Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 377, Visit, Imagination, and Creative Passion

Chapter 377, Visit, Imagination, and Creative Passion

The museum is getting more and more crowded.

Jiang Zhe had to observe the paintings from a farther distance. As for the works he was not interested in, he would just glance at them after the system collected the information, speeding up his viewing speed.

He walked into another exhibition hall and saw more people gathered in front of a huge painting.

You can see clearly from a distance that this is Matisse's work - Dance. The five women in the painting are dancing hand in hand. The painter's portrayal of the characters is very simple, but the postures are very dynamic.

Jiang Zhe found a suitable viewing position and recalled that he had seen such a painting in the art textbook when he was in school. In later studies, he learned that in the last ten years of Matisse's life, due to health problems, he began to create various paper-cut collage art.

In paper-cut collages or works with similar effects, one can still see his modeling characteristics, bright colors and very delicate composition.

Kang Chul compared the work in front of him with that of Picasso. Although the two painters had different styles, it is recorded that they paid close attention to learning each other's new works.

Hearing the sound that the system had completed recording, he quietly opened the system, and seeing that there were no other prompts, he prepared to go watch other works.

"Hello, can you take a photo for us? Thank you." A woman's voice came from the side.

Jiang Zhe looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was a woman with long brown hair who was talking to him.

The girl had a few freckles on her fair face, and her pupils were surrounded by a hint of blue. There was a female companion standing next to her.

"Okay." Jiang Zhe responded in English.

The girl and her companion chose a location and asked Jiang Zhe for help.

Because there were too many people, I could only barely frame the painting in the photo.

Jiang Zhe adjusted the composition as much as possible and then took the photo.

He heard the two girls whispering in what sounded like Spanish, so he said in Spanish: "Take a look. How's the filming?"

The girl's eyes lit up, she took the camera and said, "Thank you, I'm surprised you can speak Spanish?"

Are you an Asian living in Spain? "

Jiang Zhe said: "I am Chinese. I have no experience of living abroad." As expected, it is always good to have many skills.

The two women looked at the photos and were very satisfied: "You took great photos, thank you for your help."

"You're welcome." Jiang Zhe responded.

The two women were wearing thick coats that could not reveal their figures, but they were very beautiful. Although it delayed him a little, he did not feel sorry.

Jiang Zhe continued his visit and soon saw another famous work, which was a dream of Henri Rousseau.

The painting depicts a woman who saw a jungle in her dream. There are plants, animals, the moon, and the painting style is innocent and romantic. The painter has not received orthodox training, so he is not bound by painting techniques.

No matter how famous the painter is, Jiang Zhe doesn't really like this kind of picture effect.

He soon saw Chagall's dream painting and compared the two paintings.

Chagall's painting "I and the Village" also often appears in Chinese textbooks. It depicts the scenery of his hometown during his childhood. The scenery of the village and the people working are like a collage of several fragments left in the painter's dream.

Chagall's paintings may seem strange at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they have a fairy-tale-like sweetness.

Jiang Zhe stayed in front of Chagall's work for a long time.

Soon, he saw Dali's "The Persistence of Memory". It was another familiar painting. It must be said that there were so many famous paintings collected here.

Next, he saw Mondrian’s abstract paintings and Andy Warhol’s Can advertising series.

Jiang Zhe recalled that someone once interpreted Andy Warhol's works, saying that he turned high-end art into something like daily necessities that entered the lives of ordinary people. However, there is another interpretation, that is, as the world empire after Dai Ying, the United States also needs its own voice in culture, so it creates new concepts and new fashions.

Jiang Zhe feels that this interpretation may be closer to the truth.

In addition to these famous paintings, Jiang Zhe also saw some European classical oil paintings. Some of the painters are almost forgotten, but their works are still worth learning from.

He compared the works he saw with the techniques provided by the system to deepen his understanding of classical painting. After looking at all the works in the painting area, Jiang Zhe was not in a hurry to look at other collections.

He reviewed the impressive collection and walked back to the exhibition hall displaying Monet's works.

There are three water lily paintings by Monet here, including a huge one that takes up the entire wall.

Jiang Zhe estimated that he still had time and planned to watch for a while longer.

He sat down on a chair provided for tourists to rest, admired the huge water lily, and imagined the painter's state of mind when he created it.

He concentrated on the sights, blocking out distractions from other tourists.

It is difficult to find the horizon in this huge water lily painting. As the light and shadow change, the water lilies and the sky and white clouds reflected in the water merge into a blurred, dreamlike state.

Although Post-Impressionism, including painters of other schools and even various modernisms, have abandoned some of the Impressionist ideas, Jiang Zhe feels that the beauty created by Impressionist painters and their innovation of concepts are always worth learning from.

Jiang Zhe lets his thoughts run wild. It is a pleasant and relaxing thing to immerse himself in Monet's world of colors in a quiet space.

Until he had to leave.

Next, he visited other exhibition areas like a cursory tour, and then came to the souvenir selling area, where he bought some books about the collections and a few small souvenirs.

Jiang Zhe walked out of the museum and looked back towards the exit.

Although most of the collections have been included in the database, if he has the chance, he would still like to come and see the original works with his own eyes again.

On the way back to the hotel in a taxi, he wanted to go back to his room, pick up his paintbrush, and paint something.

Today's visit gave him a lot of ideas.

It was already evening when we returned to the hotel.

He met a companion and learned that Wang Zhen and others had gone nearby to buy some souvenirs or gifts.

Jiang Zhe returned to his room and took out the small sketchbook he brought with him.

For the convenience of the journey, he did not bring more tools.

He took up his pencil and began to sketch what he had seen today in his sketchbook.

People walking on the street, busy street scenes, scenes in museums, etc. I draw whatever comes to mind.

Because he had seen too many imaginative masterpieces today, he did not deliberately control the effect of the picture. He drew several sketches in succession until his emotions calmed down. Then he stopped and looked back at the sketch he had just completed.

Some strokes appear sloppy, but the overall flavor and rhythm are good.

If there is time, I can organize it into a final draft.

Knock knock knock, there's a knock on the door.

Jiang Zhe opened the door and Wang Zhen was outside.

“Museum, how about it?”

Jiang Zhe smiled and said, "It's worth the trip."

"Let's go eat first. We're all back now. If you want to buy gifts, I can tell you where to go."

"Okay. I'll be right there."

Jiang Zhe went out to eat with his friends.

After resting, Wang Zhen and his companions obviously regained their energy and became more talkative during the meal.

She told Jiang Zhe that they were going to visit a gallery and Christie's tomorrow and asked Jiang Zhe to be sure to attend.

(End of this chapter)

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