Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 528, Settlement Rewards, Opportunities and Competition

Jiang Zhe stared at the system page and waited for a few seconds, and the reward content was displayed on the page.

Your rewards this month:
256000. Reward funds: RMB .

Second, because you have obtained two honorary titles this month, the system will arrange a special opportunity for you.

Tip: Based on your learning accumulation in the past three months, the system determines that you are somewhat passive on the road of professional development.

To motivate you, special opportunities will be presented along with competitive opportunities.

Jiang Zhe frowned after reading the reward details.

This month's financial reward is more than before. That's because I spent most of this month in the studio creating or doing new research. This reward is fine.

The second reward is puzzling. It's okay to have an honorary title and an opportunity, but how did this passive and unmotivated evaluation come from? How can it be seen from? I have done a lot of creation this month, and I have been thinking about new creative directions.

He wanted to click to view the details, but the system did not give any further prompts.

After shutting down the system, Jiang Zhe closed his eyes but couldn't fall asleep.

The system's evaluation stimulated him.

Judging by the system's past arrangements, these assessments must have some basis.

He had to start looking at himself.

Letting go of all burdens, Jiang Zhe thought of a possibility.

In fact, there is a problem that he has been reluctant to face. After his rebirth, he began to sell paintings, and the prices of his works became higher and higher, and his life became better and better. Although there were difficulties along the way, it was generally smooth.

Deep down in my heart, there is always an idea to stay in my comfort zone.

Although I have never avoided various competitions, this idea will pop up from time to time, and it will probably be reflected in all aspects.

He closed his eyes and sighed. Life really couldn't remain unchanged.

The system thinks it is moving too slowly.

All right. Then take the initiative.

First day of school.

Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan have breakfast together.

The senior students have returned to school, and only the freshmen are still looking for something new around the campus.

Today's class is a cultural class.

Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan walked to the entrance of the teaching building, but Chen Yan did not separate here as they did in the past. Instead, she accompanied Jiang Zhe to the classroom door and waited until class time before leaving.

Several classmates who knew Jiang Zhe saw this scene and laughed secretly. Yesterday, Jiang Zhe ran into two freshman girls. These two girls said very directly that they wanted to get to know Jiang Zhe and even wanted to leave their contact information.

In order to avoid trouble, Chen Yan guarded it strictly.

The number of cultural courses in the junior year is reduced.

Jiang Zhe sat in the second row. There were fewer and fewer students sitting in the first three rows.

After the teacher entered the classroom, he saw some familiar faces in the first three rows, so he sat down and continued teaching until the bell rang.

On Tuesday night, Jiang Zhe did not have dinner with Chen Yan. After class, he rushed back to the villa.

Today, the two works will be handed over to two auction houses and prepared to be sold at the autumn auction.

Before that, the two sides had communicated many times and had already selected the works.

The oil painting entrusted to Time Auction depicts a portrait of a woman playing the violin, based on Teacher Luan; the oil painting entrusted to Christie's Auction depicts a woman by the pool, based on Liu Yifei.

The two paintings are large in size, so they need careful packaging.

Wang Zhen and Manager Zhao from Times Auction came to Jiang Zhe's studio together to take charge of the handover.

"Jiang Zhe, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm here to admire your masterpiece again today."

"You're welcome. Please give me more valuable suggestions."

After the greetings, Jiang Zhe took Manager Zhao to visit the studio.

Manager Zhao first browsed Jiang Zhe's new works and praised some of the group portraits.

However, their company still chose the female portraits that Jiang Zhe is good at, and this type of work has a good record.

According to previous market research, many customers still have expectations for works like Jiang Zhe's.

For auction houses, the chances of success are greater when dealing with such works.

While Wang Zhen was watching the staff packing the work, Manager Zhao whispered to Jiang Zhe, “Jiang Zhe, we recently received a piece of news.

Several domestic auction houses are preparing to open special auctions of contemporary paintings, among which some works by domestic painters will appear at auction for the first time.

Do you know what this means?"

Jiang Zhe thought for a moment and said, "They have begun to pay attention to contemporary painting and have started to promote new painters?"

Manager Zhao said: "Your guess is correct.

Your success is well known to everyone. At present, the price of your works is still far behind those of top painters, but you are young after all and have a bright future. I think many auction companies see the potential of young painters and are also looking at future development. That is why they have taken these actions.

It is said that several auction houses have begun to discover young and middle-aged painters from various colleges and universities. To put it bluntly, they want to replicate your success or even surpass you.

I heard that someone has also contacted some teachers and students in your school."

Jiang Zhe said, "Some people also came to contact me." He vaguely mentioned the names of several auction companies. The reason why he was not tempted was that according to his memory of his previous life, these companies seemed to have disappeared. So he was very frank with his partners.

Manager Zhao didn't expect Jiang Zhe to reply so directly, so he directly told him his company's plans.

"In the face of competition, we must also actively respond. We will strengthen publicity for this autumn auction, and you should cooperate with us then."

When Jiang Zhe heard the word competition and the promotional plans that Manager Zhao talked about, he suddenly thought, is this the competition that the system is talking about?

At this time, Wang Zhen also joined the conversation. Before coming, she had discussed with Manager Zhao, so she said directly to Jiang Zhe: "Christie's sent me a message.

Several major foreign auction houses have also begun to observe and contact a group of young and middle-aged painters in China.

However, these auction houses are all established companies, and they are relatively cautious about changing their operations and trying new initiatives. At this stage, they are just making contact and the impact is not significant for the time being.

However, this should be the trend. These companies operating their own painters may have an impact on you. Therefore, in addition to creating, you must also continue to participate in important exhibitions to make yourself more famous. "

She also talked about her publicity plans.

Jiang Zhe is not an expert in these areas and is willing to follow the advice of professionals.

After the works were shipped away, he called Sister Liao.
The two talked for a long time.

Wednesday. The first class for third-year oil painting majors is figure sketching (full-body portrait).

One month of professional course time to complete a complete sketch.

The studio arrangements for oil painting majors have been divided and announced.

As expected, Jiang Zhe, Fu Min and others were assigned to Professor Qin's studio.

Professional courses are taught by teachers arranged by the school. Studio tutors will visit the studio regularly to guide students in their own studios.

While the students were preparing in the studio, Teacher Hu brought three middle-aged and elderly male models.

The model has been working with the school for many years and already knows the requirements. She took off her clothes and stood in the model's position.

Jiang Zhe had seen models before, but he still observed first.

He was in a position where he could see the model's 3/4 side view. He held a sketchbook and quickly sketched the character's features while observing.

He did not rush to start formal sketching, but thought about the direction and goals in the early stage and made sufficient preparations.

Most of the creative time during the holidays is spent on color research, and the time for studying sketches or basic modeling language is inevitably reduced.

Jiang Zhe plans to use this month's professional course time to catch up on his modeling language.

Because he wanted to draw a male nude sketch, he re-observed and studied the nude sketches of Michelangelo and Rubens.

During the lunch break, he lay in the car, observing the Rubens sketch materials collected by the system, and used the environment created by the system to depict some of the details.

When he studied the sketches of masters, he did not copy some techniques, but observed the principles of their modeling.

For example, Rubens absorbed the painting techniques of masters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian. It can be said that he stood on the shoulders of giants, but he did not blindly imitate them. Instead, he integrated them and achieved artistic innovation based on the foundation of his predecessors.

Through some of Rubens' sketches, we can see that he surpassed his predecessors.

Jiang Zhe analyzed that Rubens paid special attention to using the dynamic structure of images to express exciting scenes.

In some well-preserved sketches, we can see that Rubens used strong contrast and flowing lines to enhance the movement of the picture, forming a painting style that is passionate, magnificent and dynamic.

Compared with Rubens' oil paintings, his sketches are both bold and delicate.

Jiang Zhe thinks that these styles and beauty reflect Rubens' talent for painting. Talent cannot be learned, but the way of developing painting language can be learned from.

For example, the agility of sketch lines, the changes between reality and illusion, and the combination of lines and surfaces not only fit the body structure, but are also full of rhythm and rhyme.

In addition, he is good at capturing vivid moments in life and making appropriate exaggerations in the dynamic expressions of characters.

These developments and creations give his works a very vivid visual experience and are full of vitality.

During the copying process, Jiang Zhe once again marveled at the great painter's superb skills.

Through the system, he has mastered many painters' techniques, but how to apply them depends on his own aesthetic thinking.

Rubens' seemingly simple line and surface modeling techniques are actually very subtle and difficult for ordinary painters to achieve. It is not something that can be achieved through hard work.

After copying, observing and learning, Jiang Zhe will also think about applying some of his insights to his own works, trying to find a more suitable modeling language for himself.

This process is quite difficult, and my speaking speed also slows down. However, every time I make a discovery or breakthrough, I always feel extremely happy.

Two days later, only the outlines of the characters and some simple structures appeared on Jiang Zhe's work.

At the same time, the Academy of Fine Arts began to collect works and prepare to participate in various exhibitions.

(End of this chapter)

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