Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 330, Lottery, Color Sensation, New Discovery

Chapter 330, Lottery, Color Sensation, New Discovery
Jiang Zhe fixed a 22×17cm watercolor painting on the display stand with a clip.

Six watercolor drafts of the same size but different contents have been fixed on the display stand.

He looked at it for a while, then returned to the workbench and looked at the remaining watercolor drafts on the table.

These are all the practice drafts he completed today. After observing the works of Vermeer and Impressionist painters, he used Liu Yifei as the material for his creation.

He deliberately took an hour to select the works he was satisfied with.

After comparison, eight relatively satisfactory ones were selected from 14 watercolor drafts.

Among these eight works, four were rated as excellent by the system.

Jiang Zhe thinks that these watercolor drawings can be combined into a series. At the same time, any one of them can be further enriched and turned into an oil painting.

He took two steps back and looked at today's results.

These materials are enough for my creations for a long time.

At this time, you can hear the system prompt tone.

He clicked on the system page and saw the prompt:
After hard work, the player won a college scholarship during his studies in the last semester.

You can get a reward of 4 yuan and one chance to draw a random skill.

Jiang Zhe understood that the scholarship for last semester had been settled.

All the learning rewards he received in July and August were accumulated. So this time, the funds will continue to accumulate. He has an idea, whether he can use it to push up the price of his works at a more appropriate opportunity at the auction, or to deal with emergencies.

The various things he encountered in the past year made it increasingly clear to him that he should keep some redundant strength and hold back some cards in peacetime so that he would have more choices once an important opportunity arises.

As for the chance to win a lottery, he simply clicked to use it.

Since it was a random skill draw, he didn't have to worry about drawing useless skills.

According to previous experience, the skills extracted usually do not overlap with existing skills, but can only be new skills or improvements to existing skills.

The skill lottery is still a ball maze.

The bead rolled in the channel and finally fell into a grid. The other grids dimmed. After the selected grid flashed three times, the page showed: You have been selected to watch the master's creation once.

Very good! Jiang Zhe was very satisfied with the results of this lottery. This kind of observation opportunity is rare.

I already had four chances.

In recent creations, there is a great thirst for knowledge of the application of color, which can be used once.

He looked at the time. It was almost 10 pm. It was too late today.

He planned to observe again when the professional classes started.


From Monday to Wednesday, Jiang Zhe collected relevant information about Impressionism in his free time after cultural classes.

Impressionism originated in France and gradually influenced artists from all over the world. There are Impressionist painters in many countries, and the influence still exists today.

During his stay in Paris, Jiang Zhe observed some original works of famous artists. After collecting them, the information stored in the system is sufficient for observation and use.

After screening, he preliminarily selected several observation targets.

Because I have studied Manet's works, this is a goal. The most influential artist of Impressionism is Monet, who is also regarded as a target for observation. Two other targets are Pissarro and Renoir.

At noon on Thursday morning, Teacher Yan will be in the studio to guide students in their creations.

Jiang Zhe planned to show his eight small watercolor paintings and two newly completed oil paintings to Teacher Yan, and also wanted to ask Professor Qin for help in looking at the paintings, so he was the first to arrive at the studio and wait.

The squad leader came to open the door and saw Jiang Zhe waiting outside. "You're here so early?"

"Come early and ask Teacher Yan to take a look at your work. Start revising it early." Jiang Zhe said.

As the monitor opened the door, he joked, "You are so hardworking that it puts a lot of pressure on us."

Jiang Zhe responded: "You are more diligent than me. Most of the time, you are the first one to come to the studio."

The two of them went into the studio and opened the window to get some fresh air.

Jiang Zhe saw some unfinished works of his classmates in the studio and walked over to admire them one by one. The class monitor brought his own works and discussed with Jiang Zhe, finding problems with each other.

There were footsteps at the door.

Teacher Yan walked into the studio holding a cup of water and carrying a handbag.

The squad leader and Jiang Zhe greeted together.

Teacher Yan responded with a smile and put down the cup and handbag.

Jiang Zhe brought a drawing stool to Teacher Yan.

Teacher Yan said thank you and then asked: I didn’t see you on Friday, do you have any new works?

Jiang Zhe took out his own work and displayed it.

Teacher Yan first looked at the watercolor and asked, "Is this a sketch or your imagination?"

Jiang Zhe replied: "First, I sketch, and then I create based on the sketch."

Oh~ Teacher Yan quickly looked through all the watercolor paintings, and then picked one to examine carefully. After looking at it for a while, he said slowly: "In this painting, although the outline of the characters is a little blurry, the movements are clear. The movement of drying clothes is very vivid, and even because of the blurred outline, it can create a little illusion, a feeling of afterimage."

He picked out another painting, "This one, where the characters are cutting peaches, is the most interesting. The background, the clothes, the warm colors of the fruit, the layers, create a very good overall atmosphere."

He looked at Jiang Zhe and said, "The picture of clothes drying has a good sense of light. Although some places are blurred due to the texture of watercolor, this blur has a kind of hazy beauty. The tonal levels of the other picture, from the highest purity to the grayest, change in a very rhythmic way.

Did you learn from the Impressionists?

“I studied Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring and Renoir’s Restaurant du Moulin,” said Jiang Zhe.

"Any more?"

Jiang Zhe brought two more paintings. In one painting, a woman was sitting on a sofa, holding a teacup and looking out the window. In the other painting, a woman was tidying up her desk. The paint on both paintings had not yet dried.

Teacher Yan looked at the painting and smiled: "This enriches the watercolor painting.

When you paint, you unconsciously reveal your modeling habits. So, when you see these two paintings, you first see your modeling skills.

Secondly, the colors have been changed. You can see that the colors of the characters’ clothes and the environment have been screened and refined.”

He paused for a moment and said, "I'll give you a suggestion."

Jiang Zhe understood that this was Teacher Yan's dissatisfaction with the painting, so he perked up and listened carefully.

“There is no formula or fixed procedure for learning color. Every painter’s use of color is a reflection of his or her subjective feelings.

You just said that you have studied Renoir's paintings. What do you think of them?"

Jiang Zhe said: "My first impression is that it is difficult to distinguish who is the main character and who is the secondary character in the painting. In addition, the use of brush and color is intended to break the traditional composition and modeling mode. The characters in the painting are wearing some 19th century clothes, but the painter uses brushstrokes and some active colors to express enthusiasm."

Teacher Yan expressed his opinion: "I have copied and studied this work by Renoir.

He was only 25 years old when he painted this picture. Some of the people in the painting were his friends, just think about it, some young people in their twenties.

Youthful vitality and enthusiasm, embodied in images and colors, cannot rely solely on skills, but more on impulse and delicate emotional expression.

When you are studying, you should be rigorous; when you are creating, you should relax and be free.

It just so happens that I also brought a painting for you to see today."

Teacher Yan took out a small pink painting from her handbag.

"When I was training young primary and secondary school teachers, I demonstrated a painting. It was a painting of a street park."

The painting shows a scene by a pond. There is a dirt road and lawn beside the pond, a few trees in the distance, and in the distance, there is the outline of the park and the sky, with some tourists as embellishments.

Jiang Zhe found that the most interesting thing about the painting was that in addition to some bright colors, there were also a few very obvious blue and purple strokes in the reflection on the water surface. Although these strokes of color were obvious, they were not abrupt, and they also enhanced the overall brightness of the colors, which was considered a finishing touch.

The monitor had been watching and noticed these strokes of color, so he asked, "Teacher Yan, where did these strokes of color come from?"

Teacher Yan said with a smile: "At that time, the trainees in the training course also asked me the same question. I told them that I could see it."

After saying this, he laughed first.

Jiang Zhe and the other boy understood that Teacher Yan was joking and started laughing too.

After laughing, Teacher Yan said, "Actually, I feel that this place should have bright colors. According to the traditional painting method, the reflection will show the surrounding scenery, but I don't want to paint it that way. It will make the picture a bit dull, so I will use a few bright colors to try it out. What if I am wrong?"

Jiang Zhe understood what Teacher Yan meant after listening to him. At this time, some students had already arrived at the studio. The class monitor was already waiting for their works and instructions.

He hurriedly thanked the teacher, packed up his work, and left the studio.

He left the teaching building and was about to go back to the car to wait before the time he had agreed to meet Professor Qin, but he received a call from Chen Yan.

"Jiang Zhe, our classroom has been relocated and we are moving things. Do you have time to come and help me move things?"

Jiang Zhe had no choice but to agree. He returned the work to the car and then came to Chen Yan's classroom.

At this time, the teachers and students were already busy.

"Why did you change classrooms?"

"I don't know, they just said it was an adjustment." Chen Yan put her things into two backpacks.

Jiang Zhe carried the heaviest one and followed Chen Yan to the new classroom.

Chen Yan whispered, "Thank you, I'll do the rest myself." Because the teacher was present, many people who were asked to help left one after another. She was also embarrassed to ask Jiang Zhe to accompany her.

Jiang Zhe said, "Wait a minute, I'll go back to my studio. Call me if you have anything."

He waved goodbye to Chen Yan and strolled towards the parking lot, where he accidentally heard a burst of music.

Out of curiosity, he followed the sound and found the vocal music classroom.

He leaned over and through the crack in the door, saw a dozen students sitting in a circle, practicing with various musical instruments.

Jiang Zhe had never been to this training room before. He found it novel, so he stopped to watch and stayed for a while.

He wanted to see how these vocal students practiced, and perhaps find some material from them.

Suddenly someone asked, "What's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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