Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 292, Visit, Collect Data, Improve Proficiency

Chapter 292, Visit, Collect Data, Improve Proficiency
Jiang Zhe and the other two walked into the exhibition hall.

Because there are important works of art here, the number of visitors has increased significantly.

Jiang Zhe followed the crowd, moving slowly, and finally came close to the Venus de Milo.

While letting the system record data, he was also observing the details of the sculpture and experiencing its beauty up close.

As he looked at the sculpture, his mind was full of thoughts. He admired its beauty, and also thought of some sculptures of the same level that were made and unearthed at the same time as this sculpture, but none of them were as famous as this one.

The fame of this sculpture comes from the hard work of the French at that time to promote it.

Because Uncle Lu was old, he didn't want to squeeze into the crowd, so he stayed on the periphery to watch, and then waited for Jiang Zhe and the other man to come out and go to see other sculptures together.

Jiang Zhe then saw the famous Winged Victory of Samothrace, also known as the Victory of Samothrace.

The statue stands in a large exhibition hall. It is missing its head and arms, and has wings behind it.

Jiang Zhe admired the sculpture's perfect arc combining movement and stillness from different angles, and experienced the dynamic vision and rhythm, and the precise structure. Although it is not perfect, it gives people room for imagination.

"Jiang Zhe, hurry up, there are still many ahead." Chen Xi urged.

When Jiang Zhe heard that the data had been recorded, he followed Chen Xi and the others up the stairs and into a corridor.

The lighting in the corridor was not very good, and many people did not stop here. Uncle Lu and Chen Xi continued to move forward.

Jiang Zhe saw two frescoes at a glance. These were the works of Botticelli. This work needs to be carefully observed.

"Uncle Lu, Brother Chen," he said to his companions, "you go ahead, I'll stay here and watch for a while."

"Hurry up." Chen Xi and the other person were anxious to see the more famous collections and couldn't wait any longer.

Jiang Zhe first looked at the overall effect from a distance, and then slowly walked closer to observe the details.

Botticelli's most famous work is "The Birth of Venus", which often appears in domestic art textbooks.

Of the two frescoes, Jiang Zhe's favorite is "The Gift of Venus and the Three Graces"

The murals are severely cracked and broken, but they bring a sense of quaint beauty. From the modeling of the figures, we can see Botticelli's modeling method, which emphasizes the rhythmic beauty of the contour lines and pays attention to the structure of the picture.

As he observed the details, he heard the system prompts.

Added the skill of fresco skill (before entering the realm of beginners).

Jiang Zhe knew that the so-called wet brush painting was to paint when the plaster layer of the mural was not yet dry, allowing part of the color to penetrate into the plaster to create a special effect.

He has never thought about becoming a mural artist in the future, but it is always good to have many skills.

Although the system prompted that the collection had been completed, he still stood in front of the mural, imagining what methods the artist would use when creating it.

After all, the size of this mural is so huge that the brushstrokes must be different from those of small-scale paintings. To create a smooth line effect, there must be something unique.

He thought of several possibilities, although they could not be verified. However, imagining in front of a masterpiece could calm the mind.

Although he wanted to watch for a while longer and experience the process of understanding, he had to keep moving forward.

Passing through the corridor where these two frescoes are located, we arrived at a very famous exhibition hall - the Square Hall.

Jiang Zhe looked around and the first word that came to his mind was salon.

Louis XIV gave this exhibition hall to the Academy of Arts and Sculpture at that time, and the works of some artists were often exhibited here. These important art group exhibitions have a French name - Salon. The name of the art salon came from this.

Because of the act of visiting and commenting, the industry of art criticism was born.

Jiang Zhe looked up at the top. The natural light source here and the light in the hall were very suitable for viewing the works.

The Quadrilateral Hall displays some important works from the early Italian Renaissance.

Jiang Zhe stopped in front of Giotto's work.

This painter is a pioneer of the Renaissance. According to Western art history theory, there were paintings in the Middle Ages before Giotto, which were flat and rigid with a single background. In this work called "Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata", Jiang Zhe saw traces of life in the depiction of the character's clothes, and also saw the application of spatial perspective. Although these methods in the painting are not perfect, it is also very interesting to be able to see the evolution and change process.

These works are very important in art history, but Jiang Zhe felt that they were of little help to his own improvement, so he quickly moved on.

At this time, he could no longer see Chen Xi and the other person.

Passing through the double wooden doors of the room, you enter the most famous large gallery.

The most important works of the Italian Renaissance, its heyday, are exhibited here.

From the early days to the heyday, there is a feeling of traveling through history.

Jiang Zhe slowed down and looked at them one by one.

Masterpieces by Mantegna, Messina, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Caravaggio all appear here.

Because there were too many people watching "Mona Lisa's Smile", Jiang Zhe couldn't squeeze in, so he could only stand outside, record data, and then go to visit other works.

Because he had copied Raphael's works, he focused on appreciating Raphael's works, from composition to shape, color and other details, and tried his best to see with his eyes and remember with his brain.

After comparing Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna of the Rocks and Raphael's Madonna and Child, he understood some arguments in art history.

Some of Raphael's works borrowed from Leonardo da Vinci's classic triangular composition.

While viewing, he also discovered a painting by Perugino.

This painter is not well-known, but his most famous achievement is probably his student Raphael.

Jiang Zhe carefully looked at the painter's works. It should be said that it is a pity that he lived in the same era as Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.

According to historical records, Raphael was able to access the unfinished works of the best artists of the time (Raphael and Michelangelo), and Master Perugino played an indispensable role, even a key role.

So, this is also a very unusual person.

After Jiang Zhe walked past the Grand Gallery, he looked back. Many artists had used the Grand Gallery as a subject for their creations. He was also tempted to try painting one.

The rest of the visit went faster and faster.

Despite his passion for art, by noon he felt tired and hungry given his physical strength.

Chen Xi and the other person could no longer walk.

Jiang Zhe suggested having lunch here and continuing the tour in the afternoon.

Chen Xi felt that this place was too expensive and was a little hesitant.

Jiang Zhe took the two of them to the restaurant and invited them to have lunch together. A hamburger, pudding, and a cup of coffee solved their lunch problem.

During the break after lunch, Jiang Zhe quietly opened the system and found that after only half a day of visiting, he had accumulated much more learning time and points than in his daily study. His proficiency in many skills had increased.

With this discovery, I am full of motivation to continue visiting.

Although Uncle Lu is old, he still insists on continuing the tour with Jiang Zhe and the others.

In order to take care of Uncle Lu, Chen Xi had to slow down, which was exactly what Jiang Zhe wanted.

When the museum was about to close, the three of them left reluctantly.

When we got outside the museum, we found several companions waiting for Uncle Lu.

These people came to visit in the afternoon, and found Uncle Lu, and agreed to go back to the hotel together after the visit. However, because Jiang Zhe and the other two were slow, they had to wait here for more than 30 minutes.

Jiang Zhe gained a lot and was happy, and didn't care about the noise at all.

Although Uncle Lu and Chen Xi were very tired, they felt that the visit was worthwhile, so they ignored the complaints and responded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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