an ink cartridge, it would be much more convenient to go out for sketching.

She looked at the price, 96 yuan!
After getting the waiter's consent, she took out the ink cartridge and opened it carefully. There was snow-white silk cotton in the box. The lid closed tightly and a brocade box was also given.

Lan Xin couldn't bear to buy it, so she could only put the ink cartridge back reluctantly.

When the two students saw the copper ink cartridges, they also thought they were expensive, so they bought cheaper plastic ink cartridges.

The three of them walked around the supplies counter and prepared to pay.

Lan Xin took another look at the location of the ink cartridge, only to find that the plain brass ink cartridge was gone. She didn't know who had bought it, and she felt a little disappointed.

The three of them paid for the supplies and then lined up at the bookstore exit to pay for the books.

Lan Xin accidentally saw a familiar face.

"Jiang Zhe, are you coming to the bookstore too?"

Jiang Zhe greeted Lan Xin and her two classmates.

Lan Xin saw Jiang Zhe holding a picture album and a large plastic bag, so she asked, "Why are you buying such an expensive picture album?" She could recognize that it was an imported picture album.
Jiang Zhe said, "I'm going to buy this for copying. Are you here to buy paper and ink?"

"We all have life drawing classes next week, so we need tools."

"I heard that our classes are scheduled together for unified adjustments."

Several people lined up together and talked about the upcoming professional courses.

Lan Xin saw that the plastic bag Jiang Zhe was carrying had the logo of the company that sold painting supplies on it, and she could also see a large album in the bag. She felt envious, but at the same time she wondered when Jiang Zhe started learning Chinese painting?
After several people paid, Jiang Zhe asked, "Do you want to go back to school? I'll take a taxi and we'll go back together."

"Oh, that's so sorry." Lan Xin's classmate said politely.

Jiang Zhe said, "You're welcome. I'm going back to school and will take you with me."

He hailed a taxi, the three girls got in the back seat of the taxi, and he sat in the passenger seat, and they returned to school smoothly.

Jiang Zhe took the time to give Lan Xin a wink.

Lan Xin didn't know what he was going to do, but after returning to school, she found an opportunity to meet Jiang Zhe alone.

"what's up?"

Jiang Zhe handed the plastic bag in his hand to Lan Xin.

"These materials are for you."

"Why are you sending me materials?" Lan Xin didn't dare to take it.

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(End of this chapter)

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