Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 410, Enlightenment, Breakthrough and Relaxation

After dinner, Jiang Zhe took a cup of tea, sat at the desk, and began to flip through the picture album, occasionally opening the system to look up information.

Drinking tea and reading books are originally very pleasant things, but today he accidentally painted a masterpiece of the level of being handed down from generation to generation. He has been thinking about it and hopes to sum up his experience.

Because this work is a portrait, he focused on looking up information about portraits, ranging from contemporary to the earliest portraits of humans in several museums.

According to the existing data, we can find that the older the portrait, the more serious the person in the painting is. Even if only a face is painted, the eyes are burning.

As time went by and painting developed, portraiture gradually became mainly about aristocratic portraits, a testament to power and wealth, including most of the works of Rembrandt and Velázquez.

Jiang Zhe saw several portraits by Holbein and recalled the background of these paintings.

Henry VIII of England had no sons, so he had to keep looking for a partner. Royal ladies from various countries spent money to order their own portraits and send them to him as a candidate. Holbein had the opportunity to paint many works.

After looking at some paintings, Jiang Zhe vaguely grasped some ideas, but he couldn't describe them in words, so he could only look at other classic works.

His eyes swept across a painting on the wall, which was his copy of Ingres's work.

I remembered that there were several works by Ingres in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, so I clicked on the system information to view the high-definition images.

He looked through the system, as if browsing a museum, and found the image.

These are portraits of a noble couple painted by Ingres. These paintings and Delacroix's paintings are hung in the same room. The works of two people with opposite opinions put together are very interesting.

Jiang Zhe found another painting image, which was a monochrome oil painting draft by Ingres of a Turkish odalisque.

The back of the woman in this painting appears too slender, which has caused a lot of controversy. Ingres, who advocated classical beauty, changed the inclination and curvature of the woman's body without considering how many vertebrae there are in the cervical and coccyx in order to pursue the Raphael in his mind.

When it came to painting portraits of wealthy people, Ingres restrained his use of subjective variation.

Jiang Zhe compares Ingres' works in the database.

Every one of them is very good. When it comes to the classic nature of portraiture, he is an extremely serious painter, especially his portraits of people in formal attire.

However, the beauty that Ingres expressed when depicting patterns of clothing and fabrics was different from classical beauty. Instead, it was more like what he observed and expressed naturally.

Jiang Zhe vaguely came to a conclusion that perhaps these great painters would also forget the classics and express their true nature naturally.

A new week begins.

During the three days of cultural classes, Jiang Zhe would return to the studio every night, but he was not in a hurry to paint.

He repeatedly compared his new works with those of famous artists, hoping to gain new insights.

Thursday, time for professional classes.

Jiang Zhe began to carefully depict the sketch assignment.

No matter how much thought he put into the masterpiece, when it comes to painting, he will try to forget the rules and regulations, to express what he has observed, and to show his thoughts and ideas as realistically as possible.

After most of the day, the portrait of the character in the painting was basically complete, with only the eyes not yet portrayed in detail.

He was waiting for the moment when the model looked tired.

While waiting, he would draw other things.

There were still about thirty minutes left before the break. The model slightly adjusted her posture, and her eyes began to become dull, as if she was distracted.

Jiang Zhe remembered the look at that moment and hurried to depict it.

"Teachers, you can take a break." Teacher Lin asked the models to take a break and let the students arrange their time freely.

There was some noise in the studio.

Jiang Zhe did not stop writing.

Although the model left, he clearly remembered the look in her eyes at that moment and finished painting the eyes in one go.

There were two classmates watching him painting next to him.

Because Jiang Zhe was drawing details, the two had to adjust their posture and look from the side.

After a few minutes, Jiang Zhe stopped and observed. Satisfied with the result, he put down his brush and packed up his tools.

At this time, several other students came to watch. Jiang Zhe spent a day painting the head of the full-length portrait, and the effect of the painting changed dramatically.

Several students were curious about some of the highlights and started asking questions.

Jiang Zhe is not conservative about questions that can be answered.

He answered questions while packing up his tools. Soon, he said hello to his classmates and left the studio.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw Teacher Hu coming towards me.

"Jiang Zhe, that's great. I'll inform you and you inform Mou Xing." Teacher Hu greeted.

Jiang Zhe asked: "Teacher, what's the matter?"

"For the city-level selection, it still has to be sent to our city's art museum."

Jiang Zhe was surprised. "It has been decided? The selection will not be held in our school?"

Teacher Hu sighed and said, "I heard that many people objected, thinking that our school had too many selected candidates and that it would be unfair to select them from our school, so...

It doesn’t matter, it’s the same everywhere.”

"What time?" Jiang Zhe asked.

"Before next Friday."

"I remember."

After Teacher Hu left, Jiang Zhe found Mou Xing and told him the news.

Mou Xing was also surprised, but fortunately, with Wang Zhen's help, this matter was not too troublesome.


During the break on Friday afternoon, Jiang Zhe came to Professor Qin's office with one of his works.

This is the first time I have shown this masterpiece to others since I finished it. I wanted to hear my teacher's opinion and also wanted to show off a little.

When Professor Qin saw the painting, he first asked, "Who did you draw, Teacher Luan?"

Jiang Zhe nodded. He just wanted the teacher to comment on his painting and forgot about his identity as a model.

Fortunately, Professor Qin did not ask any more questions and just focused on looking at the work.

After a long while, he said, "This painting is very good. It surprised me a little."

He looked at Jiang Zhe. "Before, when I saw your paintings, I thought you liked those kinds of delicate and aesthetic works, but this painting is very relaxing. It reminds me of some works by Hals and Vermeer. I'm not talking about those classic masterpieces, but some very relaxing small paintings, even unknown works."

He stood up, found a picture album, opened it, pointed to a work, and explained to Jiang Zhe: "Hals painted many portraits. The portrait of this couple is not a masterpiece. However, it is very remarkable that it shows superb skills and the simplicity of Dutch painting in a very small size."

Professor Qin found another picture of Vermeer’s painting: “Vermeer’s works were not valued for a long time, but as time went by, people discovered their value.

My personal conclusion is, why do people like this style? Because it shows the life state that people want: abundance, tranquility, and relaxation.

You see, these portraits by Vermeer and Hals are not custom-made serious portraits, but are very lifelike. Such works often give people a sense of relaxation.

When painters are drawing some drafts or freely creating works, they will show a very relaxed state, breaking away from some of their own rules and regulations. In such creations, classic works can occasionally appear.

This work of yours is different from what you have studied before, so the beauty it displays is gentle and relaxing. So, I say this painting is very good. "

Jiang Zhe savored Professor Qin's explanation and suddenly had some insights that corresponded to his previous thoughts.

After the advent of photography, serious portraits that looked like work photos have been eliminated. The ancient portraits that have been handed down retain their artistic value.

Some are displays of aesthetic paradigms, while others are breakthroughs in traditional aesthetics.

Seeing that Jiang Zhe seemed to have some insights, Professor Qin encouraged him: "You are very hardworking, but sometimes you also need to relax and learn to live a better life."

(End of this chapter)

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