Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 288, Asking for advice, naming, group painting

Chapter 288, Asking for advice, naming, group painting

The electronic bell rang.

The invigilator then said, "Everyone, stop writing! Stop answering questions. Wait for the papers to be collected."

Jiang Zhe put away his fountain pen and ballpoint pen, placed the papers in order on the table, leaned against the back of his seat, and waited for the teacher to collect the papers.

The two invigilators collected the papers in order of seat numbers and counted them once, "Everyone, you may leave."

The classroom suddenly became lively, and students stood up and left in a hurry.

"……When will you come home?"

"I'm leaving today, what about you?"

"In two days." The students talked about their plans after the holiday.

Jiang Zhe walked out of the examination room and saw Chen Yan coming out of another examination room and waving at him.

"Let's go out and play today?" Chen Yan walked over and asked.

Jiang Zhe shook his head: "Tomorrow, in the afternoon, my teacher has to go to the studio."

"Okay, I'll pack up and take the gifts home today." Chen Yan agreed sensibly.

Jiang Zhe helped Chen Yan pack her luggage and sent her to the car before returning to his dormitory.

The three roommates have already started packing their belongings.

While putting clothes into the gift bag, Shao Hui asked, "Jiang Zhe, when will you go home?"

Jiang Zhe said, "Go back tonight."

Gan Wenjie is already eager to go home, his expression is full of anxiety and joy.

Du Xin said, "After school starts, let's have a meal together."

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

Next semester, the school will expand its enrollment and there will not be enough dormitories, so students in their sophomore year and above are allowed to rent housing off campus.

Shao Hui and Gan Wenjie had already planned to go out and find someone to share the rent with, and only Du Xin would still live in the dormitory. So, they had to have a farewell dinner.

Shao Hui and Gan Wenjie packed their luggage and rushed to the train station.

Jiang Zhe and Du Xin sent them to the school gate.

After lunch, Du Xin also rushed to the long-distance bus station.

Jiang Zhe was the only one left in the dormitory.

He packed up his belongings and took them back to the studio.

When I returned to school again, there were obviously fewer people on campus. Occasionally, I could see people dragging their luggage towards the school gate.

The campus has gradually become quiet.

Jiang Zhe arrived at Professor Qin's office at the agreed time. He knocked on the door and saw that besides Professor Qin, Teacher Hu was also there.

Professor Qin handed the car keys to Teacher Hu and said to Jiang Zhe, "Teacher Hu, you are going too, so you should take my car. The earlier you go, the sooner you can return."

Jiang Zhe invited the two teachers to his studio.

Professor Qin has been here several times and enjoys viewing the works in the studio.

Seeing all kinds of exercises and drafts piled up in several piles, large and small works almost filled the entire studio, he said with satisfaction: "Not bad, hardworking."

Jiang Zhe said, "The studio is a bit messy, please make do with it for a while."

He knew that Professor Qin liked to drink Tieguanyin, so he had already prepared it.

Professor Qin was not in a hurry to drink tea, but had already started looking at the group of paintings lined up. "You said you were creating a group of paintings, but I didn't expect the size of these six paintings to be so large. You painted six works in such a short time, which shows that you really put in a lot of effort."

Teacher Hu asked, "What are the dimensions of these paintings?" Jiang Zhe said, "They are all 78 x 135 cm."

Professor Qin observed the overall effect of the group of paintings from the farthest distance.

As he looked at them, he said, "Six pieces, plus the frames, the effect is spectacular. What is the theme of your work?"

Jiang Zhe talked about his creative intentions and explained that the paintings were arranged according to the changes in time within a day.

While Professor Qin was looking at the paintings, Teacher Hu asked Jiang Zhe, "Innovative artistic language is popular nowadays. You still paint works that depict rural life. Aren't you afraid of being called outdated?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I painted this spring, the life in the mountain village, how can it be out of date?"

Professor Qin stared at the details of a painting and said at the same time: "At any time, there are paintings that show the real state. There are some details in the painting, which are well painted and have local characteristics. For example," he was only painting his first landscape: "This is the unique architecture of the mountain village. This method can make the image vivid and lively."

He commented on the second, third, and so on. After seeing the work depicting the market, he said, "I like this one. The movements, faces, and expressions of each character are very vivid.

His fingers pointed at the vendors and customers in the market one by one.

"He's selling chicks. This one's selling seeds. There's a big difference between the personalities of these two people."

When Professor Qin accidentally saw several minor characters that Jiang Zhe had deliberately vilified, he suddenly stopped talking, turned around, and gave Jiang Zhe a look with a smile.

Jiang Zhe understood that Professor Qin had seen through it. Was his drawing too similar to the real thing?
Professor Qin did not know Mr. Jin, but recognized the former president of the Binhai Art Association, Vice President Qi.

I wanted to remind Jiang Zhe not to be too obvious, but then I thought, if I hadn't looked carefully, I might not have noticed it. However, this kid usually looks optimistic and open-minded, but now it seems that he holds a grudge.

Professor Qin saw through it but didn't say anything and continued watching other works.

Teacher Hu likes to perform works about shepherdesses.

When Professor Qin saw the last painting, he nodded in praise. "This painting cleverly combines the heaviness of the mountain village with the changing colors of the sunset covering the village.

The realistic modeling techniques and impressionist colors are combined very well.

There is no need to change these paintings, they are already good enough."

He walked to the tea table, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

Jiang Zhe refilled their tea.

Teacher Hu asked: "I see that you used different colors in your paintings, and the depiction methods seem to be different as well."

Jiang Zhe told the method he used.

Professor Qin waited for Jiang Zhe to finish speaking before he said, "It's a good thing that you try various things. You must be careful when using mixed materials. After all, you have already started selling paintings. Once a painting is sold, you must try to ensure that there will be no problems in a short period of time.

I remember some old painters' oil paintings, which had black oil seeping out of the surface after only twenty years.

I see you are copying the paintings of the masters. According to records, Leonardo da Vinci liked to use a special kind of homemade Italian pigment. Unfortunately, that kind of pigment is easy to crack and fall off. Many of his works have disappeared like this. That "Last Supper" can only be said to be a miracle."

From the materials, several people gradually talked about the naming of the group of paintings.

Jiang Zhe asked Professor Qin for advice.

Professor Qin thought for a moment and said, "Spring Dawn in the Mountain Village, Spring Arrives in the Mountain Village, or Mountain Village, either is fine."

Jiang Zhe memorized a few names and planned to consider them carefully.

He saw Professor Qin and Teacher Hu off.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Zhen came to the studio and saw the group of paintings as soon as he entered.

"I haven't been here for a while. You've seen a lot of changes here."

Jiang Zhe said: "I'll entrust you with the decoration of this set of paintings."

"No problem, don't worry. We've agreed to exhibit it in my gallery first."

(End of this chapter)

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