Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 224, Creation Begins, Aerial Photography

Chapter 224, Creation Begins, Aerial Photography
Knock knock knock! The knock on the door woke Jiang Zhe who was deep in thought.

A woman in her twenties wearing a thin down jacket and a ponytail stood at the door and said to Jiang Zhe.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, the truck delivering the materials has arrived. You can go downstairs to get the materials."

"Okay." Jiang Zhe and the woman walked out of the room.

When the woman saw Jiang Zhe was alone, she asked, "Didn't you bring an assistant?"

Jiang Zhe replied: "I came here alone, without any assistants."

The woman said enthusiastically: "I'll help you move the things."

"Thank you so much. What's your name?" Jiang Zhe asked as he walked over.

"My last name is Gu, and my name is Gu Qian. You can just call me Xiao Gu." Although the woman was plain-looking, she squinted her eyes when she spoke, giving people the feeling that she was smiling.

"That won't work." Jiang Zhe said, "I'm not even 20 years old yet. I see you're older than me. Well, I don't mean anything else. Don't call me teacher, I'm not a teacher."

He really couldn't get used to this title. This title was used a lot in a certain circle. I remember hearing someone say that a certain profession, for a period of time, liked to call its clients "teachers".

While he was complaining in his heart, he said to Gu Qian: "You can just call me by my name. I'll call you Sister Gu."

Gu Qian shook her head: "Calling by name is not nice. My colleagues call all members teachers."

Jiang Zhe felt that this statement seemed even more ambiguous.

The two exchanged polite words, and finally, Gu Qian addressed Jiang Zhe as Mr. Jiang, and Jiang Zhe called her Sister Gu.

The two came to the parking lot and saw two trucks parked there.

Jiang Zhe signed with a staff member and started to receive his things.

Others also came to collect materials. Jiang Zhe stood at the back and saw that everyone received at least three boxes of consumables.

When it was his turn, a porter said while carrying a box: "The painting frame you want is too big and needs to be assembled in the workshop. Once it is transported up, we will be responsible for assembling it. Please be patient and wait."

Jiang Zhe said: "Thank you."

Two workers unloaded three boxes and two rolls of consumables from the truck. "Here are your consumables."

Jiang Zhe quickly checked the quantity and type and found nothing wrong. He and Gu Qian helped the two workers transport the consumables to the workshop.

"Teacher, please wait a moment. We will install the picture frame after we move the things."

Jiang Zhe said, "You two have worked hard, don't worry." He handed each of them a pack of cigarettes.

After the workers left, he started unpacking the boxes.

According to the cargo list, we first unpacked a box and assembled a set of stainless steel materials into a waist-high, four-layer tool rack with four pulleys for easy movement.

Then, he assembled two wooden easels to support the painting frame, because the canvas was too large and one easel was not stable.

He continued to unpack and check the supplies.

The two large rolls of materials are canvas and drawing paper, and a box contains various media and different types of brushes, two of which are extended sets of brushes for creating large paintings.

Jiang Zhe unpacked them carefully and placed them on the painting rack according to categories.

The remaining two boxes were mainly filled with paints and painting materials, and the brands and types were the same as those applied for.

Jiang Zhe estimated that these consumables would cost more than several thousand yuan. He already had a lot more money on hand, so he bought as needed and didn't dare to be so extravagant.

Two staff members quickly came back to help him assemble the picture frame.

The oil painting frame was slowly assembled, and Jiang Zhe then unfolded the canvas and asked Gu Qian and two workers to help hold the canvas from three directions. He then took the nail gun and began to stretch the canvas.

In order to ensure smooth later creation, he carefully adjusted the angle and tightness of the canvas until it reached the most suitable level.

Several people set up the picture frame and supported it with two easels.

Jiang Zhe took an extended paintbrush and measured the height. He found that if he wanted to paint the top of the picture, he would need a ladder, and if he wanted to paint the bottom of the picture, he would need to sit on the ground or even lie on his back.

Seeing that the work was done, the two workers said goodbye and left, and Gu Qian helped him borrow a ladder.

The workshop had just become quiet when there was a random knock on the door.

Jiang Zhe opened the door and saw Lao Ma and his students standing at the door.

"Teacher Ma, Teacher Qu, welcome," he let the two in.

"Let's take a look at what you have here." Lao Ma saw that the picture frame was erected and the canvas had been stretched.

"Oh, so fast?"

Jiang Zhe looked around and found that he didn't even have a teacup or a kettle.

"Hey, don't be busy." Lao Ma stopped Jiang Zhe. "We are just here to take a look. We haven't prepared anything yet. No matter how well prepared you are, it won't be as good as your own studio when you create in a new studio."

While the three of them were chatting, Gu Qian borrowed a retractable ladder.

Old Ma said to Gu Qian, "Xiao Gu, come with us and go to our place to see if we need anything. Jiang Zhe, come too, let's apply together."

Gu Qian carefully picked up the notebook and prepared to write down the requirements and missing items.

Several people came to Lao Ma's workshop.

On the floor in the center of the workshop, there are several large felts, on which large pieces of rice paper are placed.

Lao Ma said: “We plan to mount the paper, piece it together into a large piece of paper, and then create the work.

Jiang Zhe saw a row of low cabinets, which were already filled with pens, inkstones, and paper. The quantity of each consumable was sufficient. There were only a dozen porcelain bowls for grinding colors and copper cups for crushing pigments. Lao Ma told Gu Qian what he was still lacking, daily necessities, and Gu Qian recorded them one by one.

"Teacher Ma, what do you think is missing?"

"Not available for the time being. It's a pity that we have to wait for the storage this time, otherwise I should have ordered some custom pigments and ink sticks as a souvenir."

Gu Qian smiled but said nothing.

"Old Ma, your requirements are too high." Zhang Shixin's voice came from outside the door.

He brought Jin Yuming over to visit.

Although they are in competition with each other, these people can act close to each other when they get along with each other, and even some of the more blatant jokes opened Jiang Zhe's eyes.

After lunch, Gu Qian had prepared daily necessities for everyone's workroom and even borrowed an electric rice cooker for Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe steamed rabbit skin glue and began to make the first base for oil painting.

Gu Qian was very curious about this process and took the initiative to help, which greatly saved Jiang Zhe's time in scraping the foundation.

It takes time for the oil painting base to dry, and Jiang Zhe plans to use this time to draw a draft first.

I found a few sheets of watercolor paper from the materials and cut them according to the proportions of the canvas. I didn't waste the remaining scraps, I cut them into postcard size and used them as sketch paper.

Jiang Zhe first drew a watercolor draft, not seeking success, just to adapt to the picture of this proportion.

In the afternoon, Gu Qian informed that the aerial photography had been scheduled and would be held the day after tomorrow. There were two shifts for the aerial photography, and Jiang Zhe was in the morning shift.

Jiang Zhe was very excited when he heard the news, and then he thought that his current photography skills were not good enough. He decisively used the remaining lottery opportunity.

Unfortunately, in this lottery, I was able to upgrade my watercolor painting to the special grade, but I didn't win the prize for photography. The day after tomorrow, I can only reluctantly take photos.

Fortunately, watercolor painting skills will be useful in the creation that follows and will not be wasted.

After the lottery, Jiang Zhe began to concentrate on writing the draft.

Before coming, he had already had an idea for this painting and had also drawn a sketch.

He first enlarged the already formed idea and filled in the details based on the existing information.

The painting is centered on the new downtown area, which gradually expands to the left and right and back.

The distant view is a mountain range on the outskirts of the city, the urban areas arranged from east to west are the middle view, and the seaside scenery is the foreground. At the same time, the painting should also show the famous scenery of the bay and the line between the sea and the sky.

Because some details are still uncertain, some room is left in the picture.

He then painted three small watercolor paintings to verify his thoughts on the colors of the picture: one was in autumn tones, one was in spring tones, and the third was in the tones of rain at the turn of spring and summer.

He put his three experimental drafts together for comparison, and even after a practical systematic review, it was still difficult to make a decision.

Jiang Zhe was busy until dinner time.

Dinner is a time for painters to gather, entertain and socialize, but some also leave the hotel to take care of personal matters.

Jin Yuming and Zhang Shixin quietly left the hotel, got on a business car, and quietly rushed back to the city. Many members of the Art Association left for various reasons and did not stay overnight in the hotel.

Jiang Zhe didn't care about other people's arrangements and pushed forward his plan step by step. He painted until very late before going to rest.

The next day, Jiang Zhe scraped the base on the canvas for the second time. In the rest of the time, he continued to draw drafts and put various ideas on paper.

On the third day, the time for aerial photography finally arrived.

Before dawn, Jiang Zhe was ready to set off.

The association sent a car to take the first group of people participating in aerial photography to the take-off site, and a special person trained them on various safety precautions.

Finally, they saw the helicopter they were going to ride. Although it was an old model and not as beautiful as the one on TV, everyone involved was very excited.

The group followed the instructions and boarded the plane.

This was the first time that Jiang Zhe had such an experience.

Listening to the sound of the propeller and feeling the changes in the airflow, he suddenly thought that being able to experience different things was also the beauty of rebirth.

The helicopter started slowly, and all the passengers couldn't help but feel nervous.

The helicopter left the take-off point and hovered in the air. Jiang Zhe felt the shaking and turned his head to see the height difference. He suddenly felt dizzy and quickly turned his gaze to the cabin.

Several passengers in the cabin had narrowed their eyes at this time.

After Jiang Zhe got used to the condition of riding in a helicopter, he began to stabilize the camera and prepared to take pictures.

He looked down at the city from a height, and the various buildings were like colorful squares. Countless squares were connected and laid on the ground, forming a special orderly beauty.

Looking at the city scenery he had never seen before, he pressed the shutter and took quick pictures.

Every time the helicopter passes a new landmark building, it will circle in the air.

Jiang Zhe uses two cameras to take pictures from different angles in turn. When he first started shooting, he would consider the composition, but as the number of shots increased, he gave up all considerations and just shot based on his feelings.

A helicopter flies over the sea near the old town.

Jiang Zhe observed the sea surface facing the sun from a high place, pressed the shutter, and captured the sparkling scene and the magnificent beauty of the sea and sky.

At this moment, the bright sunshine is just like his mood.

(End of this chapter)

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