Chapter 238, Lost

Jiang Zhe and Teacher Hu chatted all the way to Professor Qin's office.

Professor Qin was also painting, and when he saw the two of them coming in, he put down his brush. "Jiang Zhe, congratulations! I just made a pot of tea, you guys can try it too."

"Thank you, Teacher Qin." Jiang Zhe rushed to pour tea for the two teachers.

Professor Qin asked Jiang Zhe to sit down. Holding the cup and smelling the tea, he said to Jiang Zhe, "I only heard the general news. Is your winning work the landscape painting you showed me last time?"

"Yes, that landscape painting won the bronze medal," Jiang Zhe replied.

"What else?" Professor Qin asked.

"There are two more portraits." Jiang Zhe took out his camera, called up the memory and showed it to Professor Qin.

Teacher Hu Ze came over to watch, and asked which portrait painting won the award.

Jiang Zhe pointed out the winning works to Teacher Hu.

Teacher Hu looked at the works carefully and was secretly surprised. Each of his student's paintings was better than the last. In terms of both technique and aesthetics, he surpassed himself. The graduate student was outdone by the freshman. The difference in talent was helpless.

Professor Qin repeatedly observed the two works and said, "From a technical point of view, your two paintings are not mature, but from an aesthetic point of view, they have reached a certain level. They should be considered to have impressed the judges and the audience with beauty." Jiang Zhe felt that his ideas were touched.

Jiang Zhe took the opportunity to express his confusion about choosing the direction of study to Professor Qin and asked for guidance.

Professor Qin returned the camera to Jiang Zhe, thought for a long time, and said slowly: "I'll give you a suggestion, which may not be correct, but you can refer to it.

Based on your level and ability, you can learn more on the basis of school courses. For extracurricular learning, do not study sporadically, but systematically. For example, if you study Baroque art, you can trace it back to the Renaissance. Once you have achieved certain results, you can make adjustments.

In addition, I suggest you study the art of neoclassicism and Raphael, improve yourself in both aesthetics and techniques, and then slowly hone your own painting language.

I am just judging from an outsider's perspective that you need to learn this."

"Thank you for your advice, teacher. I will seriously consider it."

Professor Qin said: "You can take your time to think about it, but once you make a choice, you must stick to it. Also, after you win the award, you should also publicize it. The school will help you promote it."

"I remember."

After dinner, Jiang Zhe returned to his studio to think about his learning goals.

He judged from the names of the semester goals that there might be a goal for every semester in the future. If his guess was correct, he could learn at least one or even multiple different skills in the remaining three years.

Studying Baroque painting is suitable for some thematic creations. Studying neoclassicism and academicism may help you improve your skills and understanding of beauty.

Jiang Zhe referred to Professor Qin's advice and his own situation, and finally decided to take neoclassicism and academicism as his study goals.

He submitted his goals to the system.

The system shows that the target can be established.

Jiang Zhe clicks to create a goal.

The system displays: The learning objectives have been established.

This semester, you will focus on academic and neoclassical painting.

Students are required to complete three or more imitation works in this semester, of which at least three must be masterpieces.

The information is followed by a list of possible options for copying examples, including many well-known painters.

Jiang Zhe had considered this long ago and quickly chose the works of Bouguereau, Ingres and Raphael as models.

On Saturday, Jiang Zhe took some time to look at the picture album.

He first chose two paintings by Bouguereau as models for copying.

One is a portrait of a young woman. The woman's head is lowered to the left, her eyes are melancholy, her brown hair is braided, her face is white and delicate, and her cheeks are flushed with a healthy blush. The other work is two teenagers playing in the field. Both works can show Bouguereau's typical idealized treatment method. The picture is warm and charming, with a slightly sad atmosphere and aesthetic mood.

What Jiang Zhe wants to learn is his academic skills and the painting style that continues from Raphael.

The choice of copying two works at the same time is to facilitate the preparation of tools.

He called to order a frame of the same size as the original, and while waiting for the materials to arrive, he began copying it with a sketch.

Time passed unconsciously.

On Sunday morning, he received a call from Gu Qian.

"Jiang Zhe, there will be a commendation meeting this afternoon. The association wants to commend the authors whose works were selected in the collective creation."

Jiang Zhe was already prepared. Although the news made him unhappy, he still asked calmly, "Which work was selected?"

Gu Qian said carefully: "One of the landscape paintings was selected. Don't be discouraged, it may be due to the style of painting."

Jiang Zhe was very grateful to Gu Qian for passing the message to him.

"Thank you, thank you for calling to comfort me."

Gu Qian said, "You're welcome. The association may notify you to come to a meeting. If you don't want to come, you can find a reason to refuse."

"I understand. Thank you." Jiang Zhe chatted with Gu Qian for a while and ended the call.

Although he said it was okay, he still felt a little disappointed. However, when he opened the system, he didn't see any new prompts, and he didn't know why the mission wasn't completed yet.

Jiang Zhe paused for a moment, walked to the workbench, picked up an ingot of lampblack ink, and began to grind the ink on the inkstone, preparing to practice calligraphy to dispel the negative emotions in his heart.

Just as I finished grinding the ink, my phone started vibrating.

He took a look and saw that it was a call from Professor Qin.

He couldn't ignore the call, so he pressed the answer button.

"Jiang Zhe, you're not in school, right?"

Jiang Zhe replied: "Teacher, I am in my studio."

Professor Qin said, "The school received a notice from the association. This afternoon, the association held a commendation meeting to commend those whose works were selected. Have you heard about it?"

Jiang Zhe said, “I heard about it.”

Professor Qin said: "Don't be discouraged. It's common to be rejected. If you want to go to that meeting, go, if you don't want to go, forget it." "Thank you, teacher, I won't participate." Jiang Zhe replied immediately.

Professor Qin said: "I won't go either, I'll let Teacher Xiao Hu sign in for me.

You already have one of your works selected to be displayed in the Marina Hall, which is already very good.”

He was worried about Jiang Zhe's mentality after the setbacks, and repeatedly emphasized that people who study art should not be afraid of setbacks and failures, but should dare to face failure and criticism.

Jiang Zhe thanked Professor Qin for his advice. When he heard the phone being hung up, he put down the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

He picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and began to practice calligraphy, immersing his mind in every stroke.

The changes in the brushstrokes and the interest in the composition and layout made him gradually forget about his failure.

After writing several pieces of characters in a row, even if you put down the brush, the previous things don’t seem so important.

Calligraphy and painting have a magical charm. As long as you immerse yourself in them, you will not care about other things.

The owner of the art shop sent Jiang Zhe an inner frame for the oil painting.

Jiang Zhe immediately began to prepare for the creation, cutting the canvas, stretching the canvas, making the base for the oil painting... After scraping the first layer of base and waiting for it to dry, he received a call from Sister Liao.

"Jiang Zhe, I'm back in Binhai. Do you have time? Come find me."

Jiang Zhe's heart moved and asked, "Where are you?"

Sister Liao gave an address.

After Jiang Zhe washed up, he took a taxi to a high-end apartment building, took the elevator upstairs, and found the house number that Sister Liao mentioned.

Press the doorbell.

The door was quickly opened, and Sister Liao, wearing a purple pajamas and with long hair, appeared behind the door.

"Here I am, come in quickly."

Jiang Zhe walked in and closed the door casually.

He walked into the living room, his eyes fixed on Sister Liao's face.

After not seeing her for a while, the lines on Sister Liao's face seemed to be softer. Her hair was combed on both sides, slightly loose, and although it was not neat, it added a bit of homely gentleness to her beauty, making people want to get close to her at first sight.

Sister Liao noticed his look and felt a little proud, but she deliberately asked, "What's wrong? I haven't seen you for a while, do you think I'm ugly?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I just find it strange, how can you grow against time?"

Sister Liao covered her mouth and smiled. "Stop joking, have some tea first."

She pulled Jiang Zhe to sit on the sofa and said while pouring tea: "I heard that your work was not selected, so I came back to comfort you. However, it seems that your condition is not affected at all."

Jiang Zhe sighed deliberately: "Good news doesn't travel far, but bad news travels a thousand miles."

Sister Liao handed the teacup to Jiang Zhe: "Do you regret not letting me help you?"

Jiang Zhe smelled the aroma of tea and the scent of Sister Liao left on the teacup and said, "I don't regret it. I want to test my abilities, and I don't want this to affect you."

Sister Liao said, "I will listen to you, but now that this situation has occurred, I have no choice but to come back to comfort you."

Jiang Zhe stared at Sister Liao and said, "How do you want to comfort me? This incident actually hurt me a lot, and words alone won't do the trick."

Sister Liao met Jiang Zhe's gaze and deliberately adjusted her hair. After not seeing him for a while, she was worried that her charm would decline. However, Jiang Zhe's eyes made her understand.

"What comfort do you want?"

Jiang Zhe approached Sister Liao, smelled the familiar fragrance, and said, "The flowers have fragrance and the moon has shadow. What's the previous sentence?"

This really stumped Sister Liao: "What is it?"

Jiang Zhe told Sister Liao through his actions.


The clouds passed and the rain stopped.

Jiang Zhe squinted his eyes and felt this moment.

Although Sister Liao was exhausted, she was trying hard not to fall asleep. She kept stroking with her fingers: "Xiaozhe, are you feeling comfortable?"

Jiang Zhe said: "Don't call me Xiaozhe."

"What should I call you?"

Jiang Zhe said with some pride: "Call me daddy."

Sister Liao scolded: "Hate it, I'm older than you."

Jiang Zhe chuckled and said, "This doesn't depend on age."

...After not seeing each other for a long time, the two were inseparable.

Seeing that lunch time had passed, Sister Liao wanted to cook for Jiang Zhe, but she was too exhausted, so Jiang Zhe went to buy food instead.

After dinner, Sister Liao told Jiang Zhe that she had to rush back to the provincial capital today.

Jiang Zhe said: "I'll take you there."

Although Sister Liao didn't want him to send her off, Jiang Zhe still insisted on sending her to the airport.

When we were parting at the airport, Sister Liao's phone rang.

When she answered the call, she looked at Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe waited for her to end the call and asked, "What's wrong? You just kept looking at me."

Sister Liao said in a strange tone: "I find that even if no one helps you, you are still lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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