While explaining her reasons, Francesca observed the reactions of Jiang Zhe and Wang Zhen.

This contact with Jiang Zhe is an attempt for her, but also an important opportunity.

She told herself that she must seize this opportunity. If she succeeded, she could build her own channel, get out of the stage of needing others' assistance, and directly enter a higher level.

In her original plan, it would take her several years to complete this change, but after calculations, she found that if this deal was completed, she could save several years and achieve her goal ahead of schedule.

So, she tried her best to stand on Jiang Zhe's side to discuss the issue.

Because Jiang Zhe and Wang Zhen knew limited information, although they were moved, they still did not easily reveal their true attitudes.

"I understand your concerns," Francesca said, "If too many works circulate in the market, it will affect the price.

This has happened before. Some artists' works have entered the market for the second or even third time, and the price has dropped during the circulation process, which is very disadvantageous to the artists, art dealers and auction houses. However, the collector I am talking about today is a very rare case.

Selling your work to him will not affect the price of your work in the market.”

Wang Zhen thought of a possibility, but still pretended to be confused: "We need to know more information."

Francesca said: “Most of the art collected by the family rarely comes back on the market.

Some of the works collected by the collector's grandfather have already entered art galleries and museums.

There are also plans to display other collections in museums or art galleries.

The collector who commissioned me to negotiate has always wanted to establish an art gallery or museum named after himself, like the Guggenheim Museum.

Jiang Zhe, if your work can be collected by him, maybe it will be put into a museum in the future and become a permanent collection, and there will be no possibility for your work to enter the market.

For most painters, they all hope that their masterpieces can be exhibited in major museums and seen by more people.

On the contrary, if your work enters the market through auction houses or galleries and is bought by collectors who want to make money from appreciation, then it is very likely that these collectors cannot even be considered collectors.

They may keep the paintings at home for three to five years before selling them. If there are any fluctuations in the sales process, it may affect the price of your work.

I think this is definitely not a good choice.

I can get the right amount of profit and basically be sure that the painting will not enter the market again. Why not choose it? "

After hearing Francesca's description and analysis, Jiang Zhe and Wang Zhen were somewhat interested, but they did not rush to reply.

Eventually, they agreed to give it serious consideration and to talk to several business partners.

Francesca didn't think about completing the goal in one go, so I understand that.

After finishing the business, Francesca invited Jiang Zhe and Wang Zhen to visit her home and said that if they wanted to travel in Italy, she could provide help.

Both parties ended the conversation happily.

After Jiang Zhe sent Francesca away, he returned to his room and quietly opened the system. He did not see any system prompts, so he could not make any judgment.

After a while, Wang Zhen came knocking on the door.

Jiang Zhe let her in. "What do you think of this condition?"

Wang Zhen said: "If the conditions are really as she said, then it is a great opportunity. Not only can your works be sold at a high price, but they will also be placed in museums in the future, avoiding secondary circulation in the market.

Although I have confidence in your paintings, the market is always fluctuating. Once there is a price fluctuation, it will have a very bad impact on you.

However, we don’t know whether what she said is true, so I want to ask friends for information as much as possible.”

After leaving the hotel, Francesca found a secluded place and called the client.

She told the client that this matter had a high chance of success, but further discussions were needed.


Jiang Zhe finally had some free time. When he was thinking about how to arrange it, the organizing committee brought him the prize. After seeing the staff off, he couldn't wait to open the gift box.

This is part of the prize, a set of watercolor palettes. Because it needs to be engraved, it was delivered at the latest.

Jiang Zhe already has several watercolor palettes, but this one has commemorative significance.

The color palette is palm-sized, with a brass shell that is nearly 3cm thick and feels very comfortable in the hand.

There is a manufacturer's logo on the front of the box, which is an Italian brand. There is Jiang Zhe's signature on the lower right, which is engraved very carefully.

Open the two-fold lid to fully unfold the watercolor box.

Inside the two-layer lid is a white plastic palette with a color grid in the middle that can hold 16 colors. The color palette comes with a small flat brass box that can be used to hold clean water.

There is also a ring at the bottom of the box that can be put on the thumb, which is very convenient for sketching.

There is no price tag on this box, so it must be worth a lot of money.

Jiang Zhe was a little itchy when he saw the box. After doing the maintenance according to the instructions, he planned to buy all the materials and then go sketching.

When I came to Venice, I could only find time to draw some sketches and rarely had the opportunity to create relatively formal works.

He packed up and prepared to go out, just in time to meet Wang Zhen who was also going out.

"Are you going out?"

Jiang Zhe told him about his arrangements.

Wang Zhen said: "Be careful, I'll go find some friends and ask about the situation."

"What do you need me to do?"

“Creating good works is what you should do.”

Jiang Zhe called Francesca and, with her guidance, found a store selling planning materials.

As was his custom, he bought tubes of watercolor paint.

I have to say that these so-called traditional handmade pigments are really expensive. A small tube of color costs about 10 euros. Some cobalt blue and lapis lazuli cyan are even more expensive.

Fortunately, Jiang Zhe was not worried about the paint being too expensive at this time.

When I bought all the tools and was thinking about where to go for sketching, little Amy called me.

She learned from Francesca that Jiang Zhe was going to sketch, so she wanted to go with Jiang Zhe.

After discussion, the two agreed to meet at St. Mark's Square.

Soon, the two arrived at the square and chose a location for sketching.

There happened to be an event going on in the square, so it was very lively.

While Jiang Zhe was preparing materials, he listened to little Amy telling stories about the past here.

The materials that little Amy brought were simple and well prepared.

She looked at the bustling square and said, “I thought of a work called Procession in Piazza San Marco.”

Jiang Zhe also thought of that work. It depicted a grand procession ceremony held in St. Mark's Square in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

“Seeing the scene in front of me, I really felt the strong festive atmosphere conveyed by the work. Venice gives people the feeling that people here really know how to enjoy themselves.”

Jiang Zhe started drafting as he spoke.

The same subject, but he wanted to create a different effect. (End of this chapter)

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