Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 444, rewards, strict requirements, well prepared.

After reading the system prompt, Jiang Zhe wanted to accept the reward immediately, but he estimated that the class time was about to end. If he accepted the reward at this time and someone noticed something unusual, it would be difficult to explain. He had to suppress the thought of receiving the reward and walked back to the classroom.

I had just sat down when the bell for class rang.

In the evening, Jiang Zhe returned to the studio and immediately clicked to receive the reward.

A large amount of information enters my mind.

He accepted it and browsed the information.

The rewarded advanced skill is called architectural garden design, but its content is mainly Chinese architectural garden beautification design, with a small amount of Western garden design knowledge.

Because his reading and study focused on classical architecture and gardens, the system's rewards were biased. If he wanted to acquire more comprehensive knowledge, he could only study on his own or improve his skills to a higher level.

Soon, the information transmission was completed.

With the help of the system, a large amount of new knowledge can be mastered quickly.

He picked up the book "Yuan Ye" again and continued reading it.

Now, with more accumulation, some knowledge that I didn’t understand before has now become clear.

Some very literary descriptions in the book, such as the general principle of "cleverness in borrowing and precision in form" and summary such as "although it is made by man, it seems to be created by nature", immediately become vivid after corresponding examples in memory.

With the help of the system, language descriptions such as "it is easy to construct carved beams and flying pillars, but it is difficult to build tall and straight locust trees", "the selection of orientation is not restricted by the appearance of the house, the door must be installed in accordance with the square of the hall", "there are natural rugged terrain before the mountain; the construction of hills does not depend on the cleverness or clumsiness of the stone shape" have gradually become more specific and have clearer directions.

Jiang Zhe opened the plan sent by Designer Zhou again, and at this time, he could already see some problems in it.

After jotting down some of his considerations, he thought of the previous paper.

Although the deadline for submission was very close, he felt that some revisions were necessary.

The knowledge I have read and mastered is mainly about classical gardens. In order to revise the thesis in combination with the subject, I need to have an aesthetic understanding of architectural and garden art and combine it with current aesthetics.

Jiang Zhe quickly sorted out his thoughts, tore down his original paper and reorganized it.

He analyzed and compared the cases from the background of the times. For example, the commodity economy was developed in the Ming Dynasty, and there was a wide demand for gardening. Driven by the huge market demand and economic benefits, some people made gardening their profession.

The Ming Dynasty was also an era of great cultural and ideological explosion. Art theories such as literature and painting flourished and showed diversified characteristics. The development of culture and art led to the emergence of more artistic gardens at that time. Some concepts can still guide garden planning, design and construction today.

In contemporary times, cultural exchanges are becoming increasingly rapid. At the same time, due to new material conditions, new concepts and excellent cases are bound to emerge.

Based on the actual cases he had seen, Jiang Zhe sorted out some current architectural and garden beautification concepts and made bold guesses about the future.

On Wednesday afternoon, the class ended.

Jiang Zhe walked out of the teaching building and saw the class monitor waiting downstairs.

The monitor saw it from a distance and waved hurriedly. When Jiang Zhe came closer, he asked, "How is the paper preparation going? Teacher Zhang asked me to put it away today because he will review it tomorrow morning. Can you hand it in?"

Ok~ Jiang Zhe took out the reprinted and bound paper from his bag and handed it to the monitor. "Thank you for your hard work."

"This is what we should do." The monitor took the paper and glanced at it: "Haha~ Your paper format is the most neat."

After Jiang Zhe was reborn, he submitted materials many times and had become accustomed to using the standard format.

Because of Teacher Zhang's requirements, the focus is on the format of content and word count, and there are only simple requirements for suitability.

Jiang Zhe saw that the essays that the monitor had collected were in various formats.

"Okay, I guess this class will be over after Teacher Zhang's review tomorrow." The monitor seemed to anticipate the relief after completing the task.

Jiang Zhe thought of Professor Qin's reminder and felt that it was not that simple.

Thursday morning, professional classes.

The students gathered in the classroom again.

Teacher Zhang arrived at the classroom on time and opened his laptop, but did not give a lecture. Instead, he divided a pile of papers into two groups and placed them on the desk.

He looked around at all the students and said with a smile, "Last night and this morning, I read through all the papers that everyone handed in. It's hard to describe in a few words. Let me summarize. Some students' papers need to be revised. After the concentrated lecture, I will call on them one by one and revise them individually. There are also some that have more serious problems."

He used his notebook to explain several major issues that appeared in the paper.

After he finished speaking, he said, "Students whose names I called, please come up."

Teacher Zhang read out the name of a student, gave him individual instruction, and then called the second student.

Jiang Zhe was the third person to be called.

He walked over to the desk.

Teacher Zhang pointed to the seat next to him and asked him to sit down.

Jiang Zhe saw some comments written in pencil on the paper.

"You used some comparisons here. The examples are very good." Teacher Zhang said quickly: "But the conclusions after the comparison are problematic. Some of the views are too far-fetched. Many times, research does not necessarily have to come to a certain conclusion, and it is okay to leave questions."

He pointed to one of the passages: "For example, here you point out the advantages of classical gardens. It seems that you deliberately emphasize that they are better than other designs..."

Teacher Zhang pointed out several problems to Jiang Zhe and gave constructive guidance.

"The overall structure of the paper does not need to be changed significantly, but these few aspects need to be adjusted. Can you remember them?"

Jiang Zhe replied: "I remember it."

"Okay, you can go back and revise it." Teacher Zhang said.

Jiang Zhe thanked the teacher and picked up his paper and bag.

The first two students who were given individual instructions had already left the classroom, and he did not hesitate.

Watching Jiang Zhe leave, many classmates looked envious.

Walk out of the classroom, through the quiet corridor, and arrive at the campus.

At this time, most students are in class.

Although the teacher left plenty of time, Jiang Zhe wanted to strike while the iron was hot and complete the revisions as quickly as possible while the memory was still fresh.

He went to the library, borrowed a few books, and began to revise them.

Not long after, I saw several classmates coming to the library one after another.

The library was very quiet. Several students silently signaled to Jiang Zhe, then found a seat and sat down. It was obvious that they were also here to revise their papers.

After a while, Fu Min also came. She came to Jiang Zhe's side. "Are you still revising?"

"It's not fixed yet, how are you?" The two communicated in the smallest voice.

Fu Min said: "I only need to change four questions."

Seeing that she was a little proud, Jiang Zhe asked, "You're still so happy after changing four questions?"

"You don't know, I was the last one called up by the teacher. The remaining dozen or so people were asked to rewrite."

Jiang Zhe suddenly realized.


In the afternoon, Jiang Zhe finished revising his paper and left the library.

Because the teacher asked him to hand it in next Monday, he planned to print the paper today. Tomorrow, he would be free to arrange his schedule.

The cell phone rang, it was Wang Zhen's number. (End of this chapter)

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