Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 58, Prank, good mood on weekends, full body portrait

Chapter 58, Prank, good mood on weekends, full body portrait (please read)
In front of the small building where the teacher’s office is located.

Two people passed each other.

Xiao Yufeng rolled his eyes.

Jiang Zhe suddenly stopped, turned around at the bend in the road, and pretended to be waiting for someone.

The location he chose was just right for people coming out of the teacher's office to see him.

Xiao Yufeng looked back and found Jiang Zhe staring at him at the corner.

When their eyes met, Jiang Zhe smiled happily, raised his right hand, and gently plucked five fingers as if playing a piano, signaling to Xiao Yufeng.

Xiao Yufeng's heart skipped a beat.

What does Jiang Zhe mean by waiting for me here?
I originally wanted to use this matter to teach Jiang Zhe a lesson. This guy, would he do something stupid in school?

Xiao Yufeng is very smart and can play boys around, but he has also seen high school boys fighting and knows that boys aged eighteen or nineteen tend to be impulsive.

When she walked into the teacher's office, she had already thought of a countermeasure. Humph, this trick might be useful for scaring other girls.

She lingered in the teacher's office until the bell rang, then followed a teacher out of the office and walked towards the teaching building.

Xiao Yufeng saw from afar that Jiang Zhe turned and walked towards the classroom.

Xiao Yufeng remained calm on the surface, but was secretly delighted.

During breaks, there were often boys surrounding Xiao Yufeng and showing their courtesy.

Xiao Yufeng was in a particularly good mood today, and the jokes told by the boys made her laugh particularly happily.

At noon, Jiang Zhe came back from a walk after lunch and found that someone had added a few words on the cover of one of his composition books.

The composition books at that time still had the old-style cover, and one of the three rows of information columns was for students to fill in the school address.

Jiang Zhe originally filled in a certain district of Binhai City. The prankster added three words at the end: Shandingdong.

Jiang Zhe laughed. This guy had scolded herself just to trick me. I'm studying in a cave, so you're not an ape?!
He picked up the correction fluid and was about to cross out the words, but then he thought, these three words were obviously different from his own, so he might as well keep them and let his Chinese teacher take a look when he handed them in.

My deskmate Ni Yue also saw these words. After laughing, she quietly told Jiang Zhe that Xiao Yufeng had been there.


The sun had already set when the senior students of No. 7 High School were leaving school.

Xiao Yufeng and several classmates walked towards the station.

The courteous boy sent her to the bus stop.

Several people saw Jiang Zhe and followed him.

A boy asked, "Jiang Zhe, you don't usually take the bus here, why are you walking here today?"

Jiang Zhe said, "Oh, I'm taking bus No. 13 today. I'm going out for a trip."

The other boy glanced at Xiao Yufeng. "Are we taking the same bus as you?"

Xiao Yufeng's heart was tense. She knew Jiang Zhe never took this bus. What if this guy shamelessly took the same bus with her and followed her all the way?
Buses and roads are public resources. If you can use them, others can also use them.

After getting off the bus, there is still some distance to go to my home.

Xiao Yufeng looked around and said, "There are too many people after school and get off work. I want to walk a distance and take another bus."

When the boys heard this, they thought it was just what they wanted, so they surrounded Xiao Yufeng and took another bus.

When Xiao Yufeng left the station, he glanced back at Jiang Zhe.

Seeing him standing there without moving, I felt relieved. I felt a little proud and a little disappointed. Wasn't this guy here to find me?
There were also quite a few people at the other station.

Xiao Yufeng could take bus No. 17 here, but he would have to walk a little further, which was a bit of a headache just thinking about it.

A few boys waited for a while, but the car didn't come yet, so they went home one after another.

Xiao Yufeng continued to wait for the bus, but found that Jiang Zhe was walking towards the station at a leisurely pace.

Xiao Yufeng cursed in his heart, it’s not over yet, right?

Not only that, when Jiang Zhe saw Xiao Yufeng looking back, he smiled and continued to walk towards the station slowly.

Xiao Yufeng noticed that Jiang Zhe's eyes were a little straight, and he began to feel uneasy. Should he yell in the street? Or go to the next station?
At this moment, several buses almost simultaneously drove into the main road from a distant fork in the road and headed towards the station.

Xiao Yufeng saw that the No. 17 bus he was going to take was among them. He silently estimated the distance between himself and Jiang Zhe and prayed silently that the bus would arrive at the station quickly, preferably with the door closed before Jiang Zhe arrived.

Things happened just as she had imagined. Jiang Zhe was still walking at a leisurely pace, and several buses were about to enter the station, with the No. 17 bus she was going to take leading the way.

Great! Seeing that there were many people getting on the bus, Xiao Yufeng didn't care about maintaining her image and squeezed to a favorable position, ready to be the first to rush on the bus. She looked back from time to time to confirm Jiang Zhe's position.

Before getting on the bus, she looked back for the last time, feeling a little proud. Humph, she followed me for one stop in vain.

Just as she was about to determine where the bus would stop, Jiang Zhe suddenly shouted, "Hey!"

The sound was so loud that it scared many people, including Xiao Yufeng.

Is it coming? Xiao Yufeng's heartbeat quickened. Hearing the sound of the bus stopping, he didn't care about anything else and rushed out. After the door opened, he was the first to rush in.

"Hey, why are you pushing so hard?" someone complained.

Xiao Yufeng didn't care about that and walked in directly.

"Hey, put in the coins." The driver called her.

"Right away, right away." Xiao Yufeng took the time to look out the window while inserting the coin.

More and more people got on the bus and she was squeezed so hard that she couldn't move.

Seeing that there were too many people, the driver asked those who had not gotten on the bus to wait for the next one and closed the door with difficulty.

Although Xiao Yufeng was uncomfortable because of the squeeze, when he saw Jiang Zhe just arrived at the station, he looked at Jiang Zhe proudly and raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Zhe also smiled happily and raised his arms and waved.

Let's see how long you can keep pretending. Xiao Yufeng was very proud.

The driver starts the vehicle.

"Welcome to bus No. 19..."

Xiao Yufeng's smile froze. How did it become bus No. 19? She struggled to find the route map inside the bus.

Oh my god, it was actually bus No. 19. Did I get on the wrong bus? I clearly saw bus No. 17 arrive first.

She looked out the rear window and found that the No. 17 bus she was going to take was following closely behind the car she was riding in. The shaking license plate seemed to be reminding and mocking her.

"Uncle driver, can you please stop the car? I got on the wrong bus." Xiao Yufeng would never let himself down, nor would he keep things to himself.

"We can't stop now. Let's talk about it at the next stop." The driver drove attentively, his eyes fixed on the front.

Xiao Yufeng watched helplessly as the No. 17 bus he wanted to take turned and got farther and farther away from him.

Thinking back to Jiang Zhe's smile just now, it was so hateful. How could I have taken the wrong bus and made a fool of myself by this guy?


Jiang Zhe smiled even more happily as he watched several buses leave the station.

In fact, it is impossible for me to do anything on the street. At most, I can scare the other party, but the other party must be timid first.

However, when he saw Xiao Yufeng panicking and trying to squeeze into the bus, coincidentally, a bus entered the station before the one Xiao Yufeng was going to take, then he suddenly had an idea and shouted.

Xiao Yufeng got on the bus as planned, perfectly demonstrating how to get on the wrong bus.

If it weren’t for the driver’s great help, the effect today would never have been so funny.

He felt that he would be in a good mood throughout the weekend.

Jiang Zhe went home to eat and took the puppy back to the studio.

Back in the studio, I relaxed.

The puppy returned to the familiar environment and sniffed around happily.

Jiang Zhe finished his homework first, then took out a piece of sketch paper, fixed it on the drawing board, and prepared to draw a full-length sketch of the photo that Teacher Miao treasured.

After receiving 6 yuan from Ning Anchi, he felt that he should paint a work that he would be satisfied with.

Because I was in a good mood, I painted until midnight and completed this sketch.

 Thanks to fellow book readers for their recommendations and monthly tickets.

  thanks for your support.

  The prank plot described in this chapter is not fictional.

  Please read.

(End of this chapter)

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