Chapter 183, Preparation, Detection


Teacher Hu tapped the computer keyboard hard with his index finger, turned his head to stretch his neck, and slowly stood up from the chair.

After she stopped relaxing, she looked at the people waiting in the office and said, "Everyone is here. I have a few things to say.

Next week, there may be a higher-level inspection team coming to school to check your academic level. There are several ways to check, which may be to do exercises or draw pictures with assignments.

Those present are all top students in their respective fields. You may be selected, so we have asked you to come here so that you can prepare in advance. "

She emphasized several points of attention, and specifically requested that no one could take leave next week unless they were sick. Then, she gave each person a set of documents.

"These are the test questions and answers from the past. Go back and read through these materials and memorize as much as possible. Those who take this test and get good scores will get extra points when applying for scholarships."

When hearing the reward information, many students' eyes lit up.

Jiang Zhe took the stapled materials and flipped through them quickly. The materials were about twenty pages long. The first half had questions and answers, mainly about art appreciation. The latter part had several propositional painting questions.

“There may be random inspections any day from Monday to Friday next week, and the school will help you arrange your courses for those who are randomly inspected.

Any more questions?"

"Teacher, how do we prepare painting materials?" a student asked.

Teacher Hu replied: "Don't worry, the inspection team will bring the materials, and then you just need to take the test."

Everyone dispersed, and Jiang Zhe and the other two walked back to the studio.

Fu Min held the materials and said with emotion: "There are still such things in college."

Mou Xing had already rolled up the materials and held them in his hand: "Maybe it's just a coincidence. Besides, we may not be picked."

Fu Min said: "Everything else is fine, but if I have to do these questions again, I feel a bit of a headache."

Jiang Zhe said: "The teacher wouldn't ask us for no reason. Let's read the questions again and try to remember them."

Along the way, I saw some students from other majors and other colleges holding similar materials.

By the afternoon, the news had spread and many people were discussing the matter.

Jiang Zhe returned to the studio, put the materials into his backpack, and focused on his work. As for the preparation for the exam, he would talk about it when he had time.

In the afternoon, he only took a break when the model took a break, and spent the rest of the time concentrating on painting.

By the time the model got off work, he had already finalized the look of the characters in the picture.

Many students plan to create in the studio during weekends.

Jiang Zhe prefers to sketch from models, so he returns to the studio on weekends.

He used Yuan Xiaohan's pastel portrait as a base to create an oil painting portrait, still using the transparent glazing technique. On Saturday, he made a base draft; on Sunday, he worked on the relationship between the sketch and the painting. During the break, he looked through the test questions.

A new week has begun. I have a big class on Monday, and there is no news about any inspection.

Still nothing on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, during the first class, when Jiang Zhe was taking notes, two people walked into the classroom.

One was a teacher from the school’s Academic Affairs Office, and the other was a stranger.

The teacher from the Academic Affairs Office whispered a few words to the teacher who was teaching the class.

The teacher has been notified to stop teaching immediately.

The stranger said to the many students, "Excuse me, students, now, the students I call on, please follow me to take the test."

The news of the inspection has spread throughout the school. Students who don't know the inside story are inevitably worried. Many people pray silently that they will not be selected...

The stranger called out two students' names and read out the third name: "Oil painting major, Jiang Zhe." Jiang Zhe saw that many people around him were looking at him. There was sympathy, gloating and curiosity in these eyes.

He quickly packed up his things and followed the teacher from the Academic Affairs Office out of the classroom.

After several people left the classroom, many students began to chatter.

The teacher called the students and continued the class...

Jiang Zhe and his group came to the conference room and saw that many students were already waiting.

He sat in a row with students from the Department of Plastic Arts. Soon, Fu Min, Lan Xin and others also came to the conference room.

Jiang Zhe observed silently. Among those who came were freshmen and juniors, but no sophomores or seniors. They were probably not selected.

After everyone has arrived, the inspection team will arrange for the students to draw lots and take the test in turn.

Jiang Zhe followed the line up to the drawing position, drew out a piece of paper, and unfolded it in front of everyone.

The note read - Oil painting portrait sketch, with specific requirements at the end.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself that this question was not difficult. When the other teachers saw the question he picked, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone was divided into groups according to the test questions they drew.

Lan Xin was also selected for sketching.

Fu Min was asked to answer questions. With a bitter face, she followed her group members to answer the questions.

Those who drew the sketching topic came to the studio.

Students from all majors in the Department of Plastic Arts were selected to participate in the sketching activity.

Jiang Zhe's assignment required him to complete a 50×70 cm oil painting sketch within three hours.

He received the tools prepared by the inspection team: an oil canvas for direct painting; a box of 24-color oil paints, a bottle of turpentine oil; and a set of oil brushes.

Jiang Zhe checked the materials and felt that the quality was average, especially the oil paint, which was not very good. He could only comfort himself that if the materials were provided for free and he could paint, he should not ask for too much.

There were many people coming to sketch, so he couldn't use a large easel. He used an ordinary easel to support the oil painting frame and then began to prepare the paint.

As per his habit, he squeezed titanium white, terracotta red, ochre yellow, olive green, ultramarine and other colors commonly used in painting figures onto the palette and made preliminary adjustments.

Lan Xin was also preparing quickly. She drew a Chinese painting figure sketch. After several sketches, this topic was not difficult for her.

The inspection team temporarily invited a male school worker to act as a model and a member of the inspection team to be responsible for invigilation.

Jiang Zhe observes the model and considers the final picture effect based on the time.

He quickly used sketches to determine the composition and sketch relationship composition, and then began to draft.

When drafting, consider the arrangement of color blocks and the relationship between inherent colors and ambient colors.

After confirming that the draft was correct, he took a large oil painting brush and quickly adjusted the base color of the character. He first painted the base color of the character, then painted the background base color, and then changed a brush and started to shape the facial features.

When drawing directly, one must consider both sketching relationships and color relationships at the same time, and strive for accurate generalization with every stroke.

After Jiang Zhe finished the first pass, the image of the character had already appeared, but the background was still incomplete.

When he painted the second time, he made the transition between light and dark of some colors delicate and soft, and even the dark parts had changes.

In order to achieve excellent results, he considered making the style of his sketches closer to that of Sargent's works.

The invigilator walked around the studio and finally stood behind Jiang Zhe to appreciate his painting process.

(End of this chapter)

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