Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 19, Facing the Problem, Award News

Chapter 19, Facing the Problem, Award News
On the third day of the design course at the training class, Teacher Zheng began to explain the design methods of variant characters, which is a very interesting part of font design.

He demonstrated on the whiteboard methods such as breaking down characters, partially deforming them, or adding decorative elements.

The students with active minds were delighted and ready to try their skills, while the students with slower reactions had already started scratching their heads.

Teacher Zheng requires every student to master at least two to three methods of changing fonts in order to cope with most test questions.

This type of design tests students' flexible thinking and does not require a high level of basic skills.

Jiang Zhe is not a person with particularly jumping thoughts, but after all, he has more than 20 years of life experience and has seen too much fresh information, so when designing, he will never stick to rigid rules.

His favorite method is to make part of the font more vivid to reflect the theme.

Chinese characters are pictographic, and a little change can make them more interesting. For example, when designing the last stroke of the character "虎", the vertical hook is changed into a tiger tail. This kind of work can give people a refreshing feeling.

"How did you come up with this word that was separated?" Chen Yan had been sitting next to Jiang Zhe these past two days. The two of them were gradually getting to know each other, but this question was a bit meaningless, as if she was deliberately looking for a topic.

Jiang Zhe pointed at the radicals with a pencil and said, "After boldly disassembling them, reassemble them into the image of the rainbow I need."

Teacher Zheng said nearby: "Jiang Zhe's method is very bold. Although the disassembly and replacement are not perfect, it does not affect the identification. It highlights the beauty of the whole, and adding rainbow colors is even better."

He ignored Chen Yan's move towards Jiang Zhe and went to look at other students' works.

Chen Yan nudged Jiang Zhe with her elbow. "Can you help me see how I should change mine?"

Jiang Zhe glanced at Chen Yan.

After two days of contact, he found that this girl might have used some of her intelligence on her face. She was unwilling to use her brain for her own design.

If the other party just wanted to learn something, Jiang Zhe would ignore her, but the other party wanted her to bring a pen, which was not the way to learn something. It seemed like she was deliberately trying to get close to him, so there was no need to worry about competition. Anyway, doing exercises could also accumulate rewards.

Jiang Zhe demonstrated with a pencil on the draft paper: "Your method is to add decorative elements inside and outside the characters. There are too many variations in the decorative elements used in a group of four characters. You can use similar elements or reuse them to increase the beauty of the form."

Chen Yan said thank you and found that Jiang Zhe had already looked to the other side.

Teacher Zheng and two students talked about the design competition again, which attracted many students to come over.

Jiang Zhe's attention was also drawn over.

"I saw this morning that the Starry Sky Cup Design Competition has announced the winners. A child from Binhai won the prize. He seems to be a high school student, about the same age as you, maybe even younger than you."

"so smart?"

"Which school?"

Hearing that their peers have achieved such results makes these students who are facing art exams envious and also triggers their imagination.

"I've also seen that student's design. It's a set of wine utensils."

Jiang Zhe stood up and moved closer, wanting to hear more clearly.

Teacher Zheng was beaming with joy: "I think the material selection of that set of wine glasses is average. I appreciate his concept more. He named it "dimple cup" and the shape of the wine set has the shadow of traditional style. Borrowing the definition of dimple in our culture, it has both cultural meaning and festive and beautiful charm..."

Jiang Zhe heard Teacher Zheng talking about the work, which should be his own work. However, he really didn't think of so many concepts.

The most important thing is, if Teacher Zheng has read the work, how could he not know the author's information.

Even if he hasn't seen it, some of the information may match up.

Someone nearby asked, "Teacher Zheng, are there any students from the School of Art who have won awards?" The person who asked this question had very little tact.

Teacher Zheng is very free and easy: "Some people are shortlisted. There are quite a few people on the list of winners, I haven't looked carefully yet. However, I think all of them are wiped out. I have always said that design is not just the accumulation of basics, nor can it rely solely on renderings. The designer's concept and consciousness are very important. Only when good concepts are combined with inspiration can good works be designed.

Many works impress the audience with their concepts and subversive designs. If you want to learn design, you should watch more, think more, and go out more, and you will occasionally encounter inspiration. "

Jiang Zhe didn't hear the caring message and returned to his seat.

Unfortunately, when I registered for the competition, I didn’t have a mobile phone, so I only left my home phone number.

He believed in the system's arrangement, but he didn't know when the results would come out. Chen Yan asked in a low voice: "You seem to be very concerned about that design competition. Do you want to give it a try?"

The big-eyed girl suddenly said to Chen Yan: "The competition is over. Look at those people. When they heard someone won a prize, they asked questions without knowing their own limitations. It seems that if they hear more, they will also benefit from it and become smarter.

People who can achieve such results are usually geniuses. Anyway, those who are too ambitious and look down on others have no hope of achieving such results. "

Jiang Zhe felt that she was making some indirect accusations and also sensed that the girl was vaguely hostile to him. Although she was praising him without knowing it, he would not pretend not to hear it.

He said to Chen Yan, "You should ask Teacher Zheng for advice more often, listen to his opinions more, and accept more positive energy, which will make you more optimistic. Have you noticed that there are a few people who often pester Teacher Zheng to ask questions? They are smart people."

Chen Yan was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood. Although she had never heard of the term positive energy, the contrast between positive and negative was still easy to understand.

The girl with big eyes also understood. What does it mean? It means that I am a negative energy. No need to explain, she put it on her head.

Just as she was about to retort, she met Jiang Zhe's steady gaze and suddenly felt that he was unshakable. Some of her sarcastic words were immediately suppressed.

Chen Yan spoke to the girl with a smile and changed the subject.

Jiang Zhe knew that the more he avoided this kind of person, the more trouble he would get into, so he had to face the problem head on.

I tried it and it worked.

Soon, his cell phone rang.

He saw that it was his father Jiang Yi's number. His father would not call him during his class if he had nothing to do.

He quickly left the studio and pressed the answer button.

"Dad, what happened?"

"Did it delay your class?" Jiang Yi's tone didn't sound urgent.

"It's break time now."

"It's like this. I just received a call from another city about a design competition. I wrote it down. It's called the Starry Sky Cup China-Europe Design Competition."

Jiang Zhe was delighted, here they come.

"Yes, that's the name."

Jiang Yi continued, "I remember you participated in this competition. The person who called claimed to be from the organizing committee and said that you won the second prize and a certificate.

I was worried that the guy was a scammer, so I didn't tell him your phone number, and only left his number. The guy said that he had sent the winning news to your email. Take a look and don't be fooled. "

Jiang Zhe agreed: "Dad, I'll find time to go and see it."

Jiang Yi warned: "Don't be fooled if I ask you to pay. Call the police immediately if you are in danger."

"Do not worry."

Jiang Zhe ended the call and returned to the studio to continue designing.

If it were his old self, he would have been eager to check the message.

After his rebirth, he became more calm when doing things.

The news has been confirmed, so proceed at your own pace.

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(End of this chapter)

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