Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 200, Gifts, Art Association, New Mission

Chapter 200, Gifts, Art Association, New Mission
In the restaurant, Jiang Zhe and his three companions chose a table by the window and sat down.

The waiter brought beef with red dates, grass carp in oil, Chinese cabbage in milk soup, corn with pine nuts, and clam and egg dumpling soup.

Four dishes and one soup, plus fruit juice and hot drinks, are both filling and not too shabby.

Because everyone agreed to pay together, Jiang Zhe took the girls' tastes and Lan Xin's situation into consideration, so he thought twice before ordering the dishes.

At this time, Fu Min was still excited about selling paintings. She and Mou Xing were both the type who didn't have to worry about tuition fees, but their living expenses were not rich. Although she only got a few hundred yuan from selling paintings this time, it was meaningful. Therefore, she clamored for more dishes.

Jiang Zhe advised, "We are here to celebrate. Eating is secondary. If it's not enough, we can order more. There's no need to waste it."

Lan Xin was very smart and knew that Jiang Zhe was taking care of her. She was in the worst condition and the money from selling the two paintings exceeded the income of her mother and stepfather.

Jiang Zhe's actions filled her heart with warmth.

Jiang Zhe raised his glass first and said to the three of them, "Today, let's first celebrate the success of the three of you. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. The first painting was sold successfully, and the prices of the subsequent ones are getting higher and higher. Let's strive to achieve financial freedom while in college."

At that time, this word was not yet popular, but Lan Xin and the other two quickly understood its meaning.

"Thank you." "Congratulations!"

The four of them drank the juice. Although it wasn't alcohol, it didn't affect their good mood at all.

Mou Xing filled everyone's cups with juice and said, "Jiang Zhe, we should toast you first. If it weren't for you, we don't know when we could sell the paintings."

"Yes, let's toast to Jiang Zhe together." Fu Min and Lan Xin echoed.

Jiang Zhe clinked glasses with the three people one by one, drank the juice in the glass, and said with a smile: "With your painting skills, as long as you find the right channel, it will only take time to sell your paintings. Also, shall we eat something first?"

He invited the three of them to eat and talk.

Gatherings among students are not as particular as those in the workplace; you can have whatever combination of food, drink and juice you want.

Lan Xin mentioned something.

"Manager Wang said that we should also join the Art Society. Jiang Zhe, what do you think?"

Jiang Zhe said: "You can join. However, things are complicated here." He told his own experience.

Mou Xing and Fu Min were also a little shocked when they heard about the contradictions and struggles.

Lan Xin said: "We will enter the workplace sooner or later, so we might as well adapt as soon as possible."

Fu Min and Mou Xing both nodded in agreement.

Lan Xin continued, "I remember that the last time I sketched and exchanged ideas with Jiang Zhe, it was very helpful in improving my skills. Finding opportunities to communicate and promote each other is the purpose of joining the society."

"That's good. We should help each other, and maybe we can make progress faster."

"It's settled." Fu Min, Mou Xing and Jiang Zhe all raised their glasses.

Lan Xin's words helped the group reach a consensus, and in the following conversation, they slowly opened up to each other. Some topics that they were reluctant to talk about could now be discussed openly.

Understanding the current state of the industry and the commonality of selling paintings in the same gallery did not make them wary of each other, but instead encouraged them to help each other.

After the celebration, the four of them walked back to school together.

When they parted at the intersection on campus, Lan Xin secretly gave Jiang Zhe a wink.

Jiang Zhe remained calm. Soon, he came back from his stroll and saw Lan Xin coming from the direction of her dormitory.

"For you." Lan Xin took out a small paper box from her schoolbag.

"Thank you, what is it?" Jiang Zhe opened the paper box and saw that it contained a seal that was approximately 1.5×1.5 cm square and about ten centimeters high.

"I carved a seal for you. The seal has your name on it. Take a look at it. If you are not satisfied, I will change it." Lan Xin looked at Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe smiled and asked, "Why did you give me a gift?"

"You helped me, and I have nothing to thank you for. Please don't despise me."

Jiang Zhe carefully took out the seal and said, "How could that be? Your work should be very valuable."

This is a double-sided seal. One side of the seal is in white, with the inscription "Jiang Zhe's Seal"; the other side is in red, with the two characters "Jiang Zhe" engraved on it. The white text is the style of the Han Dynasty jade seals, and the red text seal is in the style of fine red text.

This double-sided seal is very practical, and the engraved text has the charm of calligraphy.

Jiang Zhe looked at Lan Xin. "Thank you, I like it very much."

“If you feel the seal needs to be changed, you can always contact me.”

Lan Xin's gift reminded Jiang Zhe.

"That's perfect. I have something for you, but I didn't bring it today. I'll come find you during break tomorrow."

"No need." Lan Xin turned and ran away: "I gave you a gift just to express my gratitude."

Jiang Zhe took the gift, left the campus and returned to his studio. He first prepared the gift for Lan Xin. After washing up, he reviewed his experiences of the day while drinking tea.

He was getting closer to several classmates, which was worth being happy about. At the same time, he was also very wary of what Wang Zhen mentioned today. Such things meant that someone was eyeing him, and fame would inevitably bring trouble.

He called Sister Liao again and asked how to balance personal relationships and interests.

After listening to his description, Sister Liao paused for a moment and said, "You handled it very well. You must never touch such things. With your current foundation, as long as nothing goes wrong, your future will not be too bad. This kind of thing is a mine that may explode at any time and must not be touched. When encountering such a thing, you don't have to worry about personal relationships and face..."

She told Jiang Zhe many examples.

After the two ended their call, they saw two missed calls on their phone, both from Wang Zhen.

"Manager Wang, what's the matter?" Jiang Zhe called Wang Zhen.

"That's good. The airport has agreed to make a donation and asked me to express my gratitude to you. Do you have time next weekend?" Wang Zhen asked.

Jiang Zhe replied, "I have time on the weekend." "Okay, let's make a preliminary appointment for the weekend."


Monday morning, break time for big classes.

Jiang Zhe found Lan Xin holding a paper bag.

"I brought back some seal materials. You should also need them. Take them for practice."

Lan Xin took the bag and saw four seal boxes with dark blue cloth covers inside.

The box is very neatly made.

She opened them one by one and saw that each box contained a seal, which was surrounded by sponge and brocade.

There are two seals, one 1 cm square, one 2 cm square, and one 2.5 cm square. The tops of the two large seals are engraved with auspicious animal seal buttons.

After Lan Xin started learning seal carving, she also learned about seal materials. "This is Qingtian stone, this is Shoushan stone, what is this?"

Jiang Zhe replied: "The smallest seal material should be Bahrain stone. I didn't find a suitable Changhua stone, otherwise I should have gathered all the traditional seal materials."

Lan Xin felt that the materials and workmanship of these seals were very good. "Isn't it expensive? I'm still in the practice stage, so I don't need to use such good materials."

Jiang Zhe said, "Keep them for later use. These seals are high enough to be sharpened and engraved repeatedly."

Seeing that the break was about to end, Lan Xin had no choice but to accept the gift. She originally wanted to return a favor, but she didn't expect that the more favors she owed, the more she owed.

At noon, Jiang Zhe received a call from Teacher Hu and hurried to the office.

Teacher Hu was talking to a fair-faced woman.

She saw Jiang Zhe, stood up and said, "Jiang Zhe, let me introduce you, this is Teacher Song."

Jiang Zhe followed up by saying, "Hello, Teacher Song."

Teacher Hu continued to introduce: "Teacher Song is the director of our Binhai Art Association. I hope you can join our Binhai Art Association."

"Can I?" Jiang Zhe was prepared for this because Professor Qin had given him a heads-up.

"You have won awards continuously and are eligible to join." Teacher Song explained: "In the past, students from the Department of Plastic Arts of Binhai Art College could become members of our Binhai Art Association as long as they graduated. Later, due to the expansion of enrollment and the fact that many people changed their careers after graduation, they needed to be reviewed before they could join.

With your conditions, we welcome you to join the association."

"Okay, I'll apply to join." Jiang Zhe said. The association is not a non-governmental organization like the society, it is more formal.

Teacher Song began to talk about the association's rules and regulations. The general idea was that the association was under the leadership of a certain department and had to cooperate with the superiors to do some publicity and participate in related activities.

After listening to this, Jiang Zhe agreed.

Professor Qin told him that these are just rules and regulations on the surface, but there is a certain degree of flexibility in their actual implementation.

After asking Jiang Zhe to fill out a few forms, Teacher Song said to him, "I will send you your membership card and related materials after the review is passed."

"Thank you, Teacher Song."

"The second thing is that you are now a member of the association.

We have an exhibition at the end of the year and hope you can attend it."

Before Jiang Zhe asked for the details, he heard the system prompt. He had no time to check it now, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

Teacher Song explained the requirements. "This New Year's painting exhibition is themed on the development and changes of Binhai, and the content should be positive and uplifting."

Jiang Zhe asked for detailed size and material requirements and wrote them down.

"Teacher Song, rest assured. I will do my best to prepare the work."

"Okay, there are many people from your school participating, and we are looking forward to your work. If you have any difficulties, you can call us directly or report it through the school."

After finishing his work, Teacher Song said goodbye and left.

Jiang Zhe and Teacher Hu saw the guests off together.

On the way to the school gate, several people talked about topics related to the association.

Jiang Zhe followed the topic and asked, "Teacher Song, many of my classmates have good conditions. If they want to join the association, how should they apply?"

Teacher Song said, "If other students want to join, they can apply themselves." Thinking that Jiang Zhe was just asking casually, he briefly stated the basic conditions.

She said goodbye to Jiang Zhe and the other man at the school gate and left in a taxi.

Teacher Hu and Jiang Zhe walked back together. "Jiang Zhe, why did you ask this question just now?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I joined the association, but I couldn't forget my classmates. In our class, Fu Min and Mou Xing are also very good at painting. If more people join, it will also be an honor and achievement for the class."

Teacher Hu was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll go ask."

Seeing that Teacher Hu agreed, Jiang Zhe stopped thinking about it. He returned to the dormitory, opened the system, and checked the prompt just now.

The painter joins the municipal art association to increase his honor value.

This is the first time that the painter has come into contact with realistic propositional creation, triggering a branch task.

Task requirements: This is your first appearance in the Art Association. Please create works that meet the theme requirements.

If the work is well received, it is considered as a task completed and rewards can be obtained. If the work is published in newspapers or collected by relevant departments, special rewards can be obtained.

There is no penalty for failure.

(End of this chapter)

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