Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 226, Instructions, Two Faces, Xiang Zhuang Dancing with Swords

Chapter 226, Instructions, Two Faces, Xiang Zhuang Dancing with Swords

Jiang Zhe stepped back and observed his sketch.

The hub institutions and financial center buildings in the foreground of the painting, as well as the gradually unfolding new central blocks, tend to be flat.

When he was painting this picture, he did not make each building three-dimensional, but used light and dark to show the layers of the building complex and highlight the space.

After a day of painting, the picture is basically complete.

He began to make adjustments to some details, striving to make each part worthy of appreciation without destroying the overall beauty of the picture.

At this time, his painting pace began to slow down, and he spent most of his time observing and comparing. He would only pick up the pen to make modifications when he found problems.

While he was working, Gu Qian stayed in the workshop to observe.

Jiang Zhe was a little tired from painting and wanted to relax, so he asked Gu Qian, "Sister Gu, please help me see where there are problems."

Gu Qian was stunned for a moment before she said, "I think it looks good, I can't see any problem with it."

Jiang Zhe changed his angle and asked, "Help me take a look. Which buildings in the painting can you recognize? Which places can you not recognize? Be bold and speak up. I need your opinion."

Gu Qian said carefully: "I can see the Linhai Square, the Financial Center, the Linhai Bay, and the Passenger Terminal. I can also recognize some old landmark buildings, but I can't tell the difference between some residential buildings."

Jiang Zhe listened and took notes. When you look at your own work, you often turn a blind eye to the problems, so the opinions of bystanders are also important.

Analyzing from Gu Qian's answer, the important buildings in the new city area can be recognized, but the residential areas in the old city area are not so recognizable.

Jiang Zhe thought that he should continue to refine the shape and try to make the important images in the picture more recognizable.

He wrote down all of Gu Qian's comments, and then said, "Thank you. Let's wait a day and come back to look at it. Maybe we can find new problems."

Seeing Jiang Zhe stop creating and start packing up his tools, Gu Qian came over to help and asked tentatively, "Mr. Jiang, if I want to start learning painting, how do you think it would be best to get started? I have no basic knowledge, isn't it a bit late to start now?"

Jiang Zhe has gradually adapted to Gu Qian's assistance, and he also understands that there is no such thing as passion without reason in the world: "You want to learn painting?"

Gu Qian said: "I majored in accounting. After I came to work in the association, I had contact with calligraphers and painters for a long time and began to develop an interest in them. My colleagues also took advantage of their work convenience and used their spare time to learn from the painters. I also want to try to learn."

Jiang Zhe understood that it was due to herd mentality and the influence of others. "This idea is normal. There have been successful examples of such transformation in the past. Besides, you are not completely new to this."

He was not exaggerating. Some staff members of the Artists Association later transformed themselves into calligraphers and painters.

Gu Qian said: "Mr. Jiang, I am interested in both oil painting and watercolor, but I really have no foundation."

Jiang Zhe put away his tools and poured himself and Gu Qian a cup of tea. "The works of famous artists you saw in art classes in elementary and middle school are the foundation.

If you want to learn oil painting or watercolor, you can find a work of a famous artist that you like and copy it. You can use sketches or quick sketches to copy it. This is the entry point. You don’t have to follow the steps of plaster geometric figures, plaster statues, and portraits. Because you don’t need to take the art exam.

If you want to copy, it’s best to learn from a master like Leonardo da Vinci. If you want to learn color, I suggest you start with Impressionism. Of course, this is just a general suggestion. When you start painting, we can study it in detail. "

"Will my learning from you affect your creative work?" Gu Qian asked.

Jiang Zhe understood what she meant: "No. You can watch me while I'm creating. If you don't understand, you can ask me."

"Thank you. I will definitely not interfere with your creation."

Jiang Zhe was willing to agree, and he also had his own considerations. Through the contact in recent days, Gu Qian's personality is very cheerful, and we can try to be friends. As for whether she is really serious about learning painting, that is not important.


Knock, knock, knock. Someone knocked on the door. Gu Qian opened the door and asked, "Who are you?"

Someone was talking outside the door: "Mr. Jiang, Manager Wang asked me to deliver something to you."

Jiang Zhe walked over and saw Wang Zhen's assistant carrying a small camera.

"Please come in quickly."

The assistant put down the machine and repeated Wang Zhen's words.

Jiang Zhe said, "When you go back, thank Manager Wang for me. But first, you need to teach me how to use it. I don't know how to use this machine yet."

The assistant immediately began to demonstrate, and Gu Qian was learning beside him.

After the assistant left, she said to Jiang Zhe, "Mr. Jiang, I have learned it. I will help you record the video, and you can just concentrate on the creation."

"Thank you for your hard work." Jiang Zhe was not polite.

While having lunch, he heard many painters saying that higher authorities were going to send people to inspect their work.

Gu Qian was not sure whether the news was true or not, but she took the initiative to help Jiang Zhe clean the workshop.

When Jiang Zhe was preparing materials for his afternoon creation, he heard voices and footsteps outside the door, and then there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw seven or eight people standing outside: the president, the vice president, and several directors, surrounding a woman in her forties or fifties.

Jiang Zhe greeted them politely and invited them in.

The president began to introduce the main characters: "Jiang Zhe, this is Minister Zong of Wenlian."

"Minister Zong, welcome." Jiang Zhe took the opportunity to say hello and observe Minister Zong. He had a thin face, a ponytail, and wore dark casual clothes, which made him look very simple. Minister Zong shook hands with Jiang Zhe: "Jiang Zhe, I have heard of your reputation a long time ago. I was entrusted by the unit to visit you. I want to see the progress of the creation, and I also want to hear your ideas. Do you have any difficulties?"

At the same time, the accompanying people were looking at Jiang Zhe expectantly, ready to smooth things over at any time.

Although Jiang Zhe is young, he has experienced similar things in his previous life and after becoming an adult, so he is not stage-frightened.

"The association provides all kinds of support for concentrated creation, which is much better than I imagined." He listed the association's work one by one.

"This is what we should do." After hearing Jiang Zhe's answer, the president was happy in his heart and humble in his words.

Minister Zong suggested taking a look at Jiang Zhe's creations.

There were some photos and small sketches on the walls of the workshop. Jiang Zhe also took out some watercolor drafts for everyone to look at.

Minister Zong read through many manuscripts and nodded frequently.

She pointed to a watercolor painting and said to the president and others, "Is this painting considered a draft or a final draft?"

Jiang Zhe said: "This is just a draft. Before finalizing it, I would like to get more opinions. Please leave your valuable suggestions."

Minister Zong said: "I am an outsider and don't have any professional suggestions. But I can give some suggestions from the audience's perspective."

She pointed to several new buildings in the painting and said, "Can these new landmark buildings be more prominent? To highlight the development achievements of our city?"

Jiang Zhe didn't think this suggestion was very good, but he still said that he would make the change immediately.

The president and several others praised Minister Zong’s suggestions.

Minister Zong jokingly criticized everyone for blindly praising her.

As she was about to leave, she made her usual summary: "It's touching to see Jiang Zhe draw so many drafts. We should also provide more support to ensure that everyone completes this creation."

The president and several others immediately made a guarantee to complete the task resolutely.

Jiang Zhe saw everyone off and returned to his workshop. He cleared his mind of the previous distractions, calmed his emotions, and prepared for his afternoon creation.

Minister Zong and his entourage visited ten workshops in succession and some veteran painters before arriving at a standard room.

Minister Song sat on a chair, and the president and others automatically formed a circle, holding notebooks, ready to take notes.

"Conditions do not allow today, so let's hold a short meeting here and I will give you feedback on the situations and problems we saw today." Minister Zong took out a notebook and first read out some good situations, and then changed the subject.

"During the inspection, I also found several problems. The levels of the people involved in the creation are uneven, and some people also have problems with their attitude towards creation."

At this time, the smile on her face has disappeared, and her eyes gradually become stern. "For example, a student who just turned 20, without the help of teachers or seniors, dares to participate in such an important creation. Isn't this attitude too frivolous? How was he selected?"

Several people who were taking notes paused for a moment, and only the president continued to take notes with his head down.

"In addition to the situation I just mentioned, there are several other creative groups with different problems. For example, some people have not received a decent manuscript yet, and some groups have obvious problems with their creative direction. How were these people selected? Is there any problem with the selection process? With the current progress and status, how can the task be completed?"

Her words were like a machine gun, making everyone dare not look up.

After Minister Zong expressed his opinion, he let the president speak.

The president put away his pen, held up the notebook, and said sincerely: "After listening to Minister Zong's feedback, I am very ashamed. There are problems in the work of our association, and I would like to express my position here first. We will resolutely rectify the shortcomings pointed out by Minister Zong, and after the rectification, we will ask Minister Zong for guidance."

After hearing what the president said, Minister Zong's expression improved a little.

Several other people also expressed their opinions.

Minister Zong said: "Just now, I spoke harshly, but it was all for the sake of work. It was not directed at anyone, nor at the people involved in the creation. I know that artists have their own personalities, but we must strengthen management.

I will report today's situation to my superiors truthfully. I have to rush back to the unit, and you should also hurry up and start your work."

The president and several others saw Minister Zong off to the car.

Watching the vehicle leave, he said to the others, "Go back and have a short meeting."

Several people returned to the room they had been in before, and the president began to arrange the rectification work, but he did not mention any specific measures, only the direction of the rectification.

The vice president and several directors did not dare to ask questions at this time and could only adjourn the meeting in confusion.

Vice President Qi consulted the president alone: ​​"President, the selection issue that Minister Zong mentioned is not something we can decide."

The president said, “Let’s do our job well and organize the documents of the selection process for future reference.”

"Do we need to replace the person who was named?" Vice President Qi asked again.

The president said: "Don't tell anyone yet, stay stable and wait for instructions."

Soon, several cars left the hotel one after another.

The president returned to his office, closed the door, and asked people not to disturb him.

After making several calls in a row, he leaned back in his chair and whispered, "Xiang Zhuang dances with a sword."

(End of this chapter)

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