Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 367, 2 creations, different choices

Chapter 367, Two Creations, Different Choices
Jiang Zhe looked around and saw Chen Yan was still sleeping.

He quietly got up and covered Chen Yan with the quilt. He went to the living room and poured a glass of warm water.

While drinking water to quench your thirst, you can recall the previous process.

His eyes swept over the mat where Chen Yan performed aerobics.

I have to say that Chen Yan brought me a new experience.

After the two of them broke through that relationship, some of Chen Yan's new tricks always bring freshness and inspire new creative passion.

Chen Yan was drowsy. She opened her eyes and it took her a long time to wake up and figure out where she was.

As soon as I moved, I felt uncomfortable all over, as if my whole body was being torn apart.

Looking back on the performance, I was interrupted before I was halfway through the dance.

She cursed inwardly as she felt the combination of comfort and discomfort.

At this time, the bedroom door was opened and Jiang Zhe came in with a cup of warm water.

Seeing that Chen Yan had opened her eyes, he smiled and said, "You're awake. Have a drink of water."

Chen Yan was really thirsty. She moved herself up with difficulty, leaned against the head of the bed, took the cup, and drank the warm water in one breath.

Feeling much better, she looked at Jiang Zhe again. Seeing him looking energetic, she was surprised, how could this guy look like nothing happened?
She stood up, lifted the quilt, and saw her dance costume. She couldn't help but complain to Jiang Zhe. "Such a nice dress, but you ruined it after wearing it once."

The dance costume, which resembled a swimsuit, had been torn into several pieces and was barely hanging on Chen Yan's body.

Jiang Zhe prepared to help her change her clothes.

Chen Yan tried her best to push his hand away: "Hey, go out first, I'll change my clothes."

Jiang Zhe wanted to help her change, but was rejected.


After Chen Yan finished washing up and drying her hair, she came to sit next to Jiang Zhe. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

Jiang Zhe looked sideways at her, put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Are you still okay?"

"I'll take a night off."

Jiang Zhe smiled and said, "Tomorrow, have a good rest. I will stay in the studio and create."

Chen Yan looked up and saw a few sketches, and she knew that Jiang Zhe had a new idea. She nodded, squinting her eyes and leaning on Jiang Zhe's shoulder.


After dinner, Jiang Zhe sent Chen Yan home and then returned to his studio.

Sitting in front of the easel, I began to draft my new work - the dressing room.

During the creative process, Jiang Zhe paused several times to consider the choice of details, and also retrieved some sketches from the database for reference and study.

In this process, the skills he had just acquired were of great help.

Although it is oil painting skills, the techniques of Rubens, Van Dyck, Ingres, David and other painters have been a great inspiration to later generations. By understanding these techniques, we can infer some of their thinking and creativity, thus promoting our own creation.

That night, the sketch was basically completed.

On the second day of the holiday, Liu Yifei received a call from Jiang Zhe and quickly came to his studio.

Jiang Zhe wanted to use her as a prototype to portray a female character in the dressing room who is closest to the screen.

Liu Yifei changed into a long skirt, leaned back in a chair similar to the one in the picture, and looked sideways in the direction of Jiang Zhe.

In order to simulate the real scene as much as possible, Jiang Zhe also adjusted the lighting.

"Jiang Zhe, how are you going to draw the sketch this time?" Liu Yifei saw the works on the easel.

Jiang Zhe sat down in front of the easel and said while observing Liu Yifei, "The main character in this creation needs a prototype."

He found what he needed and began to portray it.

According to the conception, the woman closest to the painting is the focus of the painting, facing the audience and appearing in the mirror from the side. Therefore, the painting must be vivid and distinctive.

Jiang Zhe was very devoted to painting and never took a break.

Liu Yifei didn't know how long she had been sitting there. Feeling a little tired, she asked, "Jiang Zhe, can I adjust my posture?"

"Okay." Jiang Zhe said, "You can stand up and move around. I'm just giving you some reference."

Liu Yifei adjusted her posture and relaxed: "I'll be like this, just take a rest for a while."

She leaned her head against the back of the chair and looked at Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe was still creating, but after a while, he found that Liu Yifei had fallen asleep.

Listening to the slight snoring sound, he couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Zhe did not wake Liu Yifei up, and even picked up the sketchbook to draw her sleeping state.

After drawing a few satisfactory sketches, he picked up a piece of clothing and covered Liu Yifei with it to prevent her from catching a cold.

Keep creating.


Liu Yifei heard someone calling her, slowly opened her eyes and saw Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe said, "Sister Liu, I don't mean to disturb your rest, but the time is up, it's almost noon."

Liu Yifei quickly came to her senses: "Oh, sorry. Sorry, I fell asleep."

"It's okay, I see you are too tired." Jiang Zhe said.

Liu Yifei picked up the clothes, stood up, and said while moving her neck, "Did it delay your creation?"

Jiang Zhe said, "No, I just need a reference. I drew a few more while you were resting." He opened the sketchbook and let Liu Yifei see a few sketches.

"You can pack up and go back early. I wanted to treat you to lunch. But I have something else to do at noon."

Liu Yifei kept apologizing, but she was also feeling it silently. She found that there was no change in her body, and she felt relieved, but also a little disappointed.

She said to Jiang Zhe: "I said I would help you clean up the house."

Jiang Zhe said: "No need, you should go back earlier."

Liu Yifei looked at the time and realized that it was time to go back to accompany the child, so she said, "Thank you. Next time, I'll come earlier and help you clean up."

Jiang Zhe paid the fee and sent Liu Yifei downstairs.

The reason why he didn't invite her to have lunch was that he didn't want to waste any more time. After finishing his lunch as quickly as possible, he returned to his creation and finally drew a satisfactory draft.

Jiang Zhe transferred the sketch onto a 100×160 cm canvas and used the transparent glazing technique to depict the draft.

He had already considered the tone of the painting.

There are many characters in the dressing room, and the colors of the various clothes are complicated. In order to make the colors harmonious, changes and simplifications must be made, and lighting effects are also used to make the colors more in line with the theme.

He drew the draft according to his idea and then began to apply a layer of terracotta base evenly.

In order to create a masterpiece, he had to make some breakthroughs in both subject and plan.

He planned to use glazing technique to depict the first layer of color, and then use direct painting and glazing technique respectively to depict different parts.

After the base color is applied, it needs to be dried. Jiang Zhe estimates that after three or four days, he can move on to the next step of creation.

Don't waste time while waiting.

He used this time to begin sketching for his second work, a pedestrian street scene.

The New Year's Day holiday passed quickly, and in January 2003, the semester entered its final stage.

The students are preparing for their final exams.

Because of his daily accumulation, Jiang Zhe was not worried about his test results. During the final period of the semester, he had more time to complete his creations.

The work of the dressing room has entered the stage of detail depiction.

On Friday afternoon, Jiang Zhe finished his homework easily because his major was art appreciation, and returned to his studio early to continue his creation.

He painted part of the dressing room work with translucent color, which needs to wait for drying again.

In order to make good use of his time, he began to look through the works of Renoir and Manet, hoping to find inspiration and improve the sketch of the pedestrian street.

At that time, he saw many scenes and people on the pedestrian street, most of whom were young people, but there were also a few middle-aged people with children.

Because there are so many people, it is almost impossible to find the focus of these scenes. Jiang Zhe can only rearrange them according to his own needs.

He looked at the works of several painters, and the first thing he considered was that if he wanted to create a masterpiece that would be passed down through the ages, he would have to make more breakthroughs in this painting and no longer paint with a narrative structure.

Therefore, he did not set the main characters for the time being, but drew some characters in his memory with drafts and grouped them into groups, such as several students going shopping together, parents with children, young couples, friends, etc.

These people have different appearances, clothing, movements and expressions, which can reflect their mental states.

Jiang Zhe arranges the grouped characters according to the needs of the entire painting.

His overall setting for the entire painting is to show people in different states welcoming the arrival of the New Year in the scene, and the overall atmosphere should be lively, cheerful and relaxed.

The scene is at night, and the various lights make the pedestrian street particularly bright.

Jiang Zhe simply does not depict large scenes, but focuses on the crowd. The landscape on the commercial street only appears vaguely at the edge of the picture.

As the sketch took shape, he began to consider light, shadow and color.

In order to keep improving, he found some works showing restaurants and dances to observe and learn from. According to the concept, the picture should be very bright, close to the effect of daylight, but if you look closely, you can see that it is the effect of light.

Next, it is time to conceive and simulate every detail of the picture.

The characters in the painting cannot have repeated or similar faces, especially those who are closer to the audience, each of them must show their own unique characteristics.

Jiang Zhe drew on the draft some young people doing various intimate actions while playing.

For example, a woman is leaning against a man who is whispering something in her ear.

The woman showed her side profile, but her expression and eyes revealed that her heart was beating fast.

There were also a few young friends shopping together, showing the coolness of young people, etc.

When he was fully engaged in the game, he heard his cell phone vibrate.

Because I felt a little tired, I stood up and moved around, and took a look at my phone.

It’s Sister Liao’s call.

He checked the time. It was half past six in the evening.

Press the answer button. "Ms. Liao."

Sister Liao's voice came from the phone: "Are you at home or at school?"

Jiang Zhe said, "I'm in my studio."

"Teacher Jiang, I have a question for you."

Jiang Zhe's heart moved, and he remembered the game they played last time. "Really? Let's talk about it when we meet?"

"I couldn't go back during the New Year's Day holiday. Do you have time on Saturday or Sunday?"

Jiang Zhe said: "If you come back, I will have time."

(End of this chapter)

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