Chapter 204, Attention, New Creation

Jiang Zhe put the squirrel-hair watercolor brush in his hand into the brush bucket and shook it, then used a brush cloth to absorb the water, dipped it in the color on the palette again, and signed his name in the lower right corner of the drawing paper.

As he studied the painting, he relaxed. He finished three paintings in a row, feeling a little tired, but also very satisfied.

He looked at Teacher Jiang who was sitting next to him. "Teacher Jiang, please take a look. Is there any problem?"

Teacher Jiang was the oldest among the spectators and he sat down on a bench early to enjoy the show.

"Your watercolor paintings are better than mine. If you ask me to find problems, I can only say that you can explore the material characteristics of watercolor itself." He is older and no longer as utilitarian as he used to be, so after a polite remark, he expressed his opinion.

At this time, the person in charge of taking pictures came over. "Student, um, can I take a picture of your painting?"

He had just taken a picture of Jiang Zhe painting, but he wanted to capture the entire scene.

Jiang Zhe made way for him: "Okay."

The staff is adjusting the angle and preparing to take pictures.

Teacher Jiang moved his seat back and reminded, "I suggest you take a picture of his second painting. If it is published, the effect will not be too bad. The third chapter has good colors, and the first one is more realistic. But if it is published in the newspaper, the effect will not come out. The second one is the type that is appreciated by both the elite and the masses, and it should not lose much effect if it is printed."

Although he has retired, his prestige remains. The staff immediately discussed it with Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe agreed to take out the second work and let him take a photo.

The filming process attracted more attention.

At this time, Professor Qin came over, looked at Jiang Zhe's three paintings, and whispered: "Not bad, your three paintings are very vivid."

At this time, Teacher Jiang stood up and said to Professor Qin: "Old Qin, don't run away early if you drink tonight."

Professor Qin agreed, and after the staff finished taking pictures, he continued to say to Jiang Zhe: "Go back and repaint the second and third works, and then bring them to school, and we will discuss it together."

At this time, the teacher in charge of Binhai University once again invited the staff to take a few photos of his students.

The staff came to the students who were still creating and took a few photos, but then they lost interest. He had seen too many paintings and photographed too many similar scenes, and he was no longer interested in ordinary materials. He made an excuse and went to look for other materials.

The teacher leading the team from Binhai University didn't look very happy.

The students who had been posing nearby were already feeling very uncomfortable and looked at him inquiringly.

The teacher waved his hand helplessly, and the students immediately began to pack up their tools.

The staff who took the photo found Teacher Song.

Teacher Song asked: "How is it? How many photos have you taken?"

"We took a lot of pictures, enough for use." Staff

"It's due for submission tomorrow. Which parts do you think can be used in the manuscript?" asked Teacher Song.

The staff pointed at Jiang Zhe who was packing his things.

"That young man paints the best. Although I don't paint, I can tell the difference. Teacher Jiang and several other teachers also suggested taking pictures of his works. Just now, he had the most people watching him paint."

Teacher Song glanced at Jiang Zhe and said, "Is it him? That's not surprising. If his paintings are not good, how can his works be auctioned, let alone sold at a high price."

The staff member paused and said, "I've heard about this. Is this him?"

"Yes, that's him. Why do you think our association is willing to accept him as a formal member? Why are those people willing to watch him paint?"

The staff member looked at Jiang Zhe who had packed up his tools and said regretfully, "We should have taken a few more photos."

At this time, teachers from the two schools and several association members were chatting with the president of the Art Association.

The president just arrived and after listening to the report, he expressed his gratitude to the teachers of the two schools. "This event was very successful. Thanks to the support of the two schools. I would also like to ask several teachers to express my gratitude to the teachers and students of your school."

"You're too kind."

“This is what schools should do.”

“Thank you to the association for giving us this opportunity.”

At this time, Vice President Qi said: "During this event, many members were very enthusiastic and created a number of works on the spot. Would you like to go and take a look?"

The president readily agreed.

The group visited students from the two schools and browsed their works.

Under the teacher's instructions, the students have already displayed their works.

The president and his entourage encouraged the students while looking at the works.

They then went to see the works of other members.

The president took the time to say to Professor Qin and the others, "The quality of the students' works from your School of Art is very good. I heard that the student named Jiang Zhe is already a formal member of the association?"

Teacher Song replied: "I just joined the association."

"Well, we should recruit more outstanding talents." After the president finished speaking, he looked at the teachers of Binhai University and said, "The students of Binhai University have also produced good works."

While the president was talking to the others, the teacher leading the Binhai University team said to Professor Qin, "It's a little unfair to compare Jiang Zhe, a special student, with our students."

Professor Qin laughed and retorted: "Jiang Zhe is a freshman, how can you say it's unfair?"

A teacher from Binhai University said: "His paintings have already started to sell well in the market and cannot be compared with those of ordinary students."

The staff of the association quickly came out to smooth things over: "We are not here to collect folk songs to compete with each other. We are here to do our best to promote the work. So, just do your best." As the event was coming to an end, the staff of the association organized a group photo for everyone.

Members from different groups and students from the two schools took group photos arranged by the photographer.

In his concluding remarks, the president once again expressed his gratitude to everyone.

The association also arranged dinner for everyone, where members and teachers could toast and exchange cups.

The students were not allowed to drink, so they had to concentrate on eating. Although they were a little tired, the sumptuous dinner still made everyone very satisfied.

After dinner, vehicles took the teachers and students back to school.

The teacher gave a summary on the bus, so after getting off the bus, the students dispersed.

After getting off the bus, Jiang Zhe did not walk towards the school gate.

"Jiang Zhe, let's go." Seeing that he didn't move, Teacher Hu asked him to go together.

Jiang Zhe said: "Teacher, I will go to the studio tonight and return to school tomorrow."

"Okay, come early tomorrow and don't forget to submit the form for elective courses." Teacher Hu didn't ask the reason, but just gave a few words of advice.

Jiang Zhe took the car back to the studio.

He planned to finish the draft of his creation as soon as possible while he was still impressed.

He first called his parents to let them know he was safe, then spoke to Chen Yan, telling her about today's sketching process and making an appointment to meet tomorrow morning.

Jiang Zhe dealt with his affairs and began to sort out today's gains.

He laid out all his sketches from today and used the system to select two best works.

One painting shows the passenger terminal as seen when a ship leaves the port, and the other shows the container terminal from a bird's-eye view.

Jiang Zhe does not want to simply amplify and enrich his works.

If the size of the work changes, it needs to be reconceived.

His modeling ability is enough to support various thoughts. The remaining question is what style to use to express the beauty of the picture and make it fit the topic.

This work, in order to reflect the changes of the times and the development of the city, cannot be an abstract work or a surrealist work. Therefore, faithfully expressing reality with some personal style is a feasible option.

After Jiang Zhe determined the direction, he began to create again based on the sketch.

The next day at noon, Jiang Zhe was about to go to the classroom to hand in the elective course form.

"Jiang Zhe, what courses did you choose?" a classmate asked.

Jiang Zhe said: "I choose green landscape."

Fu Min heard what Jiang Zhe said and came over to ask, "Do you like landscape paintings?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I want to try to learn something new. What do you choose?"

Fu Min said, "I chose mural painting. Mou Xing chose model making." She told Jiang Zhe that she chose mural painting because she might get a job doing wall decoration in the future. Mou Xing chose model making because she wanted to have more choices when looking for a job after graduation.

Jiang Zhe has heard that many students have their own considerations, and some students take the opportunity to choose to learn drawing software because they are worried about their future after graduation.

In the next few days, Jiang Zhe returned to the studio every night to create.

Although there may be deviations in the grasp of color when creating works under lighting, Jiang Zhe can make up for it with his experience.

On Wednesday afternoon, he came to Professor Qin's office with two folio watercolor paintings.

Professor Qin and Teacher Hu were already waiting for him.

After Jiang Zhe unfolded his work, Professor Qin asked Jiang Zhe to talk about his creative thoughts.

He waited for Jiang Zhe to finish speaking, and did not rush to comment. Instead, he observed repeatedly from different angles before commenting: “There is no problem with the subject matter and direction of the two paintings.

Standing on the ferry and looking at the pier, this painting is very good with its moist and vivid colors and lively brushstrokes. You can consider how to make the layers of the pier complex more coordinated.

The second work has the strongest visual impact. The dock layout, cranes, and containers are arranged in an orderly manner. It has both spatial depth and a very strong decorative color.

From my personal point of view, I like the second one best.

If you'd like my advice, my first suggestion is that you paint these in oils. My second suggestion is that you go big.

As for which painting to focus on, you can decide for yourself. This is just my personal suggestion, you can follow your own ideas. "

Jiang Zhe said, "Professor Qin, these two paintings are just for practice. Can you help me see what size would be more suitable for enlarging them to?"

Professor Qin stood up and walked to the second painting. He measured it with his hands and said, "This painting can be enlarged to about 1.5×2.8 meters. This size can give the audience a more intuitive feeling."

He walked to the first painting again and measured it: "This painting can be enlarged to a size of 1.2 x 2.2 meters."

He paused for a moment and continued, "I'm talking about the approximate size. Before you customize the frame, it's best to draw a draft and determine the length and width ratio."

Jiang Zhe wrote down the request and said, "I understand. I'll go back and revise it today."

Professor Qin said, "Don't worry, there's still time to paint slowly." He returned to his desk, found a newspaper, and handed it to Jiang Zhe. "Let me show you something."

(End of this chapter)

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