Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 369, Master Sketch, Mission Reward, Final

Chapter 369, Master Sketch, Mission Reward, Final

Jiang Zhe sat in front of his workbench, looking at several printed sketches hanging on the wall.

Among them are sketches by Raphael, Michelangelo, Rubens and Ingres.

Jiang Zhe has copied these works, and he gets some feelings every time he watches them.

These manuscripts are drafts of creation, and the painters will not sell them for money. Such drafts are often not utilitarian, revealing the artist's most authentic artistic appearance and his personality characteristics, and can increase the understanding of painting from the perspective of painting rules.

So, he copied it in its original size and hung it on the wall so he could ponder it often.

While observing, Jiang Zhe adjusted his emotions and continued to devote himself to creation.

At this point, the work of the dressing room is almost completed.

He wants to make further adjustments.

Through the row of mirrors in the painting, you can see the entire scene in the dressing room, and if you look carefully you can see their movements or what they are doing.

Everyone's clothes are different, and after color adjustment, they can all blend into the main color of the picture.

Jiang Zhe carefully adjusted the picture, making the tense, busy and active atmosphere in the dressing room even more intense.

When he could no longer find any problems, he stood up, stepped back, and examined the scene.

After thinking for a moment, I felt that I had expressed everything I wanted to express, so I used the system to review it. The result was that it was still a masterpiece and failed to reach the level of being passed down from generation to generation.

Jiang Zhe was a little discouraged, but he didn't try to modify the painting any further. There would be no significant change if he continued to modify it, so he could only look for a breakthrough in another direction.

He was cleaning his tools while reviewing the process.

He put his tools in order and looked at another draft - a pedestrian street.

This creative manuscript has been revised several times.

Before he officially started to paint, he decided to copy the master's sketch again, hoping to find some breakthroughs in modeling or aesthetics.

Jiang Zhe started by copying Michelangelo's sketch of "The Last Judgment", thinking while painting.

Michelangelo's works are full of power and momentum. His sketches are not only precise in strokes, but also focus on studying the structure and movement of the human body, emphasizing the shaping of the body through expressiveness, combined with his personal subjective feelings.

When copying those ups and downs of lines, Jiang Zhe experienced the subtle turns and tried to imagine the painter's passionate heart, how to create a gripping visual experience, and how to render the art with strong appeal.

While copying, he also took a look at Rubens' sketch.

Michelangelo's dynamic style deeply influenced later painters, and Rubens' sketches benefited greatly from it.

After Jiang Zhe finished copying a work, he still felt it was not enough, so he began to copy Raphael's sketches.

He has copied the manuscript of this portrait of a woman several times, and he is still moved by the delicate and gentle painting style.

Raphael's sketches embody the artistic laws that the painting is like the artist, with stable and harmonious composition and precise portrayal.

Jiang Zhe tried to imitate Raphael's strokes as accurately as possible, using the old method to imagine Raphael's state when he was painting, and also thought about how to flexibly use this method if he encountered a similar image.

Because you are thinking while painting, your painting speed will inevitably slow down, but if you let your thoughts fly, sometimes you will have sudden inspiration.

These two masters reminded him of some of the culture of the Renaissance, and then he thought that the two masters' cognition and superb painting skills, in addition to their talents, were also influenced by the culture of the time.

These exquisite manuscripts were completed under the drive of their cognition...

He copied two manuscripts in succession and vaguely felt that he had found the direction.

Just when he seemed to have some realization, the system sounded a prompt.

Jiang Zhe ignored the prompts and continued to let his thoughts run wild, reaching his limit, and then slowly sorting out his thoughts. He was worried about missing out on inspiration, so he immediately used paper and pen to write down all his insights, and then sorted them out and refined them.

He organized his insights from the copying process into some understandings of sketching and painting. Looking at these ideas recorded on paper, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

Only then did he check the system prompts.

There is a brief prompt on the page:

When you observe the works of painters, you will gain some insights. Combining your daily accumulation and insights, your sketching level will be raised to the master level.

Because the inspiration comes from classic works of the Renaissance, this skill is closer to classical sketching.

Once the conditions for ending the challenge mission are met, you can choose to complete the mission.

Jiang Zhe's heartbeat quickened as he read the prompt again.

Make sure you have reached Master level.

A smile appeared on his face.

Although he was confident about the mission, he was not sure about the time to upgrade his level because he had not made any breakthroughs for a long time. Victory came unexpectedly, and it caught him off guard. He had worked hard for this challenge, so the joy of the harvest was particularly sweet.

Thinking back to when I was reborn, with the help of the system, I reached a height that I had never imagined in my previous life. Now it seems that I can go higher and further.

With the master-level sketching, many of my skills will benefit and continue to improve. In the future, I will continue to gain more honors and benefits, and my own strength will be able to support it, so that I will not be unworthy of the reputation.

After his excitement subsided, he clicked on the system's task page and started the challenge task.

The task shows that the conditions for completion have been met.

He chose to finish and settle the reward.

The system settles and gives the result.

In the process of completing the task, after a lot of practice, accumulation and understanding, you can get the following rewards:

One chance to upgrade your skill level.

The financial reward is 30 yuan.

Get a chance to observe the master's creation.

The reward this time is quite generous.

Jiang Zhe thought for a moment and decided to accumulate the funds first. Now, he has accumulated nearly 700,000 yuan in funds, so he can find an opportunity to withdraw them, and he can also afford to spend them when he encounters special opportunities.

Next, after checking all his skills, he decided to improve the direct painting method in oil painting skills.

Now, the transparent glazing technique, which is the classical oil painting technique, has reached the special level. If the direct painting method also reaches the special level, then all the existing oil painting skills will reach the special level and can break through to the master level.

The reason why he did not upgrade low-level skills was because he wanted to ensure a breakthrough in the main attack direction first in order to complete another challenging task.

After clicking on the upgrade, a lot of information comes into my mind.

This information includes techniques and application methods that have had a wide-ranging influence from the emergence of direct painting to the present day.

Although it was only upgraded by one level, the information it contained far exceeded the previous content.

Jiang Zhe was glad that his choice was right.

If you rely on yourself to learn little by little, it will take a long time and will inevitably affect your creative breakthroughs.

At this time, he felt the important role of the system, which saved his study time and improved his learning efficiency.

He comprehended the skill information and occasionally drew a few times in the air with his fingers to simulate.

My brain feels a little dizzy because of the perception and reception of information.

Jiang Zhe decided to take a break.

He got up and drank a cup of tea, walked around for a few times, and then looked at the draft on the easel. At this moment, he had many new ideas about the painting. These ideas still need to be verified, and perhaps there will be a chance for a breakthrough.


Time flies.

It was the last day of the semester and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Jiang Zhe walked towards the examination room. Today was the last exam of this semester.

Yesterday's weather forecast reported that it would snow today. Despite the bad weather, it did not stop the students from looking forward to the holiday. In the examination room, many students were waiting for the exam to start, discussing their plans after the exam until the invigilator arrived.

At 11:30, the bell rang and the exam was over.

The teacher asked all the students to stop writing.

Jiang Zhe put down his pen, waited for the paper to be closed, and looked out the window.

Outside the window, large flakes of snow are falling.

During the exam, some students noticed that it was snowing and kept looking out the window. Jiang Zhe only realized that it was snowing when he heard the teacher stop the students from looking out the window.

In just one hour, the outside had turned into a world of snow.

When the teacher announced that they could leave, the students had already packed their belongings and ran out of the examination room excitedly.

This is the first snow this year.

The teacher repeatedly reminded the students to pay attention to safety, and then walked carefully on the snow to deliver the test papers.

Jiang Zhe walked out of the teaching building and saw that there were already many people playing in the open space outside the building.

Various traces are left on the snow.

Some students became playful and started playing snowball fights.

Jiang Zhe, carrying his schoolbag, waved at Chen Yan from a distance.

"Jiang Zhe, how did you do in the exam?" Chen Yan came over and put her arm around Jiang Zhe.

"No problem. What about you?"

"That's all. I'm going home today, what about you?" Chen Yan said.

Jiang Zhe said, "I'm going back to the studio. Do you need me to help you pack your things?"

"Need, thank you."

"Let's go and eat first."

The two people snuggled up to each other and walked on the snow, making a crunching sound under their feet.

Arriving at the canteen, the two of them patted the snow off each other's bodies and talked about their holiday plans while waiting in line.

During the meal, the class monitor and several students in the class were informing each other that Teacher Hu had no special arrangements and asked everyone to be careful on the way home and to pay attention to receiving their transcripts.

After Jiang Zhe and his classmates said goodbye to each other, the semester officially ended.

Jiang Zhe came to Chen Yan's dormitory and helped her pack her things.

Chen Yan said goodbye to her classmates in the dormitory.

Jiang Zhe helped Chen Yan carry the luggage to the parking lot.

Chen Yan got in the car, Jiang Zhe put the luggage in the trunk and closed the car door. Then he saw several teachers walking towards the parking lot, including Professor Qin and Teacher Hu.

He stopped and greeted several teachers.

"Jiang Zhe, are you getting ready to go home?" Professor Qin asked.

"Yes. My parents urged me to go back."

"There will be an event at the Artists Association in a few days. Remember to participate. We will all go," Professor Qin instructed.

"Okay, I remember."

Jiang Zhe said goodbye to several teachers.

The holiday is coming and the activities of the Artist Association cannot be postponed.

(End of this chapter)

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