Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 92: Waiting for the net, farewell, fortune and misfortune

Chapter 92: Waiting for the net, farewell, fortune and misfortune

Jiang Zhe was writing furiously at his desk in his little room.

The system had given a standard text, and he wrote it down with his left hand wearing white gloves.

After writing it, he checked it to make sure it was correct, put the letter into his schoolbag, put on his sun hat, and walked to the living room.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to be out for a while."

Jiang Yi and his wife guessed what he was going to do. They thought their son was just saying it out of anger, but when they saw that he was really going to do it, they stood up and stopped him: "Forget it, it's better to have less trouble than more."

We should just ignore it and not risk offending these people."

Jiang Zhe thought to himself, when he was cheating us, he didn't think about peace.

He comforted his parents: "I will be very careful and use anonymity. If the situation is not right, I will do nothing."

"Think about it again."

Jiang Zhe said, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

The system provides a complete service process.

Because of his previous experience, Jiang Zhe believed that the system must have discovered an opportunity or some possibility, so it made such an arrangement. Since it was an opportunity, the time and node were very important, and it must be done according to the system's requirements.

He came to a beautiful and very quiet community.

The security guard saw his attire and kindly reminded him that if there was a queue at the entrance of the unit, he should wait and not go up with others.

Jiang Zhe entered the community silently, found a good position, and set up the net to wait.

A car slowly drove into the community and stopped near the garage. The driver got out and looked around.

A middle-aged woman appeared quietly, opened the door of a private garage, pointed at the garage towards the driver, and then left without looking back.

The driver put the bags into the garage, closed the garage door, got in the car and left.

Soon, the woman appeared again...

The whole process was filmed by Jiang Zhe.

He left the community and rushed to the next hunting ground.

After filming the three segments, he saved the data onto a USB drive and put it into an envelope.

He didn't know what connection these three fragments had with his own affairs, and he didn't even know where the relevant departments were. But that didn't stop him from following the steps and methods arranged by the system, finding the relevant departments, delivering the letters, and then blending into the crowd.

This letter and many similar letters were taken away together and taken to the relevant department according to the procedure. They were placed together with more letters, waiting to be sorted.

Jiang Zhe's letter is just a drop in the ocean. If we follow the previous procedures, it may take some time for many responses to be received.

However, it just so happened that the staff who were sorting suddenly received a notice that a temporary inspection team was arriving today and asked them to help organize the materials in preparation for the inspection.

The inspection team arrived soon. Some people in the team checked the materials according to the fixed process, and some people checked the work randomly.

The relevant departments have also made preparations for this.

The process should have gone very smoothly, but as expected, an accident occurred.

The leader of the inspection team and several team members came to the room for sorting letters, looked at the work process, and when they were about to leave, they accidentally touched the pile of letters and some of them fell.

Everyone hurried to help tidy up.

The team leader also helped pick up an opened letter, and the USB drive and the letter fell out together. He was about to put the things back, but he accidentally saw a line of words.

He paused, packed the envelope, and said to the person in charge of sorting, "Let me take a look at your work process."

Several coincidences came together. Jiang Zhe's actions were taking effect at an extraordinary speed.

After Jiang Zhe returned home, he reviewed the entire process and felt that there were no omissions, so he calmed down.

He remembered that he had not called Teacher Miao because of this incident.

Teacher Miao has called.

"Mr. Miao?"

The voice of Teacher Miao providing nursing care came from the phone.

"Mr. Jiang, Teacher Miao is not well and is being treated. If you have time, please come to the hospital..."

Jiang Zhe's smile froze. "I see. I'll rush over right away."

At noon when he was on his way to the hospital in a taxi, Sister Liao called him and they also received the news and were preparing to go to the hospital.

Jiang Zhe rushed to the hospital.

He got off the taxi and entered the hospital building. The elevator in the hospital was always full, so he didn't wait for the elevator and ran up the stairs.

After running a few steps, I was sweating profusely.

He thought that it had been extremely hot in recent days, and this kind of weather was really uncomfortable for the elderly.

I had just run outside the operating room where the rescue was taking place when I could already hear sobbing.

When Jiang Zhe saw the nurse and several people wiping their tears, his heart sank.

He leaned over and asked the nurse, "Sister, how are you?"

The nurse's eyes were red. "Mr. Jiang, Teacher Miao, they are gone..."

Jiang Zhe was silent.

I met Teacher Miao not long ago, and now...

He felt sad and didn't know what to do. After a while, he thought he should express his condolences to the family, but when he looked around, he didn't see any of Teacher Miao's family.

The nurse told Jiang Zhe that Teacher Miao had already made arrangements and someone was already taking care of the funeral.

Jiang Zhe walked to the edge of the crowd and waited with others.

Soon, Ning Anchi and Sister Liao arrived. After hearing the news, they waited with Jiang Zhe.

Before his death, Teacher Miao entrusted his affairs to a lawyer and a friend.

The lawyer’s surname is Zhang, and Teacher Miao’s friend’s surname is Lu. He is quite old, so people call him Mr. Lu.

The two arranged a farewell ceremony for tomorrow and set up a place for worship in Teacher Miao's home.

Jiang Zhe followed Ning Anchi and Sister Liao to Teacher Miao's home and burned a stick of incense for Teacher Miao.

The farewell ceremony on the second day was very simple. Jiang Zhe presented a bouquet of flowers and followed the others to bid farewell to Teacher Miao.

After the ceremony, Jiang Zhe was a little dazed as he said goodbye to an old man.

The lawyer and the host, Mr. Lu, invited some people to Teacher Miao's home again to help with some matters. Among the invited people was Jiang Zhe.

"Things in this world are unpredictable, don't think too much." Ning Anchi walked over and said to Jiang Zhe.

"Sister Ning, I'm fine." Jiang Zhe replied.

While Ning Anchi went to arrange the car, Sister Liao patted Jiang Zhe's arm. "I received your good news and wanted to celebrate with you, but unfortunately this happened. I'll make it up to you when I have the chance."

Ning Anchi, Sister Liao, and Jiang Zhe took a car to Teacher Miao's home together.

"Sister Ning, do you know what we need to deal with?" Jiang Zhe asked.

Ning Anchi said: "Teacher Miao is going to donate some items, and the house will also be returned to the country, so that everyone can bear witness."

They arrived at Teacher Miao's house and saw that many people had already gathered there.

When the lawyer and invited people including Mr. Lu arrived, the donation ceremony was announced to begin.

Jiang Zhe noticed that Vice President Wei appeared in the courtyard at some point, and some people who did not attend the farewell ceremony also came.

Mr. Lu, who presided over the ceremony, announced Teacher Miao's last wishes to everyone and introduced the staff of the museum and notary office who received the donation.

The two sides began to hand over the donations one by one, and the process went smoothly.

Among the donated items are letters and materials, as well as books and artworks.

Jiang Zhe saw that a painting he created for Teacher Miao was actually included in the donated items and became part of the museum's collection.

When Ning Anchi and Sister Liao saw the painting being donated, they both looked at Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe felt that Teacher Miao had helped him once in the final arrangement.

After completing the donation process, Mr. Lu was about to announce the end of the ceremony.

Vice President Wei walked out of the crowd and said to the people presiding over the ceremony, "Lawyer Zhang, Director Xin, Mr. Lu, there is something I feel I need to make clear."

Jiang Zhe and Sister Liao looked at each other.

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(End of this chapter)

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