Francesca invited Jiang Zhe to come closer to a work of art.

This is a painting by Titian. Although the work is not well known, it shows Titian's characteristic of winning with color.

Francis said to Jiang Zhe: "Not long after Titian started learning painting, he showed his talent and was recommended to Bellini's workshop as an apprentice, which was the only way for painters to start learning skills at that time.

Bellini's workshop was a large workshop in Venice at the time, capable of undertaking large projects such as church ceiling paintings and altar paintings.

If painters are successful during their apprenticeship, they will become independent from their teacher's workshop.

Giorgione is an outstanding figure in it.

When he started his own business, that is, when he opened his own studio, he received some orders for custom paintings, so he invited Titian, who was still in Bellini's studio at the time, to help him complete some of them.

You can understand it as Titian doing some private work.

This is why art history records that Giorgione once helped Titian.

Giorgione, of course, died young, and some of his unfinished commissions were given to Titian.

So it was given to him because people found that both Giorgione and Bellini's studios were willing to let Titian take over the work. Of course, Titian was lucky, because every time he encountered competition, his opponents would inexplicably give up or die.

This led some to wonder what Titian had done.

Titian did have extraordinary artistic talent.

He mastered a method of making pigments and researched a special principle of color matching, which made the skin of the characters in his works appear to be fragile and the texture of silk smooth and shiny. He was hailed as the God of Color in the Renaissance. "

Francesca's language in telling history is humorous, and Jiang Zhe is willing to listen and occasionally express his own understanding.

"From the perspective of professional level, Titian can definitely be compared with the three great artists of the Renaissance, but he was not selected as one of the three, and even his popularity is far behind."

Francesca said, "I'm glad to hear you praise Titian. What you said is true. In my opinion, the reason is very simple, because his life was too smooth. He became a great painter at a very young age and was very popular until his death. There were no twists and turns, and no legends to speak of."

Her story contains some professional knowledge, as well as some rumors and even short stories.

Jiang Zhe felt that listening to this lady's explanation was also a pleasure.

The two people looked, walked and talked, and the process of conversation and appreciation was very pleasant.

However, after receiving a mobile phone message, Francesca said to Jiang Zhe helplessly: "Jiang Zhe, I'm very sorry, I have something to do and can't continue to enjoy it with you."

"You have given me a lot of help, thank you very much." Jiang Zhe expressed his gratitude.

Francesca said to Jiang Zhe: "Titian has a very important work, the Assumption of the Virgin created in 1518. This work not only made Titian, who was less than 30 years old at the time, the most important painter in Venice, but also established his artistic status that could compete with Renaissance masters such as Raphael and Michelangelo.

The work is no longer here, but in a very unique local cathedral. You can go and appreciate it when you have time.

Also, I have something to tell you.

Before I came over to say hello, I recognized you and knew your work was in the theme exhibition. ”

Jiang Zhe was very happy. Being able to attract the other party to come over and say hello meant that she noticed him and his work.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see you again."

After the two people said goodbye, Jiang Zhe did not notice any new prompts from the system and continued his tour.

He saw a work by Michelangelo.

This work is an unfinished draft of a mural depicting a scene of hell. The original is no longer available, and the work was never fully completed.

Jiang Zhe vaguely knew about this, so he checked the detailed information provided by the museum. It is said that the Pope at that time asked Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo to create murals for a room in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence at the same time.

The two masters each painted a wall.

This duel between masters at the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence attracted the attention of many people, including the young Raphael.

Today, the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, which later became the Municipal Palace, preserves these two giant murals. Of course, these two murals are the works of another painter.

Because, the duel between the masters did not happen in the end.

It is said that Leonardo da Vinci did paint a mural at the time, but he preferred to use a pigment he developed and made himself.
Soon after the mural was finished, the paint began to flake off, and Leonardo was busy working on The Last Supper, so it was impossible to repair it.

Michelangelo was originally going to finish the wall, but before he even started, he was called by the Pope to decorate the ceiling, which is the most famous ceiling painting in human history.

Jiang Zhe was so immersed in appreciation that he forgot the time without realizing it.

It was not until a staff member reminded us that we realized the tourists around us were quickening their pace and preparing to leave the art museum.

Without realizing it, I had been admiring it for such a long time.

It was time for the art gallery to close, so he had to leave.

Jiang Zhe felt very sorry because there were too many works collected here.

There are many works that I haven’t had time to appreciate.

He plans to come and see it again when he has time.

He returned to his hotel.

Wang Zhen had dinner with him. During the meal, she told Jiang Zhe that she had arranged to meet with several critics in the exhibition hall of a certain exhibition.

In order to make Jiang Zhe take this meeting seriously, she told him how difficult it was to arrange the meeting.

Jiang Zhe agreed to participate.

He ate and thought, maybe what Wang Zhen said was what the system called opportunity. After dinner, the two planned to walk back to the hotel and take a walk.

As soon as the two walked out of the hotel, they saw a short and fat white old man talking to the hotel waiter.

The old man looked anxious, and his movements were strange as he spoke and wrote at the same time, as if he was afraid of making too big moves.

The waiter at the hotel didn't understand what the other person was saying, and kept telling the other person that he didn't understand and asked him to speak slower.

The old man took out a small notebook and wrote and drew on it, but the waiter still couldn't understand it, so he had to ask for help from people around him, including Jiang Zhe.

Unfortunately, most people around me can only understand Italian.

Jiang Zhe didn't understand either, but when he saw that the old man seemed anxious and uncomfortable, he offered to help.

He knew three foreign languages ​​and could only communicate with the old man by speaking French.

The old man felt a little unwell and wanted to ask where the nearest hospital was.

Jiang Zhe told the waiter what the old man wanted, and the waiter told the old man the address and the route he had taken.

Before leaving, the old man expressed his gratitude to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe didn't take it to heart, and while walking with Wang Zhen, he discussed the arrangements for tomorrow. (End of this chapter)

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