Chapter 294

The afternoon sun reduced the number of pedestrians on the street. There were dozens of cafes on the street, each with umbrellas and tables and chairs for guests to rest and enjoy coffee and food.

Many people choose to sit on chairs on the street and enjoy their leisure time.

Jiang Zhe was also sitting on a chair near the roadside. On the table next to him was a cup of coffee. He was holding a small sketchbook and sketching the street scene.

Today is his fourth day in Paris.

In the morning, he went to visit some contemporary art exhibitions, and in the afternoon he wanted to relax for half a day.

While strolling around, I came across a shop selling handmade paints.

Jiang Zhe doesn't care whether the paint is handmade or not. He originally wanted to buy some big brand products, but he accidentally found this store. Although the products are expensive, the quality is very good, especially the watercolor colors.

He chose a box of 12-color solid watercolor paints and several painting tools as a gift for himself.

Wandering along this street, I found that most of the street buildings here retain the characteristics of Rococo architecture. So I chose a cafe, sat down to drink a cup of coffee, and painted a few strokes.

He regarded the nearby awnings, customers and pedestrians on the road as important contents of the picture, and used the buildings and the sky as the background.

The parasol blocked the sun, and the melodious music made him feel relaxed, so he was particularly relaxed when painting. He made a high degree of generalization and refinement of various elements. Although he did not deviate from realism, his style was strong.

When applying watercolors, he allowed sunlight to play a regulating role in the painting, changing the original inherent colors of many objects.

Soon, he finished the sketch and examined the picture.

Under the awning in the distance, a waiter was carrying a tray and delivering coffee to customers, while several guests were chatting.

Because of the awning, the faces of several people are a little blurry when viewed up close, but from a distance, you can vaguely feel the expressions of the characters.

The contrast between the shadow of the awning light and the illuminated object perfectly shows the light effect, while at the same time, some dark areas appear very transparent.

Jiang Zhe was very satisfied with his impromptu performance.

After staying here for a while, it seems that the paintings have also been affected and are full of exotic charm.

"Very beautiful watercolor!" A woman's voice came from the side. Although it was in French, Jiang Zhe could understand it.

He followed the sound.

The speaker was a lady with curly brown hair.

She has fair skin and although she is a little older, her calm temperament made Jiang Zhe notice her before.

This lady was sitting very close to Jiang Zhe and had been watching him paint.

Jiang Zhe: "Thank you for the compliment, beautiful lady."

"Would you mind chatting with me?"

"My pleasure."

The lady adjusted her seat to make it easier for her to chat: "You are young, are you a professional painter or just a hobby?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I am a student studying painting."

"You are a very promising student. Are you from the Jiaoba area or Chinese?"


"I've been to Hong Kong and Shanghai, both are very beautiful cities."

"It will get better and better in the future. You are welcome to visit again."

After a few pleasantries, the two talked about Jiang Zhe's works, his views on art, and traditional paintings in Britain and France.

If Jiang Zhe had met such a lady at the beginning of his rebirth, he might have expected her to buy his paintings. However, with the experience and channels of selling paintings, he no longer cared whether the other party appreciated his works and could chat with her in a peaceful state of mind.

He discovered from the conversation that this lady did have a unique understanding of art.

The lady asked him where he had visited?

After listening to the museums and art galleries Jiang Zhe visited, she smiled and said, "You like classical art very much, and you are not opposed to modern art. There is some unique charm in your paintings, like the beauty of the East. Maybe you can boldly explore, or you can take your paintings to the art market and make some attempts." "Thank you for your encouragement and suggestions."

The two of them exchanged names at this time. The lady said her name was Chloe.

After chatting for a while, Chloe looked at her watch and said, "It's nice to talk to you. I have something else to do. I hope we can see each other again."

"Nice to meet you." Jiang Zhe stood up and watched the other person leave. Then he sat down and continued painting.

There is a lazy atmosphere on the street.

Chloe arrived at the Goodyear Auction House and Alex ran over to greet her.

"Ma'am, I have some work to report to you."

Chloe asked, "How does it feel to host our friends from China?"

The two walked and talked until they came to an office.

Alex: “They’re not professional enough.”

Chloe stared at Alex: "In the future, there will be more and more exchanges like this."

“I don’t think that’s going to help us.”

"The market there will become bigger and bigger, and we also need to tap into resources there."

"I see. There is one more thing. Mr. Chen actually brought a man who claimed to be a painter to visit. That man was too young and did not look like a painter at all."

Chloe thought of something: "I met an excellent painter on the street today. You have to learn to change."


While Jiang Zhe was wandering in the world of art, his works had already arrived in the provincial capital.

When setting up the exhibition at the art museum, the Provincial Artists Association formed a nine-member jury to evaluate the participating works. After the exhibition, the outstanding works will be commended and rewarded.

The nine-member organizing committee walked around the gallery's exhibition hall, silently assigning scores.

They came to Jiang Zhe's work and looked at the group of paintings that had just been hung and were still being adjusted in position.

Each of them wrote down their scores on the table and continued on their way.

After the exhibition was finished, Wang Zhen saw a judge from afar and hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Hu!"

The judges greeted Wang Zhen with a smile when they saw him.

"How do you think of the two painters' works I sent you?"

"None of them are good." The judge with a big nose and long hair said, "I won't mention one of the paintings. The level of the group painting is good. I gave it a high score, but among the nine judges, several people have opinions on the subject matter of the group painting.

They feel that painting poor and backward mountainous areas today is somewhat disparaging.”

"The utensils and living conditions of the villagers in the painting are not backward. These are things that are changing," Wang Zhen explained.

"There is a contrast in subject matter. Others are painting the latest and greatest, but you are still painting the outdated," said the judge. "This time, I was not able to help much. Some of them are old-fashioned."

"I'll make the arrangements in the evening. Please come and enjoy the meal."

"next time."

Wang Zhen watched the judges walk away, helpless. He wanted to call Jiang Zhe, but in the end he didn't.

On the other hand, Professor Qin also kept receiving various news. Although the results were not announced, the winners had already received the news in advance.

Professor Qin never heard any news about Jiang Zhe's work, and no longer had any hope that he would be able to achieve anything in this exhibition.

(End of this chapter)

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