Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 266, Mission Progress, Situation Improves

Chapter 266, Mission Progress, Situation Improves
The lunch on the third day of sketching was still buns with the same fillings, and most students have gradually adapted to it.

After lunch, many students plan to take a rest.

Jiang Zhe began looking for a place to sketch in the afternoon.

He had just settled down when he received a call from Chen Yan.

"Jiang Zhe, what are you doing?"

Jiang Zhe held his phone in one hand and prepared his painting tools with the other: "I'm thinking about you."

"Humph, I don't believe it."

"Call me at noon. Is there something wrong?"

Chen Yan said: "I heard that the person who spread the rumor is going to drop out of school and may go abroad."

"Really?" Jiang Zhe didn't expect things to develop so quickly. He thought the school would give a warning, but this person actually wanted to leave.

"Some people in the school are saying that this junior boy has some connections and should leave on his own initiative. Otherwise, the school might really punish him."

Jiang Zhe understood that this was the limit of the punishment the school could impose, and the rest was up to him.

He ended the call, blocked out distractions, and focused on sketching.

He found a sloping dirt road and a courtyard adjacent to it as his subject.

The courtyard is surrounded by a wicker fence, the wooden door is dilapidated, and the couplets pasted on it are already mottled.

The dirt road gradually rose higher, and the stones and soil were already trampled into potholes.

Jiang Zhe selectively incorporates the surrounding trees into the picture, and uses the afternoon sunlight to add warm and cold changes to the many elements in the picture.

The azure sky, golden clouds, and the image of the old courtyard form a sharp contrast.

While painting, he recalled several works by the painter Levitan. After completing the work, he found that he had inadvertently incorporated some of the beauty of Russian oil painting into the picture.

He examined the picture and felt there was nothing wrong with it, so he did not make any changes. He put away the easel and continued to look for a suitable scene.

Not far away, I saw teachers and students from the Chinese Painting Department sketching.

Jiang Zhe walked over with his easel on his back to observe.

Students majoring in oil painting usually bring an easel or sketchbox when sketching.

Due to special requirements for students majoring in Chinese painting, the tools used for sketching are diverse.

Most students will draw on album pages for convenience.

For example, Lan Xin could sketch with the brass ink box, two brushes, a bucket of clean water, a palette and an album leaf given by Jiang Zhe.

Several of her classmates covered the drawing board with felt, then fixed rice paper on the drawing board and started sketching.

Some teachers and students were more particular and spread out felt on the ground and covered it with rice paper to do sketching. However, painting in this way would be very tiring.

A teacher of Chinese painting was sketching in this way, and several students gathered around to watch and learn.

Jiang Zhe also leaned over to watch.

Several students also recognized Jiang Zhe and nodded to him with a smile.

Jiang Zhe saw that the teacher used the traditional landscape painting techniques - outlining, rubbing, and dotting - to sketch, with rubbing strokes for the distant mountains and outlining and dotting for the villages in the foreground.

The teacher abstracted some images to make the pictures interesting.

Jiang Zhe has seen this teacher's formal works.

This teacher is very skilled in brush and ink techniques, but there is a big difference between sketching and creating in the study.

With Jiang Zhe's existing painting ability, he quickly found the nutrition he needed during the observation process and absorbed it quickly.

He had gained something and walked to Lan Xin to observe with satisfaction.

Lan Xin is currently painting a work with several ancient trees as the theme, and incorporates elements such as stone mills and winding roads into the picture. She holds a small bamboo brush and sketches on the paper, often using up all the ink in the brush before re-adjusting the ink.

Watching his painting process is a pleasure.

Jiang Zhe admired that Lan Xin's skills were constantly improving.

He looked around and thought there were some nice views nearby. The old trees, the scattered places mostly hidden by the trees, and the country roads stretching into the distance were quite artistic. Lan Xin saw Jiang Zhe preparing to set up the easel, so she showed him a finished painting.

"Help me check if there is anything wrong?"

Jiang Zhe was not polite: "Your painting has a bit of the style of Lingnan School of Painting, with more real strokes than imaginary ones."

"You think this is not beautiful?" Lan Xin asked.

"The actual and imaginary brushstrokes should be used according to the conception. There is a small problem with your painting." Jiang Zhe said directly: "When you were sketching, especially when you were drawing trees, you focused on the issue of whether it looked like the real thing or not, or you were attracted by the real image and lacked your own refinement."

Lan Xin thought for a moment and said, "I chose these trees as the theme because I thought they had peculiar shapes and used them as materials. Now that I think about it, it seems to be just as you said."

Jiang Zhe also took out his sketchbook and drew the same subject, using a watercolor pen dipped in black to draw the same subject.

When he sketched these trees, he made some changes to their positions and shapes, and faded some objects that affected the picture.

Lan Xin watched Jiang Zhe paint and compared it with her own work. "You can actually create a Chinese painting style with watercolor tools?"

After Jiang Zhe finished a quick sketch, he said to Lan Xin, "I can only give you a rough idea. I'm going to paint a watercolor painting. You can use my watercolor colors to try to fill in your painting and see how it turns out."

The watercolor colors he used were both solid and tubed, and were much better than the tubed colors that Lan Xin brought.

Jiang Zhe was ready and created a watercolor painting based on the sketch he had just completed.

Following Jiang Zhe's advice, Lan Xin tried to use watercolor colors to apply color on the ink draft.

Jiang Zhe quickly finished a watercolor painting and turned to observe Lan Xin's creation.

Lan Xin follows the traditional Chinese landscape painting techniques, using only ochre, earth tones, blue and green for dotting and dyeing. However, watercolors painted on rice paper have a unique charm.

"The water marks created by your dotting and dyeing are very similar to the effect of water accumulation on cooked rice paper."

"Really, Jiang Zhe, can you help me check if the painting here is correct?"


The two of them exchanged ideas while drawing. Before they knew it, it was evening. The teachers called the students back to the base.

After dinner, Jiang Zhe began to organize his work.

In three days, six excellent works have been accumulated. As long as the current speed is maintained, the sketching task can be completed.

He began to think about the content of the series of paintings, and while thinking, he made sketches in his sketchbook to verify his ideas.


Mr. Jin's vehicle is driving on the road.

She made several calls in a row, but unfortunately none of them went through.

Put away your phone, tell the driver, and go straight home.

When I got home, I saw Jin Yuming waiting for me in the living room.

"what's up?"

Jin Yuming said: "Sister, I called you, but you didn't answer. Is there something wrong?"

Director Jin went straight to the study: "It's okay."

The two of them came to the study, and Director Jin closed the door and asked, "Have you had any problems recently?"

Jin Yuming was confused: "It's okay."

Mr. Jin said, "What I mean is that you can go abroad to relax."

Jin Yuming said, "Sister, is there something wrong at home? If there is anything, you must tell me."

"It's okay, please consider my suggestion."

Jin Yuming said: "Xiao Jin also wants to go abroad, but he hasn't decided where to go yet."

Mr. Jin snorted. "Ignore him."

(End of this chapter)

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