Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 343, Play, Model, and Technique Fusion

Chapter 343, Play, Model, and Technique Fusion

On Friday afternoon, in the sophomore oil painting studio, all the students were concentrating on their creations.

In the studio, the only sound you can hear is the sound of pencils scratching on paper.

Jiang Zhe put down his pencil, slowly stood up, took a step back, observed the picture, and compared it with the model.

At this moment, the two characters on the screen have been basically presented. Lines and a few light and dark tones have captured the characters' facial features, and the structural proportions and dynamics of the characters appear very vivid under the effect of lines.

Last night, Jiang Zhe had a new idea and put it into practice in his sketching. Although he had many ideas and passion in his mind, he still chose the most appropriate technique, used the least amount of ink, and painted calmly, striving to achieve the best effect at every step.

He made choices about the characters' features and strengthened some of them, for example, some deeper wrinkles, some slightly cloudy eyes, and scars on the face or hands.

Of course, there are some fictions and exaggerations. For example, the characters' hairstyles and clothes are changed. He plans to add some holes and marks of the times on the old sweatshirts of the two people. Of course, these are details that need to be portrayed in the subsequent stages.

In addition, Jiang Zhe also plans to add some auxiliary images.

After thinking about the next step of portrayal, he continued to paint.

At 5pm, the model's working hours are over.

Teacher Su gave a brief summary and the students began to communicate and take a break.

Jiang Zhe has seen the works around him. His progress should be considered as one of the slower ones, but today's depiction has laid a good foundation for subsequent creations. Many lines and some light and dark tones will be retained in the final effect of the picture. Some may be integrated with other effects, but these are necessary steps. As the depiction continues, his progress will gradually catch up.

Fu Min came over to observe Jiang Zhe's painting. Seeing him packing up his painting tools, she asked, "Are you leaving now?"

Jiang Zhe said, "Let's go eat first, take a break, and think about how to draw next."

"Will you come on Saturday or Sunday?"

Jiang Zhe replied: "Not coming. I'll do some other creations at home, and then take a day off."

Fu Min said, "I envy you. I'll go to the gallery on Saturday and maybe come to the studio on Sunday."

She and Mou Xing and a few others took their painting supplies and left the studio with Jiang Zhe.

Soon, Fu Min saw Chen Yan coming over here and said tactfully, "Oh, no wonder you didn't come on Saturday and Sunday. We won't bother you."

She waved to Chen Yan from a distance, and left quickly with Mou Xing and others to leave space for Jiang Zhe.

Chen Yan responded to Ying Min with a smile and came to Jiang Zhe.

"To the cafeteria?"

"it is good."

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Chen Yan asked as they walked.

"How about we go out and play?"

"Okay." Chen Yan was happy.

"I plan to relax for a day." Jiang Zhe said.

"How can you bear to relax for a day?"

Jiang Zhe said, "Let's go out and relax, find some materials, and you won't blame me if I draw some sketches during this time, right?"

“If I were a model, that would be fine.”

"no problem."

The two of them went to the canteen to eat and discuss where to go for fun.

While thinking about tomorrow's lunch, Chen Yan suggested, "How about we go out for a picnic?"

"I think this is a good idea. I can drive and bring all the food and tools."


On Saturday afternoon, Jiang Zhe drove and took Chen Yan to a park by the sea.

This park has no fixed walls and is located on a gentle slope by the sea.

Various trees are planted on the gentle slope, which is more like a botanical garden. Among them, there are some small viewing platforms scattered around, connected by winding stone paths.

Jiang Zhe parked the car in the parking lot.

Chen Yan looked out the window and said, “There aren’t many people in the park, which is perfect for a picnic.

The two carried their picnic utensils to an empty viewing platform.

While Jiang Zhe arranged the folding table and folding stools, Chen Yan began to set out lunch.

Sandwiches, barbecue, sausages, fruits and a few drinks make a hearty lunch.

Jiang Zhe was in no hurry to eat.

He walked around the platform, camera in hand.

From here, you can see the bay and a bathing beach, the scenery is very beautiful.

Jiang Zhe is very familiar with the scenery here, but he is attracted every time he comes here.

After he shot some footage, he checked the photos in the camera's memory.

These photos were taken this morning when he and Chen Yan were playing at the beach.

He turned around and saw Chen Yan waiting for him, and took a few more photos of her.



Jiang Zhe sat down next to Chen Yan.

Because it was a picnic, there weren't many conditions. The two of them each took a bottle of drink, clinked their cups together, and started lunch.

"Try this grilled sausage, it's really delicious." Chen Yan fed the food to Jiang Zhe's mouth.

"You eat too!"

The beautiful scenery and delicious food are particularly pleasant. Chen Yan looked at the scenery next to her, pointed to another platform, and said, "I remember when I was in elementary school, the school organized a spring outing and had lunch here twice.

At that time, lunch was just simple bread, but it was very happy. "

"Yes, I came here once when I was in elementary school." Jiang Zhe recalled the past. "When I was in elementary school and junior high school, there were spring outings, but unfortunately they were no longer available. Going out with classmates and having picnics was a rare happy time in the year. Unfortunately, this time is gone forever."

The two of them slowly enjoyed their lunch, talked about the happy times in the past, and shared each other's happiness.

After dinner, when Chen Yan started to clean up, Jiang Zhe saw the sunlight shining through the treetops, leaving light and shadows around. Because of the wind, the light and shadows swayed slowly.

He said to Chen Yan, "Please pack slowly so I can draw a quick sketch, okay?"

"Okay." Chen Yan stopped packing.

Jiang Zhe stood up, walked away, chose a suitable angle, took out his sketchbook, and sketched Chen Yan who was packing lunch.

I have been focusing on sketching techniques recently. Although I haven't made a breakthrough yet, I am able to use them with ease when applying them.

He used simple lines to portray Chen Yan, and then added trees and other elements in the background.

Although he did not draw the light and dark effects, he had already considered how to use light, shadow and color to turn this sketch into an oil painting.

Chen Yan saw Jiang Zhe finished sketching and wanted to hand over the sketchbook. "It seems that these sketches of yours don't use light and dark?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I only draw the important materials and enrich them when I go back."

"How about going back to your studio this afternoon? Last time you said I would be your model?"

Jiang Zhe said, "If you are willing, I have no problem with that."

"Okay. Go back."

The two packed up their things and returned to the studio.

Jiang Zhe asked Chen Yan to rest first while he prepared the tools.

He planned to turn the sketches he had drawn in the morning into oil paintings, so he found a few 30×40cm canvases and began to create.

This batch of creations continues to experiment with the idea of ​​fusion techniques.

Jiang Zhe intends to adopt the color relationships of French Impressionism, but in character creation, he uses the modeling techniques of Ingres and Bouguereau to combine the two.

The first picture he drew was a bust of Chen Yan.

Chen Yan stopped to admire the view, with trees and lawns in the background.

While observing the details of Chen Yan, he used brown oil paint to directly sketch, and then quickly used the direct painting method to arrange the brush strokes.

When creating characters, he boldly tried to blend the two styles. In order to make the fusion more harmonious, he simplified the way the characters were shaped and completed them in one go using a direct painting method, which was somewhat close to Manet's style, but with a flexible and relaxed brushstroke.

The first piece was completed very quickly. He looked at the time and it took about 40 minutes. He evaluated his work and said that the colors were good, but the fusion was a bit abrupt.

Jiang Zhe quickly started drawing the second one.

Chen Yan saw Jiang Zhe change the canvas and asked, "Can I move for a while?"

"You can move freely." Jiang Zhe answered while drawing.

Chen Yan walked over to Jiang Zhe and looked at the first painting.

In this painting, the character's clothes are of high brightness, making the character's face appear brighter. The green behind him has changes in cold and warm colors, and the clear sky makes the picture clear.

When Chen Yan saw that Jiang Zhe was painting a picnic scene, she returned to her seat and continued to model.

When Jiang Zhe created the second work, he made some changes to the sketch content, changing it to a scene where Chen Yan was arranging the table. He also moved the trees in the background to show the stone road and the sky.

The background elements are more blurred, and are composed of large and small blocks of color. In this painting, Chen Yan's area is reduced, but her characteristics are distinct and she can still be recognized.

Jiang Zhe boldly changed some of the colors. In the dark areas of the trees, there are small amounts of blue and purple with higher purity that do not exist in reality.

The subjective changes did not destroy the effect, but instead enhanced the visual impact of the picture.

In the process of creating the second painting, he used the fusion technique more naturally.

Then he started painting the third one.

Chen Yan was a little tired from the morning's fun and fell asleep unknowingly.

Jiang Zhe covered her with a thin blanket.


"Hey, why didn't you call me?" Chen Yan woke up naturally and found that it was already evening.

Jiang Zhe said, "I saw that you were tired, so I didn't call you. If you feel that there is something missing, there is still some time before dinner."


After relaxing for a while, the two reluctantly went to have dinner.

At 8pm, Jiang Zhe sent Chen Yan home and then went to his studio.

He examines today's creations systematically.

Among the three works, two were rated as excellent works and one was rated as excellent.

After seeing the comments, Jiang Zhe became more confident in his ideas of integrating techniques.

Instead of continuing his work, he came up with a new catalogue.

This is the latest catalogue of Times Auction sent by Wang Zhen, which includes his own works.

Seeing Times Auction promoting his work, Jiang Zhe felt that if he were to repaint it now, he might be able to do a better job.

He clicked on the system honor value page and saw that the cursor on the honor value experience bar had moved again.

Although the school's exhibition has been removed, my honor value is still increasing because Times Auction has already started promoting it.

The cursor is getting closer and closer to the end of this level.

(End of this chapter)

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