Chapter 2, Selling Paintings

Binhai is a beautiful city, where many painters have left their works. People often do sketching in famous scenic spots.

The temperature was low on January 1st, so the only person painting on the roadside was Jiang Zhe.

As the sun rises higher, pedestrians and tourists gradually appear.

Jiang Zhe was so immersed in painting that he forgot about the cold and didn't notice that there were people watching him.

He leaned back slightly, observed the painting, and when he was satisfied, he signed his name with a small brush dipped in paint.

After finishing the work, put down the brush, stand up and move around, while looking at the picture to find any flaws.

The fifth work uses the contrast between cold and warm to show a beach bathed in the warm winter sun.

Jiang Zhe moved around, drove away the cold, and breathed a sigh of relief. He devoted himself to painting, and the whole process was a kind of enjoyment. When the work was completed, there would be an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

He noticed a few onlookers behind him.

Several of them, after seeing Jiang Zhe finish his painting, stopped painting and turned away.

Three people remained where they were.

Among them, one man and one woman had blond hair and blue eyes, obviously foreigners. There was also a middle-aged man standing next to them, who should be a Chinese.

From the foreigners' actions and behavior, Jiang Zhe thought that the two might be a couple.

While he was looking at the other party, the three of them were also looking at him.

The foreign man with blond hair, blue eyes and ruddy complexion said a few words to Jiang Zhe with a warm smile.

Jiang Zhe only understood the first sentence of the greeting. He didn't understand the rest. The latter part of the sentence had the word "beautiful" in it, probably praising the beauty of his paintings.

The Chinese standing next to the foreign friend promptly translated: "Hello, sir. Mr. Smith said your watercolor paintings are very beautiful."

He introduced himself as Zhou, a translator. The two foreigners were Mr. and Mrs. Smith, his employers.

With the help of Zhou the translator, Jiang Zhe and the Smiths exchanged names.

"Nice to meet you." Jiang Zhe took off his gloves and shook hands with the other party. He thought that maybe this was the opportunity prompted by the system.

Sure enough, after Smith exchanged a few polite words with Jiang Zhe, he expressed his desire to watch Jiang Zhe's other works.

Jiang Zhe readily agreed and used the easel to display the five watercolor paintings he created today.

As Smith admired the paintings, he praised them frequently and occasionally chatted with his wife.

Jiang Zhe noticed that Smith's eyes stayed on two paintings for a long time: one painting showed a man fishing, and the other showed a lifeboat.

Smith looked at Jiang Zhe again and said a few words.

The translator followed up promptly. "Mr. Smith said that the painting you made with the fishing boat is very special. There is no one on the boat, but it feels like it is about to move. Also, what did you think of the painting with the fisherman?"

Jiang Zhe thought to himself that he must learn foreign languages ​​well to avoid being unable to communicate.

"When I was painting the boats, I imagined them as fish swimming in the sea; and in the painting of the angler, I wanted to create a leisurely atmosphere." He directly expressed his thoughts when he was creating the painting.

Smith looked at Jiang Zhe with sharp eyes and asked questions in a babble.

Zhou Jishi's translation: "Mr. Smith said your work is very good. Are you willing to sell your work?"

Is this an opportunity arranged by the system, or a coincidence? Jiang Zhe's heartbeat began to speed up. He knew that he must not show too much excitement at this time.

However, due to the anticipation, fear of loss, and inexplicable thoughts, his adrenaline began to surge, and he could hardly suppress his emotional fluctuations.

He looked at the selected works to hide his excitement.

"Thank you! Of course." As he spoke, he tried hard to suppress his emotions and keep his voice as steady as possible.

Over the decades of his life, he has heard many people brag about their experiences in selling paintings.

Usually, people who describe these things will say that when they were painting in a certain place, one or several of their paintings were valued by passers-by and bought at high prices, ranging from a few thousand to over ten thousand. When many people brag about themselves, they will also add similar sentiments such as they themselves feel very surprised.

Jiang Zhe has lived two lives and has never sold any of his works, and he is not too embarrassed to brag about it. He once fantasized about whether he could also support himself with his works.
I believe that anyone who has studied painting has had such a fantasy.

Now, fantasy has become reality, and I can become the person in the story.

"Mr. Smith wants to buy your painting of fishermen and fishing boats. Oh, and this one of morning light." Smith pointed out the three works and Zhou translated.

Jiang Zhe nodded, indicating that he could. He suppressed his excitement and did not ask for a price. The main reason was that he had never sold a painting before and did not know how to negotiate. He simply said less and let the other party speak first.

Smith asked the translator, and Zhou looked at Jiang Zhe, "What is the price of your paintings?"

Jiang Zhe had no choice but to trust the system's arrangement since he had encountered this opportunity by following the system's instructions. "I'm not a contracted painter, so I don't have a price. Since Mr. Smith likes it, he can make the offer."

After listening to Zhou's translation, Smith thought for a moment before saying a few words.

Zhou did not translate it directly, but confirmed it repeatedly.

Jiang Zhe heard a number in it, which seemed to be 9.

Translator Zhou thought Smith's price was a bit high. He had been in the workplace for a few years and considered himself experienced. He could tell at a glance that Jiang Zhe was just a student.

He noticed that Jiang Zhe was wearing an old cotton hat and woolen gloves, an old-fashioned blue military coat and leather cotton shoes. These details showed that Jiang Zhe was living in poverty.

According to his idea, if he gave the student three to five hundred yuan, he would be able to sell it.

However, he did not dare to do anything in front of Smith, because he knew that Smith could understand some Chinese and was particularly sensitive to numbers. "Mr. Smith wants to offer 9,000 yuan to buy these three paintings. Do you think it's okay?"

Sure enough, it was this amount, and they gave it so readily?! Jiang Zhe felt warm in his heart. The system's prompt was indeed powerful.

He tried to keep his tone calm. "Of course, you can."

Smith looked at Jiang Zhe's expression, understood what he meant, and immediately reached out to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe shook hands with Smith again.

“You are a painter with great potential.”

"Thank you."

"These three watercolor paintings of yours have traces of European painting, but the use of water and modeling techniques have a unique oriental charm. I hope to see better works from you in the future."

“Thank you for your appreciation.”

"Can we leave one way?"

Jiang Zhe was embarrassed. At that time, he didn't have a mobile phone, only the number of a landline at home, which was installed for his college entrance examination.

"Sorry, I don't have any email, cell phone or other contact information, only my home landline."

"It's okay, most painters are like this." Smith took out his business card and handed it to Jiang Zhe, then took out a blank card and asked Jiang Zhe to leave his contact information.

Jiang Zhe wrote his contact information on the card and began to put the three paintings selected by Smith into the painting bucket.

Smith carefully put away the business card and signaled to the translator.

The translator took out his wallet, counted out a stack of bills, put them into an envelope, and handed it to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe took the envelope and shook hands with Smith again.

After the transaction was completed, Smith chatted with Jiang Zhe for a few words and then said goodbye.

The three of them said goodbye to Jiang Zhe and walked away along the sidewalk, talking and laughing.

Jiang Zhe watched the three people walk away with a smile on his face.

When he was about to turn the corner, Smith looked back and saw Jiang Zhe still standing there, so he smiled and waved.

They walked a little further, and finally Zhou the translator could not help asking, "Mr. Smith, you can definitely buy these three paintings at a lower price."

Mrs. Smith seemed not to hear and continued walking and enjoying the scenery.

Smith glanced at Zhou the translator and said, "I know their value, but my good mood and time are more precious."

Translator Zhou shut up in time.

Jiang Zhe watched Smith and the other two disappear, and finally couldn't hold it back anymore. The smile on his face loosened and turned into a bright smile.

He clenched his fist and waved it in the air. "Yeah! It worked!" He was also a painter who had sold his works, and the price was not cheap.

This incident proves that the rewards given by the system can really be redeemed in reality, and the way of redemption is very reasonable.

He became more and more excited at the thought that he could continue to receive rewards through learning in the future, and even sell his works at a higher price.

By learning skills or knowledge, you can make money, which is a win-win situation and you win twice.

The first money I earned tasted great.

Decades of experience have taught Jiang Zhe that he should not get carried away when he is proud, but he still has the urge to spend or even squander. After all, he is now nineteen years old, and the system has given him confidence.

He quickly packed up his tools, left the scenic area, and went to the nearest GS Bank.

Walking into the bank, Jiang Zhe saw that there were actually a lot of people queuing up. He asked for a number and sat on a chair in the lobby.

While waiting, he clicked on the system page and looked at the settlement notice for this month:
The player has received the reward. This settlement is complete, please continue to work hard.

He confirmed the reward information and went to look at the learning accumulation column.

Players learn today:

Watercolor painting practice: four hours

Foreign language practice: 0.5 hours
When Jiang Zhe saw that the system also counted communication time as part of learning accumulation, he immediately thought, could watching foreign language movies also be accumulated?

If possible, would you have more ways to learn, or even learn everything about the world?

He then thought that last month, he had earned 9,000 yuan with a week's accumulation. So, could he set a goal of 30,000 to 40,000 yuan for this month? With this system, he didn't have to worry about making money in the future.

He began to imagine how he would spend his money when he had it, without having to worry about waiting for his number to be called.

It was his turn to handle the business. Jiang Zhe opened an account for himself, got a bank card, and deposited 7 yuan into the account. He took out 2000 yuan from the remaining 400 yuan, exchanged it for change, and put it back into the envelope.

By the way, at that time, I didn’t even have a wallet.

He left the bank and went to the nearby store to buy himself a large leather wallet and put his money and bank cards in it.

With the wallet in his pocket, his back suddenly straightened.

 Everyone is welcome to read.

(End of this chapter)

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