Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 427, Jiang Zhe's choice, the creation of 5 flowers and 8 doors

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Jiang Zhe sat at the desk in the studio, his left hand unconsciously fiddling with the pen on the table, holding his mobile phone in his right hand, listening to Wang Zhen's description.

The provincial capital's review had already begun this morning. In two days, many judges would select 100 works from works from all over the province to participate in the national review.

Wang Zhen's tone of voice was excited and his words were a little confusing. It was obvious that he had drunk a lot of alcohol.

When the other party paused in his description, Jiang Zhe said, "Manager Wang, you drank a lot?"

"I'm fine."

"I know you're fine. Rest quickly and get enough rest."

"Don't worry, it won't delay anything. Today..."

Hearing that Wang Zhen was about to start another long speech, Jiang Zhe quickly found an opportunity to say that he had already understood the selection situation and they could talk about it tomorrow if there was anything else.

After ending the call, Jiang Zhe put down his phone and did not continue practicing calligraphy.

Although Wang Zhen was drunk, he had already told Jiang Zhe about the selection process.

Although we don’t know the outcome, we can tell from the current situation that the competition is extremely fierce.

Today, Professor Qin's words of caution popped up in my mind again.

Professor Qin's meaning was very clear. He would use whatever method he could. It was just that due to his long-term teaching habits, or perhaps out of respect, he could not say some things too directly.

If you cannot understand this kind of guidance, there is no point in giving it.

Jiang Zhe understood Professor Qin's good intentions, but he also had his own confidence.

With the help of the system, it is the greatest guarantee. If this cannot succeed, then it is too useless.

Thursday, professional classes.

Teacher Yan gathered the students into the multi-purpose classroom.

There are more advanced equipment here that can play some video materials.

The first work that Teacher Yan played was Pollock’s.

Pollock's paintings are almost all criss-crossed lines with no regularity. Densely packed paints are interwoven together, creating a unique visual impact.

Teacher Yan said to all the students: “This week, everyone will learn to create.

Creative practice is not limited to concrete or abstract. I hope everyone can open their minds and not be bound by previous habits.

Let's watch a video to see how the painter Pollock created his works. "

A black and white image began to play on the projection screen.

The painter in the video spreads the painting frame flat on the ground. There is no fixed painting position. He walks around the canvas freely and splashes paint on the canvas unscrupulously.

The paint is sprinkled onto the canvas in strands, creating his unique work effect.

In the second video, the artist holds a large brush and freely paints some rough lines on the canvas. The creative process in this video is slightly more normal.

Jiang Zhe recalled that he had seen this video footage in his previous life, but it had been so long that his impression of it was vague.

Watching this footage again, I feel a little emotional.

Many students in the class felt particularly fresh when they saw these two pieces of information for the first time.

Teacher Yan waited for the video to end and said, “This is a clip of Pollock’s creative process.

He changed the concept of traditional painting. Painting was no longer an aesthetic design, and it no longer expressed emotions through images and forms. Instead, it became a means and record for the painter to vent his emotions.

He dared to get rid of everything, pursued openness, and boldly innovated, which promoted the development of art history. So, whether you like it or not, there is a reason why his paintings are sought after by capital. "

Although students know the painter's name, it is difficult for them to change their original thinking after watching this kind of creative images.

Some students had very complicated expressions. Teacher Yan noticed the students' state and said, "Many people who have read this material often ask, what is the technical content of splashing paint on canvas? Who can't do it?
I'm sorry, but art history only records the pioneers, and only the pioneers are valuable. As for the imitators, you all know.

Don’t rush to comment, let’s look at a few more paragraphs.”

Teacher Yan continued to play the video.

As soon as the painter appeared in this video, everyone recognized him immediately - Picasso.

In the video, Picasso is holding a tool like a thick charcoal pencil and drawing many lines on the wall.

The painter is shirtless and wearing shorts, looking very casual. He uses some free and easy lines to form an image whose meaning is difficult to understand.

Another video shows Picasso painting some very abstract images on a plate-like vessel.

The third paragraph shows Picasso changing a clay pot into a duck-like shape.

After playing the three videos, Teacher Yan said to the students, “How was it? Were you shocked at all?
You have heard many rumors and read some books about Picasso.
There have been many opinions about his creations.

According to current information, he also studied classical painting when he was very young, but it is said that his father's strict requirements left a bad impression on him.

Therefore, after he became an adult, he no longer liked traditional painting and deliberately changed or deviated from it.

Comparing his works from his teenage years and adult years, we can see that he really knew how to paint in a traditional way, and later on, he was deliberately making some changes.”

He played the pictures and narrated the story.

These pictures are works by Picasso from different periods.

After Teacher Yan’s talk, he suggested that students observe and think from a different perspective before creating.

This unrestricted requirement leads many students to start considering abstract works directly.

After class, some people were still discussing what special techniques to use to create the visual effects.

Jiang Zhe did not consider abstract works.

He wanted to continue his previous exploration and show the rain scene through different distances and angles.

In recent days, he has observed a lot of photographic works as Professor Qin said, and has carefully analyzed those photographs taken in the rain, which has given him new creative ideas.

In the afternoon, Jiang Zhe came to the class painting studio with his tools.

Many students have already started creating.

He saw a female classmate using the largest brush to paint emerald green on the canvas.

The green was so bright that it turned her face green.

Another classmate was drawing some lines on a tile and then transferring them to the canvas.

There are so many weird methods, it’s hard to describe them in a few words.

Since everyone is competing with each other in terms of imagination, there is no point in learning from other people's works, so everyone is focusing on doing their own things.

Jiang Zhe returned to his seat and prepared to start creating.

He used charcoal to draw the image of Liu Yifei standing in the rain with an umbrella. This time, he only showed the bust of the character.

After drawing the draft, he deliberately imitated the visual effect of observing through a layer of water curtain during the coloring process.

The base color has been laid, and the character image remains basically realistic.

When Jiang Zhe was doing the second pass of the painting, he began to use diluted paint and special brushstrokes to imitate the special effects of flowing water.

Teacher Yan walked around the studio, came to Jiang Zhe and stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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