Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 359, Interview, Fame, Special Opportunity

Chapter 359, Interview, Fame, Special Opportunity

A new week has begun. Jiang Zhe saw that the school had posted several more congratulatory messages. One of them mentioned that he had won an award. In addition, the news that two media outlets had come to the school for interviews had spread among the students.

Jiang Zhe accidentally saw the scene being filmed by reporters, but he had not received any notification from Teacher Hu.

On Wednesday afternoon, all the teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts were called to a small conference room.

The dean personally presided over the meeting. "Tomorrow, reporters from both groups will come to our Academy of Fine Arts for interviews. Teachers will stay at their respective posts according to the assigned tasks. All counselors must follow the class. There is a predetermined procedure for the interview, and no matter which class they go to, they must cooperate well.

The interviews at other colleges over the past three days have gone very smoothly, so our college must not let us down either..."

After the mobilization, he and several department heads reviewed the process again. After confirming that everything was correct, the teachers dispersed, but several responsible persons stayed.

A department head said: "Dean, the interview time is one day later than the scheduled time. Students are taking professional courses, which causes inconvenience to teaching. The teachers are also in a dilemma."

The dean nodded. "During the interview at the Conservatory of Music, we were delayed because of repeated filming. We have no choice but to postpone it. We must ensure that everything goes smoothly here. Let's overcome it."

When the responsible persons left, everyone looked tired.

At 8 o'clock on Thursday morning, Teacher Chi brought the students to an open space near the college garden.

He asked the students to stand in a semicircle. "Landscape sketching, two days in total. Everyone should complete at least two drafts, and if there is time, you can do some short practice.

At this time, the weather is getting colder, but the campus in autumn has a very beautiful scenery. Landscape sketching is to change the disadvantages of sketching in the studio. Find good feelings from reality and make the colors more lively..."

After he explained the requirements, the students began to find materials on their own.

Jiang Zhe carried the oil painting on his back, looked around, and quickly found the material that interested him.

Fu Min and a few others were also looking for a position. When they saw Jiang Zhe start to move, they wanted to move with him.

"Jiang Zhe, which place do you want to draw?"

Jiang Zhe pointed ahead and said, "There's a section of cobblestone road over there, with lawns and trees nearby, and you can also see the corner of the teaching building. It should be a good place."

"Let's go together."

Several people walked through the flower bed and came to a stone road.

The cobblestone path is a small path branching off from the main road of the campus, surrounded by two front lawns and trees.

Jiang Zhe took a few more steps and came to a nearby cement-paved leisure platform and looked around.

Looking south from where we are now, we can see a few bushes and several Masson pine trees, and in the distance, a row of tall Metasequoia trees. Through the gaps between the trees, we can see part of the wall of the teaching building.

If you use these elements well, you should be able to create a good work.

He put down his painting box and said to several classmates, "I will paint here."

"Okay, let's see."

Others gradually found satisfactory materials around them.

Jiang Zhe pushed aside a folding stool, sat on it steadily, and began to draw a draft.

Teacher Hu and Teacher Chi supervised the students' practice together.

Teacher Chi saw the students were drafting and didn't say anything.

Teacher Hu walked up to Jiang Zhe and whispered, "The reporter may come in the morning, don't forget the manuscript."

"Don't worry, I'll always carry it with me."

Jiang Zhe agreed and focused on sketching. He had experienced a lot and was not afraid of the stage.

Teacher Chi and Teacher Hu were waiting near the students, but after two hours of waiting, they still didn't get an interview.

Teacher Hu walked up to Jiang Zhe again and saw that his painting had basically taken shape, so he simply sat next to him and watched him create.

Jiang Zhe's works are typical autumn colors. The grass in the near distance has turned yellow; the Masson pine and some dead trees in the middle have different color tendencies; the Metasequoia trees farther away are reddish and yellowish. The colors of these images are quite different from the real colors, but when put together, they form a harmonious tone.

The light in the painting is at around nine o'clock. The sky at the edge of the picture makes the space more vast and far-reaching, making the color of the whole painting bright and lively on the basis of being gorgeous.

At this moment, Jiang Zhe is adding some colors to the close-up of the picture. The stone road and lawn, which were originally swept very clean, have added the effect of fallen leaves, making them more vivid.

Teacher Hu received a phone call and immediately reminded several students who were taking a break to get ready.

Jiang Zhe heard the sound, saw several teachers coming over, and continued painting.

He vaguely heard the voice of a reporter interviewing Teacher Chi, which seemed to be repeated several times.

Soon, he heard Teacher Hu calling him, so he put down his paintbrush and wiped his hands with a tissue.

Teacher Hu introduced two reporters to him.

A reporter from Binhai News, his surname is Song.

The other is reporter Liu from Education News Weekly.

Education News Weekly, a weekly publication on the local education system.

The Newsweek reporter interviewed Jiang Zhe first.

The two of them sat face to face in front of Jiang Zhe's easel and began to talk.

The content of the conversation was very formulaic.

For example, what are your thoughts on study and life in school? What are your experiences in getting good grades in the competition?
Jiang Zhe first thanked many people for their help and guidance, and then talked about some experiences such as laying a solid foundation according to the courses, paying attention to accumulation in daily life, reading widely, and asking teachers and classmates for advice.

"OK, alright."

The photographer turned off the camera.

The interview with Jiang Zhe was completed in one go, which made the teachers nearby feel much more relaxed.

Reporter Song was not in a hurry to leave. "Student Jiang Zhe, I heard that your work was sold at a high price. Congratulations. Let's exchange contact information." He took out his business card.

Jiang Zhe took the business card and said, "Reporter Song, I don't have my own business card. Can I write my cell phone number to you?"

"Okay, sure. We will also solicit contributions from the public, and you are welcome to submit your contributions."

At this time, the reporter from Newsweek also reacted and exchanged contact information with Jiang Zhe.

When the other teachers saw this scene, they murmured in their hearts that the auction price would be more practical.

After the interview, the sketching continued.

During lunch break, Jiang Zhe received a call from Sister Liao.

"Sister Liao, didn't you take a break at noon?"

"Jiang Zhe, someone has recently found Xiao Ning and me and wants to buy your paintings."

"Oh? What do you want to do?"

"No, I've also turned down Xiao Ning's offer. I want to remind you that if someone approaches you directly to buy paintings, you should ignore them. Leave these matters to Wang Zhen. She is more familiar with business operations than you are with Times Auctions."


Sister Liao advised that no matter how the other party lobbied, he should ignore it and just push the matter over.

The two chatted for a while before ending the call.

Jiang Zhe carried his tools and returned to his car. He leaned back in his seat, ready to take a break. However, all he could think about was Sister Liao's reminder.

The fact that Sister Liao called specifically means that the person who wants to buy the painting, or the matter itself, is worthy of attention. While he remembered these reminders, he also vaguely felt that the situation he was facing was very different from before.

In the afternoon, Jiang Zhe re-selected a location to create a new work. In this painting, he chose to depict a garden full of sunshine at around 2 pm. He also drew several classmates who were sketching into the work as embellishment.

That night, he took the two works back to his studio to organize them.

The system gave excellent evaluations to both works.

Jiang Zhe was dissatisfied because his work did not reach the level of excellence, so he looked through the information in the system, focusing on the works of the Impressionists and the Barbizon School.

Jiang Zhe, who was observing and learning, suddenly heard a prompt from the system.

He logged out of the system and checked the prompts.

Today you have triggered a special opportunity, and you can choose to consume a month's worth of financial rewards to maximize the role of the special opportunity to increase your popularity. Yes or No?

Jiang Zhe thought that it would be a pity to spend the bonus funds he had just accumulated for a month. But then he thought again that he still had nearly three million yuan on hand and was not in a hurry to use the money. After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, he decided to spend the bonus funds to see what kind of surprise this opportunity could give him.
He chose, yes.

System prompts, please wait patiently.

Seeing that there were no more prompts, Jiang Zhe continued to observe the works and think about sketching for tomorrow.

Reporter Song from Binhai News is working on a manuscript in the office.

The cell phone rings.

His eyes left the screen and scanned the phone. Seeing that it was the number of a colleague in the provincial capital, he slowly turned his head, picked up the phone, and pressed the answer button.

"Laoyue, what's the matter? I'm working overtime."

"Working overtime again? Do you have any good material recently?"

"No, even if there is news, I dare not give it to you."

"We have been keeping in touch with each other, why are you suddenly so stingy?"

"Tomorrow, I'll invite some friends over, and we'll relax together?"

Reporter Song said, "That's really not possible. I have to work overtime today and have to go out tomorrow."

"What materials are you working overtime on? Would you mind telling me?"

Reporter Song smiled and said, "I can tell you about this, but I don't think you're interested."

"Talk about it."

“An interview with Esplanade.”

"What's the good news?"

Reporter Song smiled and said, "I don't know who it is. But they asked us to help promote the school's work."

"I see." The other party suddenly realized. There is nothing new about such work.

Reporter Song said, "However, during the interview, there was something very interesting that I can tell you. There is a student in their school named Jiang Zhe. Have you heard of him?"

“I don’t think I’ve heard of it.”

Reporter Song briefly described his interview experience, and then said, "I heard that Jiang Zhe's works were auctioned at Times Auction Company, and recently, they were sold at a high price at Christie's."

"That's a good point. Is the information accurate? Are they bragging?"

Reporter Song said: "It shouldn't be. You can find out if you check it out. It happened recently."

"Don't you need it?"

Reporter Song said: "The content I write about is mainly about school work."

"Well, if I could write about this, I would never forget you."

(End of this chapter)

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