Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 304, Challenge Begins, Sketching Demonstration

Chapter 304, Challenge Begins, Sketching Demonstration
Jiang Zhe got off the train carrying his painting box, feeling the heat wave in the provincial capital and trying to take a few deep breaths.

I went back to Binhai yesterday, rested for only half a day, and then hurried back.

As soon as I walked out of the train station, I saw Wang Zhen leaning on a business car and waving to me.

Jiang Zhe walked over and said with a smile: "You don't have to come to pick me up."

Wang Zhen said, "I know you've been working hard these past two days, so leave these things to me. Get in the car."

The two sat in the back seat and the driver started the car.

"Is everything going well?" Wang Zhen asked.

Jiang Zhe said: "Everything went well."

Wang Zhen took out a stack of papers and said, "I heard about the live painting competition. I collected information about your competitors for you. Take a look. It may be helpful to you."

Jiang Zhe didn't want to look at his opponent's profile at this time. After all, painting is not like fighting in a ring, and there is no need for targeted training.

During daily practice, you can learn from your peers, but in a painting competition, you need to show what you are best at.

He was embarrassed to refuse Wang Zhen’s kindness, so he took the information and looked through it.

Lin Yi, 29 years old, is a graduate student majoring in oil painting at the Provincial Academy of Arts and is currently working in a vocational school.

Judging from the photos, she is quite beautiful in person.

Yao Jian, 31 years old, graduated from an art academy in the south with a bachelor's degree in oil painting.

He Chi, 33 years old, graduated with a bachelor's degree in mural painting, and his work style is a bit like Dali.

Jiang Zhe read the information carefully and returned it to Wang Zhen.

"Thank you, I'll remember it."

"Don't you need to study your opponent carefully?"

Jiang Zhe said: "When I took the art exam, a classmate who was good at painting went to the capital to attend a training class, but his results were unexpectedly poor.

Several teachers refused to believe the result and analyzed his problem carefully.

His painting style has stabilized and been formed.

The teachers asked him to study design, but he saw new concepts in the training class and changed his sketching and coloring style. The result was neither fish nor fowl, and in the end, he did not do well in the exam. "

When Wang Zhen heard Jiang Zhe talk about the real case, he understood what he meant.

Wang Zhen sent Jiang Zhe to the hotel where he was staying. She did not go upstairs, "Just prepare yourself, and leave the logistics and chores to me."

"Thank you, thank you for your trouble." Jiang Zhe watched Wang Zhen leave, and called Professor Qin to inform him that he had returned to the provincial capital. He returned to his room, began to rest, and prepared himself.


Cultural Palace. A staff member opened the dark brown door.

Judge Zong and Lin Yi followed the staff into an empty hall.

"The lecture will be held here. The front half is the podium and the aisle, and the back half will be equipped with tables and chairs for the audience and students to listen to the lecture." The staff member said to the two judges.

"Thank you." Judge Zong looked around. Dark floors, white walls. On one wall there was a mobile blackboard and a TV playing a video. On the south wall there was a row of tall windows, making the room very bright.

"I walked out of the Cultural Palace back then. There are changes here every year."

After he finished his sigh, he walked to the center of the front half of the hall and said to Lin Yi: "When painting on the spot, the podium is on my left." He gestured and said: "Live painting is usually sketching, not creation. I guess it is mostly figure sketching.

In order to demonstrate to the students, the model will face the students. You can consider which position is the most suitable? "

Lin Yi walked around the spot pointed out by the judge, and said, "I still prefer the 3/4 side angle. This light and dark ratio is the one I am most familiar with."

The judge nodded and said, "When the time comes, the four positions will be set up in advance. When choosing a position, you should choose the most suitable position. Don't be polite."

Time passed quickly, and it was the day of the on-site painting. At noon, Jiang Zhe changed into more formal clothes, took his tools, and took the car prepared by Wang Zhen to the Cultural Palace. On the way, they picked up Professor Qin to go together.

During these few days, everyone spontaneously left Jiang Zhe alone, allowing him to live a quiet life for a few days.

Professor Qin got in the car and said to Jiang Zhe, "I've thought about it over and over again. The topic may be figure sketching, and the time will not be too long. So you have to think about the technique and style."

He believed in Jiang Zhe's ability and level, but he still gave some advice.

"There are many judges, and you can't possibly get votes from all of them. Simple and precise shapes and vivid painting styles should be in line with the aesthetic tastes of most people. I can't give you too much advice on how to create beauty."

Jiang Zhe said: "Thank you for your guidance, teacher. I will take it seriously."

Professor Qin said, "Just relax and treat it like you're taking a supervised test."

The car arrived at the Cultural Palace.

This is an old building.

The three followed the staff's instructions and went to the second floor.

An old man came out to greet the three people.

He introduced himself as Team Leader Liu of the Cultural Palace's Painting Group.

Team leader Liu led them to a lounge.

The lounge was large, and there were already several people waiting. Jiang Zhe recognized some of them immediately.

Team leader Liu enthusiastically introduced Jiang Zhe and several others to each other.

The judge's name is Zong Liang.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to shake hands, Jiang Zhe observed Master Zong Liang and his apprentice up close.

Although Zong Liang is old, his eyes are sharp and his face is deeply wrinkled.

Lin Yi has fair skin and is considered a beauty. In her professional suit, she looks energetic and capable.

Despite their competitive relationship, both sides still exchanged greetings politely.

Through the introduction of Team Leader Liu, Jiang Zhe met Yao Jian, who was tall and thin with curly hair.

While a few people were chatting, a few more people came in.

Among the newcomers was He Chi.

He Chi has a sturdy build, like a weightlifter, and speaks in a loud voice.

After waiting for a while, Director Li brought the judges from the art museum and the cultural palace to the lounge and opened an envelope under the witness of a notary.

After reading the topic, Director Li said to Jiang Zhe and the other three, "Young friends, today's live painting topic is figure sketching. The Cultural Palace has prepared oil painting materials and painting tools for everyone. To be fair, everyone only needs to bring brushes and media. The painting time should not exceed 90 minutes."

Liu, the leader of the Cultural Palace, added: "Because the on-site painting is combined with the lecture. The lecture has already started. When the time is up, everyone will go to the scene.

The audience and students don’t know it’s a competition, but they vote for their favorite works.”

Director Li and others, seeing that Jiang Zhe and the other four had no questions, left together.

Jiang Zhe and his three companions waited for about thirty minutes before a staff member came in and informed them to go to the lecture.

Several people were polite to each other and came to the hall where the lecture was held, carrying their own painting boxes and tools.

Jiang Zhe saw that there was a podium on the right side of the gate, and rows of students on the left. There were four easels in the middle passage.

Professor Qin and others have already taken their seats in the audience.

Jiang Zhe and his companions walked into the hall, and dozens of audience members and students applauded.

(End of this chapter)

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