Chapter 67: Gallery Offers, Pricing (Please Read)

Jiang Zhe declined Teacher Miao’s suggestion to send a car to take him there, and left Miao’s house carrying his painting supplies.

The old central city area has buildings from different periods, tree-lined streets, and a clean and quiet environment. It is a great experience to take a walk here.

Although when chatting with Teacher Miao, his mind was basically focused on painting, but judging from the information I heard, Teacher Miao is a man with a story.

Unfortunately, these stories cannot be discovered just out of curiosity. In addition, he was also curious why Teacher Miao was unwilling to let Ning Anchi know about this?

After walking for a while, he hailed a taxi and rushed back to the studio.

I don’t have time to create today, I’ll have to find another time.

Jiang Zhe took Xiao Ka home.

When he was having dinner with his parents, his cell phone rang and the caller ID showed Wang Zhen's number.

I haven't contacted Wang Zhen for a while.

He pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Manager Wang."

Wang Zhen said, "Jiang Zhe, am I disturbing you while you're eating? I have something good to tell you."

"You say."

"Have you sent information about your works to several galleries abroad?"

"Yes, that's true." Jiang Zhe understood that this was the reward for the mission.

Wang Zhen said, "Two galleries want to buy your paintings. They don't have branches in China, so they asked me to talk to you. In order to avoid any more trouble, can you come to my gallery today and we can talk in person?"

Jiang Zhe looked up at the clock. "Today? Sure."

"Okay, I'll send a car to pick you up."

"Thank you, let's meet and talk." Jiang Zhe put down his phone.

Jiang Yi and his wife only heard part of the content and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? Why are you going out? What's the matter?"

Jiang Zhe felt that he should tell his parents about this, as it was a good thing and would make his parents happy.

"I put a few paintings online. Two galleries wanted to buy them and asked a middleman to negotiate the price with me. I went to meet with the middleman to discuss the matter."

"Oh, that's a good thing." Xu Li said, "You are young and inexperienced, so let your dad go with you."

Jiang Zhe said, "No need. I have worked with this middleman several times, so there won't be any problem. If my dad goes too, people will think I am still immature, and won't they look down on me?"

"Can you negotiate the price by yourself? How much can it be sold for?" Jiang Yi asked.

"I don't know. Let's talk about it. If it's not suitable, I won't sell it." Jiang Zhe quickly finished his meal and prepared to leave.

"Call me if you have anything." Jiang Yi and his wife also stood up and held Xiao Ka's hand.

Watching Jiang Zhe leave, Xu Li said to Jiang Yi, "Is your phone fully charged?"

"It's charged." The two watched Jiang Zhe wait downstairs for a while, then got into a car and left.

"Okay, stop looking." Seeing Xu Li's worried face, Jiang Yi consoled her, "He has already sold paintings, so trust him. We can't take care of him forever."

The person who drove to pick up Jiang Zhe was Wang Zhen's assistant.

This assistant knew Jiang Zhe. While she was driving, she talked about some news in the art circle, which gave Jiang Zhe a wave of gossip.

The car entered the parking lot of a building, where Wang Zhen was already waiting.

"This is your first time in our gallery. Please come often in the future." Wang Zhen led Jiang Zhe to the gallery on the third floor.

This gallery has an exhibition hall which is quite large.

Jiang Zhe walked and looked. "Manager Wang, your gallery is so magnificent!"

"When will you exhibit your paintings?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I'm afraid it will be embarrassing if I take it out."

Wang Zhen smiled: "Don't be so modest."

She took Jiang Zhe to sit in her office, asked her assistant to bring tea, and then closed the door.

"Let's get straight to the point. There are two galleries that want to buy your paintings this time." She took out two documents and placed them on the table.

"The two companies offered different prices. One company offered a slightly higher price, and they simply wanted to buy the works. The other company offered a slightly lower price, but they can represent your works and run them, and they guarantee that the price of the paintings will increase by 12% every year." Jiang Zhe's eyes swept across the two documents: "Let me take a look at the specific prices first."


Jiang Zhe carefully compared the prices of the works. The work that was evaluated as a masterpiece by the system was the smallest in size, but the price was the highest.

3.1 US dollars, based on the current exchange rate, is about 25.

It seems to be higher than the reward for the system task, but after deducting various expenses, there will be about 20 left.

Wang Zhen then introduced the price offered by another company.

The asking price was low, totaling US$2.1, but the advantage was that they could sign a contract with the gallery.

Jiang Zhe asked, "Is that all?"

Wang Zhen understood what Jiang Zhe was asking.

"The prices offered by these two companies are already very high. Not to mention painters who have graduated from art academies, even some professional painters cannot sell at this price.

I have a suggestion, would you like to hear it? "

Jiang Zhe nodded.

Wang Zhen said: "I have cooperated with both of these companies before. So, I should not have any bias.

We are friends, and I hope you sign with our gallery. However, if you consider it from your perspective, I personally suggest you choose to sign with this American gallery. They are an old gallery and have their own operating methods and channels. "

Jiang Zhe has already made his choice. "Manager Wang, thank you for your advice. I'll choose the one with the higher price."

Can a gallery that offers a low price guarantee its own interests after signing the contract?

Wang really didn't understand.

Jiang Zhe gave another reason: "I don't want to sign the contract yet. After signing the contract, I will inevitably be subject to some restrictions. I want to consider this matter after graduation."

Wang Zhen saw that Jiang Zhe was determined and stopped trying to persuade him. She told Jiang Zhe how to make the deal.

Jiang Zhe immediately asked Lawyer Qin for help.

While waiting for Lawyer Qin, he asked Wang Zhen: "Manager Wang, I want to price my paintings. Can you give me some advice?"

Wang Zhen said: "If it is a contracted painter of our gallery, I will give a price according to his specific situation. The general pricing method is the size in centimeters, that is, length plus width, multiplied by a coefficient. For example, a painting of 40 plus 50cm is multiplied by a number between 10 and 100 to get the price.

If the work is from a student at an art academy or college who has not yet graduated, I would suggest pricing it at (40+50)×10, which is 900 yuan. But, usually, it won’t sell at 500 yuan.”

Jiang Zhe smiled.

Wang Zhen continued: "If they are students who have already graduated, then usually it is (40+50) plus 20 or 30.

If the painter has graduated, participated in exhibitions, has a sales record, or has recent commercial activities or media coverage, then the number at the end will increase.

This is the calculation method commonly used by our domestic galleries.

For students who have not graduated abroad, their wages will be calculated based on the local average hourly wage. This method is usually not used in our country.

If this is you, neither of these two options is appropriate.

The highest price your work has ever been sold for is over ten thousand dollars.

Of course, these are all fine works selected by the gallery and can only be used as a reference.

Among the painter's works, only a few are masterpieces.


Jiang Zhe nodded.

Wang Zhen’s suggestion is in line with the actual situation.

The price I told Teacher Miao was not too high.

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(End of this chapter)

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