Chapter 244, Copying, Negotiation, Price

Jiang Zhe looked at the number on his phone that was marked as Mr. Wu.

Since Sister Liao went to the provincial capital, I have never been to the racecourse again. I haven't contacted her for several months. She suddenly called me, so it must be something.

The phone kept ringing, bringing Jiang Zhe back to reality.

He pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. Wu!"

"Jiang Zhe, I'm always glad to hear good news from you. You haven't come to our place to exercise for a long time. Have you forgotten about us?" President Wu joked in a relaxed tone.

"Mr. Wu, I'm so sorry. I have too many things to do at school."

"Do you have time this weekend? If you do, come and work out with us. I'll introduce you to new friends."

Jiang Zhe heard the second half of Mr. Wu's sentence and guessed, "Do you have any plans?"

Mr. Wu said, "This is what happened. A friend wants to meet you for tea."

Jiang Zhe asked: "Is it just as simple as drinking tea?"

Mr. Wu said, "This friend wants to discuss a business deal with you. You guys can discuss the details. I am just helping to pass on the message. If you agree, I will arrange it. Whether the deal will be successful or not is up to you guys to discuss."

Jiang Zhe's mind was moved. Talking business with him? Either to buy paintings, or the five shops he had.

"Okay, please ask Mr. Wu to arrange it for us."

"You're welcome. It's only natural to help a friend."

After agreeing on a meeting time, Jiang Zhe put down the phone in a good mood. Any news was good news.

He returned to the easel. At this moment, there were two works on the easel. Both were in the draft stage. The surface of the draft was covered with a layer of transparent red earth, which had already dried.

He added titanium white powder and linseed oil, mixed them on a grinding board, and then used a pestle to slowly grind them until the viscosity and fineness reached the required level. He scraped the color onto the palette and added blending oil to make a translucent color.

In order to complete the semester goals, Jiang Zhe is very serious about copying works. Every time he starts to write, he chooses the time when he is in the best condition. If he feels that he is not well prepared, he would rather not write.

Jiang Zhe prepared the white color and was going to use it on the translucent terracotta layer to shape the sketch relationship.

He started with the portrait of a young woman, applying the thickest, opaque white to the tip of the nose, the bridge of the nose, and the forehead, and then gradually transitioned to the backlight. During the transition, the opaque white gradually changed to translucent white. As the white became thinner, it worked together with the underlying earthy red color layer to form a very realistic sketch effect.

In the process of creation, Jiang Zhe not only had to figure out the techniques, but also had to understand how the painter Bouguereau created beauty and atmosphere.

The head of the woman in this painting is slightly tilted, and the head, neck and shoulders form a special and beautiful arc. The high and low contrast of the shoulders not only enriches the curve changes, but also forms a calm and melancholy shape. The shape of the woman's clothing and hair perfectly highlights the character of the person.

These changes are very subtle, and even the slightest mistake could ruin the beauty of the picture.

During the drafting stage, Jiang Zhe had repeatedly pondered and learned its beauty. When it came to the formal copying stage, he observed and pondered again, and still gained new insights.

He was immersed in copying, feeling happy and not feeling the passage of time...

On Sunday, Jiang Zhe arrived at the racecourse at the agreed time.

As the weather gradually gets warmer, more and more people come here to exercise.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Mr. Wu walking towards him. "Jiang Zhe, I have arranged a place for the conversation. I guarantee that it will satisfy you. After we finish our discussion, how about moving around here for a while?"

Jiang Zhe said: "Thank you, Mr. Wu, for the arrangement. I still have a lot of homework. I will come here to relax when I have time."

Mr. Wu said, "You came early. The other party hasn't arrived yet. I'll take you there."

The two walked side by side, and Jiang Zhe asked, "Which friend is looking for me?"

President Wu said, "Vice President Tan of Honglu Group wants to discuss business with you. They didn't tell me what they were talking about. I'm responsible for making the connection and arranging a place for you. Whether the negotiation is successful or not is up to you. You don't have to consider my face."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Jiang Zhe said.

"You're welcome. Our sports field is to provide services to friends. Friends come to exercise and we can also discuss cooperation."

They came to a reception room on the second floor.

The reception room is over 100 square meters, with a wide space and a row of huge French windows, from which you can see the beautiful scenery outside. There are some indoor sports equipment, tea seats and lounge chairs for drinking tea and chatting.

"Order whatever you like. It's all mine today. You take a rest first. I'll introduce things to you when people arrive. If you need anything, just ask the waiters here." President Wu asked Jiang Zhe to wait in the reception room and left first.

Jiang Zhe sat on the lounge chair next to the tea table and looked out the window.

He was in a position where he could see a golf course. The large green space was pleasing to the eye.

He took out his sketchbook and tried to draw what he saw.

The waitress also came over to watch out of curiosity. Seeing that Jiang Zhe did not object to her watching, she looked more carefully.

While Jiang Zhe was painting, he heard a noise outside the door.

The waiter quickly returned to work.

The door opened and Mr. Wu led two people in.

Jiang Zhe put down his sketchbook, stood up and observed the person coming.

Walking next to Mr. Wu was a bald man in a dark blue suit, and behind him was a young man carrying a briefcase, who should be his assistant.

Mr. Wu introduced both parties.

The bald man is Vice President Tan of Honglu Group.

President Wu said a few polite words and asked the waiter to leave, leaving only Jiang Zhe, Vice President Tan and Vice President Tan's assistant.

Vice President Tan said, "Mr. Jiang, I have seen the works you put here. Before coming here, I asked around and found out that you have won several awards abroad. You are really young and successful." Jiang Zhe said, "You are too kind. I am a student and I was lucky to win a few awards. Those works that were collected were also collected by my friends. What business do you want to discuss with me today?"

He doesn't understand business negotiations, so he just gets straight to the point.

"Okay! I'll be frank with you. I heard that you recently bought five commercial houses from Mr. Cheng Li."

Jiang Zhe thought, OK, this is indeed the case.

He controlled his expression and said, "You are well-informed. It is true."

Vice President Tan said, "Excuse me, do you have any plans?"

Jiang Zhe said: "Investment."

Oh~ When Vice President Tan heard these words, he immediately felt a lot more relaxed, haha~ newbie.

"I admire you. You have good vision. Based on my experience, your investment direction is correct. But ~ let me say a few more words. Please don't be offended if what I say is inappropriate."

"Please tell me."

"Your investment direction is correct, but there are some minor issues with the specific project you chose."

Jiang Zhe remained calm.

"To be honest, the reason why I took the liberty of asking you to meet was because of this matter.

I don’t know if you have heard before buying the shop that Cheng Li talked to many customers to sell the shop, but failed to reach an agreement. "

Jiang Zhe said: "I have heard of it."

Vice President Tan said: "He negotiated several times but failed because of the location of the shop. Your investment may barely maintain its value, but it is difficult to make a profit."

Jiang Zhe asked, "In that case, you are still interested in the shop."

Vice President Tan said: "The five shops, operated by our group, can play a certain role in the big project. Although their value has not changed, as long as the project is successful, it means profit."

"Do you want to buy these five shops?" Jiang Zhe asked.

Vice President Tan said: "It is our Honglu Group that wants to buy. If you are willing to sell these five shops, we will never let you suffer a loss."

Jiang Zhe said: "If there is a suitable price, I can sell the shop."

Vice President Tan pretended to be considering you: "Our group can offer 200 million, what do you think?"

Jiang Zhe picked up the teapot and poured tea for himself and Vice President Tan: "Drink tea."

Vice President Tan thanked him and said, "If you are not satisfied with this price, how about 220 million?"

Jiang Zhe still didn't speak.

“The value of the shop is not that high…”

Jiang Zhe listened to Vice President Tan's various bargaining tactics and tried to control his emotions. "If the price is too low and I lose money, I can't agree. Name a price."

He stretched out his right hand and made the number six gesture.

"260 million." Vice President Tan probed.

Jiang Zhe shook his head.

Vice President Tan said, "You said 600 million?" He laughed first.

Jiang Zhe nodded: "Yes, it is 600 million."

Vice President Tan's smile faded: "You are not kidding, are you?"

Jiang Zhe's smile remained unchanged, "That's the price."


Mr. Wu's job seems easy, walking around the venues and chatting with customers. But in fact, he has to monitor the situation of each venue in real time.

He had just entertained several important guests and remembered what happened with Vice President Tan, so he came back to check on the situation.

As soon as I got close, I saw the door of the reception room opened and Jiang Zhe and Vice President Tan walked out.

President Wu hurried over and said, "You two, this is settled."

Vice President Tan laughed it off and didn't say whether the deal was successful.

"Mr. Wu, thank you for your hospitality." Jiang Zhe said goodbye to Mr. Wu and took a car back to the studio.

He put down his bag and thought while washing up. Although the deal was not concluded today, he was sure that Vice President Tan really wanted to buy it.

So, don't worry.

He moved around for a while and felt full of energy, so he calmed down, put aside his shop work, and continued copying Bouguereau's works.

That portrait of a young woman needs to be dried.

He set about copying the second work.

The main image of this work is two girls sitting on the grass. One is playing a simple instrument, and the other is listening with her hands on her companion's knees. Bouguereau has painted similar themes and images many times.

There are two girls in the painting. They are wearing exquisite clothes, without shoes or socks, sitting on the ground, with the grass beneath them stretching into the distance, showing the leisure and beauty of country life.

Jiang Zhe still uses white to create a sketch effect on the picture. Because the characters and background of this painting are richer in shape and have many wonderful details, the speed of copying is very slow.

(End of this chapter)

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