Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 355: Opportunities, Rewards, Attributes and Special Skills

Chapter 355: Opportunities, Rewards, Attributes and Special Skills

Jiang Zhe thought Wang Zhen was going to say something old-fashioned and didn't take it seriously at first.

However, Wang Zhen's first sentence made him a little confused.

“You have to learn how to hype yourself and find ways to increase your exposure.”

Jiang Zhe was stunned for a moment and asked, "I'm not an actor. Do I need to do this?"

Wang Zhen smiled and said, “Think about it, some well-known contemporary painters will come up with something to attract other people’s attention every once in a while, right?

Whether it is attracting debate from others, or a certain event, or even gossip, as long as it is not a moral or legal issue, it will attract everyone's attention.

For example, a certain painter made a point that was equal to zero, a certain painter living in the United States scolded someone, or even a certain painter married a certain room?"

Jiang Zhe thought about it and found that this phenomenon really existed.

“Is it inappropriate for me to start hyping things up now?”

Wang Zhen smiled and said: "Whether you like it or not, others have already started to hype you up. Of course, even if they hyped you up before, there was a lack of topics and capital, so the effect was not obvious.

But now you have the capital. Your works have won awards, been auctioned, and have been recognized by the market, so you have the basic conditions.

Think about it, is it that you are the focus of attention for a while, but soon, everyone stops paying attention to you and even forgets you. "

Jiang Zhe nodded: "I do have this feeling."

Wang Zhen said: "That's why painters and galleries need to create some news hot spots from time to time. If there is something in the news that is hard to forget, and people even help spread it consciously or unconsciously, and it becomes a story, then the painter's brand will be established.

The difference is that some hype techniques are very direct, while others are more sophisticated.

Now, the auction may be a beginning and an opportunity for you.”

Jiang Zhe was silent. He recalled the stories he had heard about the painter before. He had also had various speculations about these things, but after going through so many things, he felt from the bottom of his heart that what Wang Zhen said might be the truth. "

"You don't have to feel embarrassed." Wang Zhen saw Jiang Zhe's hesitation and said, "This kind of thing cannot be accomplished in one go. Our strength alone is not enough, but with Times Auctions and Christie's, plus some opportunities and luck, it is possible for you to be remembered by people. Get used to it slowly."

Jiang Zhe asked: "What kind of coincidence is needed?"

"It's hard to describe this. Some people are unlucky and can fail even if they have made all the necessary preparations. Generally speaking, when many people need certain works to appear, this is an opportunity. We can only wait for this opportunity."

Wang Zhen gave Jiang Zhe some time to think, and then continued, "There are some things you really can't push away. Of course, I will try my best to help you choose. There is no need to waste time on some unnecessary activities, but there are some activities that are beneficial to your growth, so you still have to participate."

Jiang Zhe said: "Okay, I'll consider it. But try not to conflict with school studies."

"Don't worry, I respect your choice." Wang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. She said these words, wanting to help Jiang Zhe establish a brand, but also for her own selfish reasons.

After all, Jiang Zhe is no longer an unknown figure, but a painter who can really show his achievements. Helping Jiang Zhe to select and participate in activities will invisibly increase the gallery's (their) voice, and the meaning of this is self-evident.

She took out the auction materials sent by Christie's.

Jiang Zhe learned from reading the materials that the auction went very smoothly. Christie's is indeed a well-established auction house, and before the auction, they had already contacted potential buyers, so the auction went very smoothly, but the price was a little beyond their expectations.

"They have special lawyers to help with follow-up matters. It's up to you to choose. I suggest that you don't transfer all the money back. It will be convenient for you to use it if you go to the United States in the future." Wang Zhen said.

Jiang Zhe said, "I'll think about it."

The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Zhe said goodbye and left.

Wang Zhen sent him to the parking lot and watched Jiang Zhe get into the car.

When the vehicle started, she waved to Jiang Zhe and watched the vehicle drive away.

Wang Zhen recalled the scenes after he met Jiang Zhe. When he first met him, he just thought that his paintings were good, and wanted to use Jiang Zhe to get in touch with Ning Zhong and Mr. Liao.

However, as the contact time became longer and longer, she watched Jiang Zhe grow from an art student to where he is today. She had a vague feeling that as long as she could tie Jiang Zhe together, perhaps her gallery would have more space.

Jiang Zhe returned to the studio, had dinner, and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Today, Wang Zhen was excited at first because he received the good news, and then he went out to play. At the same time, he filled himself with a lot of information, which made his mind a little confused.

The phone started vibrating again.

His parents called and asked if he wanted to come home for dinner.

Jiang Zhe told his parents that he wanted to rest in the studio and would not go back.

Jiang Yi and his wife knew that their son must be very busy, so they did not force him.

Jiang Zhe made himself a cup of tea, sipped it, sorted out his thoughts, and thought about what Wang Zhen said.

If you combine this with some clues you discover through studying art history, you will find that what Wang Zhen said makes a lot of sense.

Some painters understand the market very well and have also done things that hype it up. For example, Raphael became famous after Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo both rejected an important job, and rumors began to spread that there was a young painter who had the skills of both masters.

A certain famous painter who later lived abroad initially became famous by being promoted in conjunction with another painter, claiming to be something in the south and something in the north.

If we analyze carefully according to this idea, every painter who can be remembered by people seems to have several legendary things that people can talk about with relish.

But - Jiang Zhe pinched his brows, he was really not mentally prepared.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, he stood up and went to wash up.

Although it was not time to rest yet, he still lay on the bed and opened the system.

Today, the system has many prompts, but he has not had a chance to check them. The first prompt: The challenge mission is completed and you can claim the reward.

He clicked on the task page and chose to submit the challenge task.

Text appears on the page.

"Your two works have won awards in the American Portrait Painting Competition and the Venice Painting Competition. You have achieved excellent results and can receive rewards:
One chance to draw a random prize;
The skill draw has one chance per draw;
Reward funds: 20 yuan.

Jiang Zhe immediately started the random draw.

Random draw, it’s a wheel mode.

The pointer spins on the turntable until it stops, pointing to a gift box.

The page shows: You get a special reward - increased perception.

Jiang Zhe was the first to draw this reward.

He clicked to receive it and felt a message coming into his mind.

This information came quickly and disappeared quickly.

He felt a vague sense of change.

This information increases his sensitivity, enabling him to more keenly discover things that contain the laws of beauty.

As his studies progressed, Jiang Zhe gradually gained a better understanding of talent.

Painting talents can be roughly divided into two categories. One is perception, which means being particularly sensitive to beauty. The other is expression. If two people who have never learned to paint draw the same thing, A's painting has a sense of rhythm and people like it, while B's painting makes people feel ordinary. As for other talents, he has no further understanding for the time being.

This reward from the system is like a bonus to one’s talent.

Jiang Zhe likes this reward very much. Talent bonus means adding possibilities to his future.

He then proceeded to the skill draw.

The skill draw is the ball rolling.

After clicking the lottery start button, the ball rolls along the channel and falls into a grid.

The text appears on the page:
You draw the Watercolor Painting skill (Perks).

Jiang Zhe was delighted when he saw this skill. This was the second special skill he had directly obtained.

Although what I want to improve most at the moment is oil painting skills, watercolor painting skills are also useful as an auxiliary to oil painting.

Click to claim.

Watercolor painting skills cover the typical skills of several great painters famous for their watercolors, so there is a lot of information.

He took it in and digested it, feeling the information.

The skills in the information include some information above the advanced skills, and also include the understanding of watercolor by several painters.

Jiang Zhe thought that if he wanted to further improve his watercolor painting skills after this improvement, he would need to make breakthroughs in the understanding of beauty and innovation.

After receiving the information, Jiang Zhe was not in a hurry to put it into practice.

With two special skills and many other skills, even if there are more changes in the future, I will be able to cope with them.

He left the lottery page and continued to look at other prompts. He found that at the end of the many prompts about the increase in honor points, there was a different prompt.

Your honor value has reached the top of the current level and has entered the next level.

It was upgraded silently?!
Jiang Zhe immediately clicked on the honor value page and saw that the honor value experience bar had been cleared.

The name of the experience bar changed from Famous to Famous.

He clicks on the noun.

An explanation appears on the page.

As your honor level increases, your learning accumulation will also increase, and the system functions will continue to be enriched. Some functions require you to try them out on your own.

Thinking that he would get more rewards every month, Jiang Zhe still felt very satisfied even though he was no longer short of money.

He calmed himself down and looked at the cursor on the experience bar.

The cursor has left the starting point of the experience bar and moved forward a little.

I earned so many honor points today, but there was only a small change in the experience bar. It can be seen that this level of honor requires more honor points to be promoted.

Jiang Zhe wanted to see what new features the system had, but his eyelids felt a little sore.

Even though today was a happy day, he didn't want to break his routine. Exploring new features could wait until later.

He closed his eyes peacefully and fell asleep.

On Sunday, Jiang Zhe declined many invitations, carried his painting supplies, and went to the beach to do watercolor sketching.

With new discoveries, try them out.

(End of this chapter)

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