Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 476: Putting accusations on others? I can do that too

The writing conference was still bustling with people.

Jiang Zhe looked at the lively scene, thinking about the instructions given by Professor Qin and Wang Zhen just now.

This seminar was not originally in their plan.

Jiang Zhe hadn't made any preparations, so they could only remind Jiang Zhe to say more New Year's words.

Several people who had just attended the writers' conference were about to leave, but were dissuaded by the staff.

One of them suddenly got angry and said, "I want to go home to pick up my grandson."

"It's nothing serious, why won't you let us go?" Others also echoed.

Seeing that a dispute had broken out, the staff was unable to stop it and had to ask several people to leave.

When someone takes the lead, others will follow.

Meng Xi and Jiang Zhe both saw this scene.

She said, "After the discussion is over, can you tell me about it so I can learn from it too."

Seeing Meng Xi's excited face, Jiang Zhe said helplessly: "Are you envious of this kind of thing?"

"Of course, not everyone can attend. No one notified our teacher Yang. I just went over there. Although he looked calm on the surface, he was actually unhappy." Meng Xi whispered, "Why do you think those people who were in a hurry to leave were angry?"

Jiang Zhe nodded: "Those who are in want to get out, and those who are not in want to squeeze in."

Meng Xi said: "Yes, just squeeze in.

I secretly counted the people who attended the symposium, and see if I am right.

The people who can attend the forum are not only famous and influential, but also those who have recently begun to emerge, no, to show their faces. You are one of them.

I also want to participate in the future, so I want to learn more about it in advance. ”

Seeing her confident look, Jiang Zhe suddenly remembered the system's prompt.

Maybe, this is what it means when character determines destiny?

The staff arranged a meeting room and notified the participants to enter.

Jiang Zhe was the last batch to enter the venue.

"Please take a seat." The staff invited everyone to take a seat.

There is a long oval table in the center of the conference room, with a circle of chairs around the table and another circle of chairs near the wall.

The old man, the woman, and the few people who came with them sat at one end of the long table. The long table was already full of people, and the outer circle near the wall was almost full as well.

Jiang Zhe sat down in the outer circle, and his position was just right to see the back of the woman's head and the profile of the old man.

A man looked at the two people sitting in the main seat, and after getting permission, he stood up to preside over the discussion.

Jiang Zhe remembered that he seemed to be a permanent director of the association, and he also held some other position, but he couldn't remember clearly.

"First of all, I would like to thank Director Song and Director Ma for their visit and guidance..." He thanked them all and then briefly introduced the original intention and process of the event.

During this process, some people took pictures and everyone sat upright.

After this director, others spoke up one after another, giving positive comments on the event.

When it was Director Ma's turn, she looked around at everyone and said, "I would like to invite everyone to have a discussion. I also want to invite everyone to share their views and suggestions on the event, summarize the experience, and make the exhibition more perfect."

We all understood what she meant. We were unable to exhibit abroad this time, so we must strive to do a good job next time.

Everyone who comes to the discussion must speak out.

At the beginning, some people's suggestions were still very implicit. For example, some suggested expanding the number of exhibitions next year to avoid missing out on gems, and some suggested increasing the types of exhibited works, etc.

Some people in the inner circle were taking careful notes.

However, as more and more suggestions came in, some people gradually began to lose control and slowly spoke out their real thoughts.

“I suggest increasing the number of calligraphy and seal carving works on display.”

"There are too many oil paintings and watercolors in the exhibition this time. This is a stage for displaying our own art, and the number of Chinese paintings should be increased." "The number of folk art should be increased, especially paper cutting and printing and dyeing..."

As such opinions increase, conflicts are inevitable. Some say one thing, others say another. Many people simply express their conflicts and daily dissatisfaction with others.

Some people in the inner circle had unnatural looks on their faces, and they probably didn’t expect something like this to happen.

Jiang Zhe heard someone mention his participation in the invitational exhibition of the Biennale.

He saw that Song and Ma remained calm despite the many opinions, so he didn't rush to refute them.

When Liu Jie expressed his opinion, he first praised the success of the event, then praised the hard work of the staff, and then changed the subject.

“In this exhibition, everyone showed a high degree of solidarity, but there were also some unpleasant phenomena.

Some painters not only participated in the exhibition here, but also went to Venice to participate in the exhibition. They knew that there would be some disputes between the organizers of the domestic exhibition and Venice, but they still only cared about themselves..."

Many people looked at Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe was calm and prepared.

Everyone spoke in turn.

After the person sitting on Jiang Zhe’s left finished speaking, Director Song looked at Jiang Zhe.

"Let's ask Jiang Zhe to give us some suggestions for this exhibition. Although he is young, he has made remarkable achievements."

Jiang Zhe stood up and said calmly: "I am young, and I will simply talk about my personal feelings. If I say something wrong, please forgive me.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to show myself..." He mentioned the people who helped him, and then said: "Just now, Commissioner Liu and another teacher, whom I don't know, criticized me for not participating in the Venice exhibition. I don't accept this suggestion."

As soon as these words were spoken, the place fell silent.

Many people even turned their heads or sideways to look at Jiang Zhe.

Those who make criticisms are rarely named, let alone those who do not accept the criticism.

“The two exhibitions were held simultaneously, and I couldn’t have anticipated what would happen later, so my original intention was fine.

As for the two of you saying that I am not united, I firmly oppose it."

Hearing Jiang Zhe's harsh words, Director Ma turned around and looked at Jiang Zhe in surprise.

Liu Jie's face was as gloomy as a dark cloud.

"I attended the exhibition with the intention of learning and making friends, and never thought about any complicated issues. It was Commissioner Liu who could foresee possible troubles in the future. I don't have that ability.

You suggested twice that I withdraw my works from the Venice Invitational Exhibition. What is your intention? "

Liu Jie couldn't help it anymore: "Jiang Zhe, what do you mean? I'm not targeting you. I'm just discussing the facts. And I'm not the only one who has an opinion on your actions."

Jiang Zhe stood up again: "You are the one who has a problem with me." Then he looked at the person who brought up this matter before: "Oh, and this teacher also has a problem with me."

This man was able to keep his composure, and several people around him were watching the excitement with a smile on their faces.

Jiang Zhe said: "I will say this again. It is impossible for me to withdraw my work."

Liu Jie said, "What's your attitude? We want to help you. You are so young, why are you not humble at all?"

Jiang Zhe immediately retorted: "You keep bringing this up. Is it out of public interest or out of personal motives? Before, I received a message from the Biennale that someone wanted to remove my work and replace it with someone else's. However, the Biennale did not agree.

Not long after, you gave me this suggestion. Is this a coincidence?"

Jiang Zhe made up these words, and there was no way to verify them. He knew that he couldn't just go along with what the other party said, and he couldn't defend himself. Instead, you said yours, and I said mine.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, the discussions around became even louder.

Liu Jie could no longer maintain his composure, and he jumped up and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Zhe said, "Is that you? You contacted the Biennale and want to remove my work?" Looking at the other party's reaction, could it be that the thing he made up just happened to come true?
When they saw the quarrel started, some people in the audience started laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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