Chapter 54, Photos, Sketches (Seeking Follow-up Reading)

Jiang Zhe and Ning Anchi sat in the back seat of the car.

The vehicle drives west along the Central Avenue for a distance and enters the old coastal city area.

This urban area was once the central area of ​​Binhai and retains buildings from different periods. Although it is a bit old compared to the new center, the heritage is still there.

The car entered the branch road from the avenue.

The terrain around the area gradually rises, and the roads become narrower. Old buildings with their own doors and courtyards are lined up on both sides of the road. Large trees over fifty years old can be seen everywhere, providing shade while blocking the view of outsiders.

Ning Anchi's car stopped in front of a black metal gate.

The staff came out, saw that it was Ning Anchi's car, and quickly opened the door.

The car slowly drove into the courtyard.

Jiang Zhe looked through the car window and saw that the courtyard was not big but was very neatly maintained.

The driveway surrounds the courtyard. There is a small fish pond in the center of the courtyard, surrounded by lawns and pebble paths.

The fish pond is made of blue bricks and cement, an old style from decades ago. There is a rockery in the pond, covered with moss.

There is a two-story building on the north side of the courtyard, and a row of shrubs are planted in front of the building.

In addition to the two-story building, the entire courtyard also has an annex bungalow.

The driver parked the car in an old-fashioned parking shed, where an old-fashioned car was parked.

Jiang Zhe got out of the car and saw a middle-aged woman coming to greet him: "Boss Ning is here. Teacher Miao is not awake yet."

Ning Anchi introduced to Jiang Zhe that this woman was the nurse of the owner of the house.

They followed the nurse across the courtyard and along the path to the two-story building.

The overall shape of the small building is simple, but its windows, doors and columns are of Russian style, making it a combination of Chinese and Western architecture.

Entering the foyer, the hall is paved with dark solid wood floors. Although it has been worn out over the years, it is well maintained.

The walls have waist-high wainscoting, the same color as the floor, with ridged decorations on the edges. The solid wood color and warm-colored wall coverings keep the room's charm from decades ago.

There is a spiral staircase in the middle of the hall, leading to the second floor. On the right side of the hall is the living room.

The nurse asked Ning Anchi and Jiang Zhe to wait in the living room while she went to take care of her employer.

Jiang Zhe looked around. The living room was furnished with plain fabric chairs and a low coffee table. There was no decoration on the wall except for a painting by Mr. Qian Songyan, Red Rock, which was probably a replica.

The staff brought refreshments.

Jiang Zhe picked up the cup and noticed that it was an old style from the 70s.

Although the style is old, it is very harmonious with everything around it.

Jiang Zhe was very curious about the identity of Teacher Miao, but he remembered Ning Anchi's instructions and decided not to ask any more questions.

Ning Anchi secretly admired Jiang Zhe when he saw that he neither asked any questions nor showed any embarrassment or nervousness.

At this moment, she felt that Jiang Zhe did not look like a 19-year-old young man.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, the nurse came to find Ning Anchi.

"Boss Ning, Teacher Miao has woken up and is changing clothes. I'll ask you to come over in a moment."

Ning Anchi stood up and said, "Don't worry, let Teacher Miao take his time."

After waiting for a while, the nurse came over again. "Mr. Ning, Teacher Miao, please go over first."

Ning Anchi asked his assistant to accompany Jiang Zhe and wait in the living room.

Jiang Zhe didn't wait long.

The nurse came over and said, "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Ning asks you to come in with your tools."

Jiang Zhe followed the nurse and walked into the bedroom on the first floor.

The bedroom is about ten square meters and has only three pieces of furniture: a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. It is very clean.

An old man is lying on the bed, with various instruments beside him, which are displaying the old man's condition.

Ning Anchi sat next to the old man.

Seeing Jiang Zhe coming in, the old man raised his drooping eyelids a little. Ning Anchi introduced Jiang Zhe to the old man and asked Jiang Zhe to call him Teacher Miao.

Jiang Zhe greeted the old man, who forced a smile on his thin face: "Jiang Zhe, thank you for your help."

She touched Ning Anchi with her finger.

Ning Anchi understood what he meant.

The space in the bedroom was limited, so she asked her assistant to wait outside the door, left the nurse to help look after the equipment, and opened the desk drawer herself and took out a wooden box.

She put on white gloves, opened the wooden box, carefully took out a small photo, placed it on a small tray covered with velvet, and then signaled Jiang Zhe to start.

"Look, what tools do you need?"

Jiang Zhe put down the painting box and said, "I don't know how big a portrait I need, so I only brought a quarto painting board."

"Eight parts will do." said the old man.

Jiang Zhe moved closer to the tray and observed the photos.

Ning Anchi whispered, "Try to restore the photo to its original state. Draw the head first and show it to Teacher Miao."

Jiang Zhe didn't say yes or no.

This photo is in black and white, only one inch in size, and feels like it is at least fifty or sixty years old.

The person in the photo is a young man wearing a top hat, an old-fashioned robe, and cloth shoes. He is sitting in front of a landscape background with his back straight.

The photo was small and full-body, so the person's features were already blurry. The right side of the face was even blurrier, with even a grain-sized tear on it.

Jiang Zhe was glad that he had just learned about the structure. If it were in the past, he would really not be sure.

He asked Ning Anchi for a magnifying glass and looked at the photo carefully.

The man in the photo has a long and thin face, with ears higher than his eyebrows, thin eyebrows, big eyes, and a wide mouth. He is not handsome, but his eyes are bright and energetic.

Judging from the place where the hat meets his hair, the man should have short hair. In addition, the clothes fit him well.

After analyzing the blurred parts of the photo, Jiang Zhe made his own judgment.

"Mr. Miao, let me draw a few drafts first, and you can take a look at them first."

He hesitated for a moment before he started writing.

This old man is obviously ill. I wonder if it will have any impact on his painting here.

"It's okay, just draw it. If there's anything you don't understand, I can explain it to you." Teacher Miao was not confused at all.

Jiang Zhe picked up the paintbrush and began to sketch.

He first drew a draft in the form of a sketch, compared it with the photo, further analyzed the possible damaged parts of the photo, and then drew a new one and compared it again.

Repeat the cycle and draw six sketches in a row.

The old man looked at Jiang Zhe's sketches one by one, and when he saw the last one, he pointed at Ning Anchi. "This one is the best."

Ning Anchi handed the sketch to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe began to draw a sketch of the portrait based on the sketches and photos.

Because the man was facing the camera and the image was blurry and damaged, many facial details were missing, so Jiang Zhe could only enrich them based on his own understanding.

He would show each part he drew to Teacher Miao.

Teacher Miao continued to give corrections, and Jiang Zhe made revisions.

After repeated adjustments, Jiang Zhe completed this sketch portrait in an hour.

He minimized the effects of light and dark, highlighting the facial features and structure, making it easier for people to see the characteristics of the characters.

The old man looked at the portrait and didn't speak for a long time.

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(End of this chapter)

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