Chapter 26, Lively, Sketch Avatar
The candidates lined up and entered the test center one by one.

There is someone at the school gate responsible for checking documents.

Under the guidance of the staff, the candidates gathered in the square in front of the examination building.

There was a teacher standing on the steps, holding a loudspeaker, directing the candidates to line up according to the signs.

A team of staff stood in a row, each holding a sign with the examination room number written on it. Candidates found their own examination room according to their examination number. People in each examination room lined up in a row.

Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan were in the second examination room.

There were 30 people in each examination room, and there were six examination rooms in total. The number of people taking the exam was less than .

Jiang Zhe estimated that based on past experience, half of these candidates would be able to obtain a certificate of passing.

Because the candidates brought a lot of things, the lines in each examination room were very loose and long.

Before entering the examination room, the invigilator of each examination room will hold a stack of registration forms and verify the identity of each candidate.

The examination room where Jiang Zhe was was checking very quickly. When he put away his ID card, he found that the invigilator in the examination room next to him was checking very carefully.

After checking the information of a candidate, the male teacher turned around casually and called out a name.


No one answered.

A moment later, a boy with middle-parted hair and a brown leather jacket a few steps away from the teacher suddenly realized what was going on and turned around to answer. "Oh, here we are."

The invigilator walked back slowly with a serious expression: "Lift your hair up." He held the registration form in his hand, ready to find more flaws.

The boy suddenly broke out into a run, rushed out of the team and headed towards the school gate.

The male teacher didn't expect that the student would dare to run. He was stunned for a moment, then shouted towards the school gate: "Stop him."

An invigilator reacted and immediately chased after him.

The person who was escaping was still running very fast, carrying his things, and was about a few dozen meters away from the school gate.

Buzz~ Many candidates were in an uproar.

"Everyone be quiet." The examiner used a loudspeaker to maintain order.

The excited voices of the candidates gradually subsided.

Many people still discuss it secretly.

Chen Yan turned around and said to Jiang Zhe, "Did you see that? He's taking the exam for you."

Jiang Zhe nodded. In the first exam, he witnessed such a bizarre scene.

Chen Yan smiled secretly: "I've heard of people taking exams for others before, but this is the first time I've seen someone being caught by the teacher on the spot."

Don't blame her for laughing.

This is such a coincidence.

The invigilator is experienced and the students are also weird.

You say he has a good mentality, because he can't hold back when he's cheated. You say he has a bad mentality, because he runs away without hesitation when something goes wrong.

Soon, news spread that the person who took the exam for someone else had actually escaped.

"Please keep quiet. If there are still people taking the exam for someone else, please leave." After what happened just now, the examiner's tone became even more severe. "If we find out, we will deal with it severely."

After explaining the examination requirements, the invigilator led the candidates into the examination room.

The 30 people were divided into two groups. The drawing stools were already set up in the examination room.

The teacher assigns seats to candidates according to their test numbers.

Jiang Zhe went to his seat, clipped his admission ticket to a corner of the drawing board, and then prepared his tools.

The first session is a two and a half hour head sketch, plus a 20 minute character sketch.

When the teacher rang the bell, he immediately opened an envelope and distributed the test questions to each candidate.

The test questions were printed on a slip of paper:

Write a picture of a young man from memory.

Requirements: 3/4 profile, short hair, glasses. No marks irrelevant to the exam should appear on the test paper. Paper size: 8K.

Time: 150 minutes.

The teacher hands out papers.

In the upper right corner of the paper, there is a space where you need to fill in the information.

After students fill in their personal information, they fold the information column according to the printed instructions and the invigilator completes the closure.

Jiang Zhe was already thinking while he was doing the preparations.

He has already prepared for today's test questions.

The dictation test was originally intended to examine students’ understanding and grasp of the image, but it also has major loopholes.

Many students may not be able to draw sketches, but if they can memorize a few sample portraits of different ages and genders, they can cope with this type of dictation exam.

Of course, I would be at a loss sometimes when I encounter dictation questions that are a bit biased.

For example, the requirement of short hair and wearing glasses.

If students do not master the modeling ability, they will not be able to adapt.

Jiang Zhe had no problem drawing sketches, and he had carefully copied the portrait sketches of Rubens and Nicola Fechin, so he quickly figured out what to express.

Among Nikolai Fechin's sketches, there are several portraits of young people that can be adapted to the requirements with slight changes.

Jiang Zhe picked up a 4B pencil and started drafting.

He chose a head portrait from a direct light angle. In the draft stage, he focused on adjusting the relationship between the head and shoulders, and the proportional perspective of the three-part and five-eye ratio. The change in the relationship is very subtle and is the key factor in whether the head portrait can be vivid. There are many world famous paintings that can be used as reference.

Most candidates' works may not show any difference at the draft stage, but the more in-depth the portrayal, the more obvious the effect of the draft stage will be. If problems are found later, it will be difficult to change them.

The examination room was very quiet; the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of numerous pencils scratching across drawing paper.

Jiang Zhe spent an hour and a half to complete most of the portrait. He began to adjust the reality of the hair, then drew the glasses and adjusted the texture of the lenses.

At this point, the picture is basically completed, and the last step is to tidy up the picture.

Adjusting and tidying up the picture is a step that tests one's talent. There are always imperfections in a painting, and it requires the painter's judgment as to when to stop.

After a long period of creation, painters often lose some of their original feelings. At this time, they need to quickly restore the original aesthetic feeling.

In addition, there are differences between painting in an exam and personal creation.

If the candidate's work wants to stand out, it must have a visual impact. Some places need to reduce blur, and some places need to be emphasized. It cannot be generalized.

Jiang Zhe couldn't stand up and walk, so he had to put the drawing board as far away as possible, observe, and adjust. After repeating it several times, he felt that the effect was good, so he picked up the eraser and slowly wiped the dirty parts of the picture clean.

Finally, spray the painting surface with fixing liquid.

Get it done.

He looked at his watch. There were still fifteen minutes left, just enough time for the fixative to dry.

While waiting, Jiang Zhe quietly observed the candidates around him. Among the 15 people in this group, there were actually two candidates whose paintings were highly similar. They were obviously copying the same model painting. The two candidates recited it very accurately.

How to judge this situation depends on whether the examiner is strict. If not, then it will be let go. If it is very strict, then such identical drawings will be eliminated in the first batch.

Chen Yan sat on Jiang Zhe's right.

In the past, she thought Jiang Zhe was great at designing. Today, she saw Jiang Zhe sketching for the first time and was immediately amazed.

The sketch of this portrait is accurate and vivid, with rich levels of light and dark, and orderly pencil strokes, which perfectly express the facial structure and lighting effects.

She compared her paintings and suddenly felt dull.

However, looking at other people's paintings, I feel full of confidence.

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(End of this chapter)

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