Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 337: Many compliments, changes in form, good news

Chapter 337: Many compliments, changes in form, good news
"I'm sorry, because of one of my paintings, you have become estranged from your classmates." Jiang Zhe said to Chen Yan.

The two left the art gallery, chatting as they walked.

"I wasn't familiar with her, we just said hello because we went to the same high school," Chen Yan replied.

Jiang Zhe said, "This person is quite sinister. She specifically pointed out that I am from the dance department. It's obvious that she is trying to plant a thorn in your heart. Be careful of people like this."

Chen Yan smiled and replied, "You are also quite bad."

"What's wrong with that? I'm obviously concerned about you and I'm afraid you'll be led astray by others."

"Hmph~ How do you rest at noon?" Chen Yan asked.

Jiang Zhe said: "I'll go back to the car and rest."

"Oh, I won't go back to the dormitory."


Jiang Zhe walked out of the classroom after the afternoon cultural class. Several classmates said to him, "Jiang Zhe, when we went to the exhibition at noon, many people surrounded your work."

Jiang Zhe was modest. During the break, he heard many people from the Academy of Fine Arts commenting on the topic.

On his way to the cafeteria, he met Teacher Hu.

"Jiang Zhe, I just happened to need something from you."

"Teacher, what are your instructions?"

"There will be a seminar on Thursday afternoon. It will also include a discussion about your painting. Please prepare a 500-word speech. I will go through it for you. I will tell you the requirements, and you can take note of them."


Teacher Hu mentioned several key points.

Analyze the creative intention of this painting, which reflects positive thoughts, personal future development goals, and the correct outlook on life and values. Finally, who should be thanked?

All in all, a decent speech.

"Can you give it to me tomorrow?"

Jiang Zhe said, "No problem. After class tomorrow?"

"Okay, then, come to my office."

After dinner, Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan drove back to the studio to first prepare and organize today's study notes and then write their speech.

He understood that when speaking on such occasions, it would be best to abide by the teacher's requirements and write a manuscript that was impeccable.

The manuscript was approved on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Jiang Zhe could still hear comments about the exhibition, including comments about himself.

Although the school has other activities going on, some people from the Conservatory of Music are pushing the issue and making people pay attention to Jiang Zhe's work.

Jiang Zhe vaguely guessed that the opportunity the system was talking about might be referring to this matter.

On Thursday, after lunch, students whose works were to be exhibited came to the museum's exhibition hall one after another.

One side of the exhibition hall was set up as a seminar venue.

In front of the huge display board, there are more than a dozen chairs, which are the seats on the stage. Opposite, there are seats that can accommodate 200 people, which are the auditorium.

Jiang Zhe, Fu Min and others arrived at the venue.

Teacher Hu arranged seats for several people and pulled Jiang Zhe out alone, asking him to sit on the leftmost seat in the third row.

Jiang Zhe saw that the first row of the auditorium was occupied by the teachers, and the leftmost seats in the first few rows were occupied by students who were about to speak on stage.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the auditorium was already full.

Senior officials from the School of Art, heads of various colleges, and guests sat on the stage.

A teacher acted as moderator and announced the start of the seminar.

After the Dean of the School of Art and guests gave speeches, several senior executives talked about the theme of the exhibition, and teachers and guests discussed their thoughts on contemporary painting.

Some of the topics are old hat, while some people raised some controversial topics.

Despite the debate, the atmosphere was still very relaxed. Some of the teachers who spoke were humorous and often won applause from students.

After one topic was discussed, Mr. Lu from the Conservatory of Music stood up, took the microphone from the host, and began to speak.

“First of all, congratulations to the Academy of Fine Arts for holding the exhibition successfully, which gave us the opportunity to see many wonderful works.

The leaders, teachers and students present here may have seen a painting in the exhibition, which shows a band training scene. First of all, I would like to thank the students of the Academy of Fine Arts for paying attention to our training. "Her tone was calm and more humorous than before, so many students thought she wanted to praise the work, and some even started to applaud.

After waiting for the applause to end, Mr. Lu continued, "I have never quite understood it. I would like to ask the experts, when creating, can we draw people more beautiful than in reality? In addition, in this painting, there are two people doing unsightly actions. Is it appropriate? I don't quite understand, so I would like to take this opportunity to ask the experts."

The host said: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for asking the question. Which teacher is willing to answer it?"

The dean of the Department of Plastic Arts took the microphone and said: "To talk about this issue, I would like to start with the theme of the work. When looking at a work, one must consider the theme. But sometimes, the importance of the theme may be exaggerated. Many masterpieces in the history of painting often have insignificant themes.

The basic qualities of a painting are lines, colors, light and dark relationships and their harmonious and orderly combination. Only when these methods are used freely can we discuss the subject matter.

Of course, there is a kind of painting whose theme is undoubtedly very important, that is historical painting. Because Jiang Zhe's paintings are not historical themes, we do not need to understand the background of their creation and the theme of their expression.

I asked Jiang Zhe. When he created this painting, his main purpose was to show a group of musicians who trained hard. This point is fully reflected in the images of several important characters. As for why some less than perfect images appear, it can be left to professional teachers and Jiang Zhe himself to answer. "Thank you." The host took back the microphone and handed it to Professor Qin who had raised his hand.

Professor Qin said: “I want to talk about the character modeling of this painting.

I use the differences between Venetian and Florentine painters during the Renaissance as an example.

In the paintings of the Venetian school, the characters are generally strong and have blonde hair; the characters depicted by Florentine painters such as Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci usually have delicate faces and slender bodies.

This is because there are huge differences between the two cities of Florence and Venice.

Painters often choose models from people they know to create works, even mythological themes.

Therefore, life has an important influence on the creation of paintings.”

He paused for a moment before continuing, “In this painting, Jiang Zhe explored the dynamics and expressions of the characters.

Some of the details, such as the movements of fingers and arms and the inclination of the body, are the most typical characteristics of musicians' training. This is a true expression and also a reflection of the current learning status of students. It is a creative method that is close to realism and slightly romantic. We encourage such creations. "

When he finished his speech, the audience burst into applause.

Teacher Yan raised his hand and signaled.

He walked from the front row to the stage and took the microphone. "I want to start with the artistic personality.

The style of a work is related to talent, but also to his life experience and personal character.

In this sense, the works of the same painter in different periods, or even in the same period, can present completely different appearances.

I have read many of Jiang Zhe's works, some of which I am satisfied with, and some of which I am not satisfied with.

I saw something very valuable in this work, that is, he dared to express some imperfect things in the picture.

Many masterpieces have imperfections.

For example, we have all seen and copied Caravaggio's Basket of Fruit. Why are there some worm-eaten apples and dry leaves in the painting?

He could have drawn it more perfectly.

Because of imperfection, you will start to imagine why the fruit basket is a little beyond the edge of the table. This is the role of some imperfect images in the picture.

I think that being able to be imperfect is a step forward and requires courage.”

These last words drew more applause from the students.

Teacher Lu's expression was very calm, and it was hard to tell whether he was sad or happy.

Jiang Zhe felt a little embarrassed by the praise.

At this time, the host said: "Let's ask Jiang Zhe to talk about his creation."

Jiang Zhe took the script and came to the stage. He bowed to the guests and the audience, and then read the script in an orderly manner.

After saying a lot of thank yous, I thought it was over, but the host said, "Jiang Zhe, can you tell me your thoughts on Mr. Lu's question?"

This is what needs to be brought into play.

Jiang Zhe thought for a moment and spoke calmly: "During the learning process, I have seen many good works. A good work can reflect many factors such as nation, society, region, climate, geography and humanities.

I have just started my career, so I don’t have much experience. I can only say that my inspiration comes largely from what I see and hear in my daily life.

Reproducing the most familiar things and some related factors with my own modeling language is the direction I have been working hard to learn.

When I was painting the training room, the inspiration came from my daily life. I passed by the training room and was attracted by the music, so I walked over to watch for a while. For various reasons, I couldn't stay there for a long time.

Maybe it was because I watched it for such a short time that I kept thinking about it and wanted to watch it again. That scene has formed a deep memory in my mind.

I tried to draw it, and had a lot of setbacks.

The teachers gave me a lot of support and help, giving me the opportunity to complete this work.

As for drawing some not very elegant actions or images.

This is because I have tried many times during the creation process. If all the people are drawn in a very regular and dedicated manner, the whole picture will appear a bit dull and lose its vividness and drama.

So, I tried to draw two different images, and the picture would become more interesting.

You can recall the painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga River". The same profession, different ages, different positions, everyone's expressions and movements are unique..."

Jiang Zhe chose this famous painting to illustrate his point because he took into account its high recognition.

Sure enough, when he finished his speech, many people began to applaud.

When the dean of the Conservatory of Music saw the expressions of the senior officials of the Conservatory of Arts, he signaled to Teacher Lu with his eyes.

Teacher Lu also applauded.

Jiang Zhe felt relieved when he saw everyone’s reactions.

This concludes our discussion of Kang Cheol’s work.

After several students spoke, the dean of the Academy of Fine Arts stood up and took the microphone: "Dear leaders, teachers, and students, I want to announce a good news in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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