Chapter 116 "The Hijackers" (I)

German stood in the crowd, and then saw Kurapika standing not far away.

Kurapika was secretly observing the group of hijackers with a hesitant look on his face. Perhaps he was thinking, should he step forward now that he had lost his two swords?
It was too difficult for Kurapika at the moment to defeat the rifle-wielding gangster with his bare hands.

Fourteen gangsters surrounded them, with their rifles pointed at the ground. None of them wore masks and it seemed they were not afraid of being exposed.

This makes their purpose even more frightening.

One of them was a middle-aged man with a beard and scars on his face. He was their leader. He walked out, looked around at the panic-stricken crowd, and coughed a few times.

Everyone was attracted by his cough and looked over.

"My name is Somerset." The scarred man actually said his name directly, "These are my brothers and comrades."

"I'm sorry for hijacking this airship and choosing you. If possible, I really hope you can land safely and reunite with your family and friends. What a wonderful thing that would be."

Somerset's words here were filled with dangerous implications.

Many people who heard the hidden meaning could not help but tremble all over, and some of the timid ones even sobbed softly.

"We also want to be reunited with our family and friends. Unfortunately, we can no longer do so. After I have said what I need to say, you can call the police, leave a suicide note, and communicate with anyone."

"But now, you must be quiet, otherwise, I will not give you the last mercy."

This time, almost all adults are aware of a terrible possibility - no, it should be said that a foreseeable desperate future.

This group of criminals had no intention of landing the airship, and even if they did, it was not the "landing method" they wanted.

Many people wanted to scream, but Somerset's threats and the black muzzles of the guns prevented them from making high-frequency sounds.

Somerset looked at it for a while, nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "How many of you know about the 'Nowell Mercenary Survivors Mutual Aid Fund'? Does anyone know? No one knows?"

After waiting for a while, no one answered. He was a little disappointed: "Haha, that's right. We can't expect you to pay attention to us. After all, it doesn't matter to you."

"To put it simply, we are mercenaries, working for the V5 powers, the Kajin Empire, or some small countries."

"But war always results in heavy casualties, and the dead brothers and comrades will leave their families with no one to take care of them."

"In order to allow the bereaved families to have a decent life, the "Nowell Mercenary Bereaved Family Mutual Aid Fund" was established."

Somerset paced in the spacious hall of the airship, allowing everyone present to see his solemn expression.

"Many mercenaries would invest their money just to protect their brothers who had lived and died together, so that their families would not die of hunger and cold, or become pariahs or slaves."

"However, there are too many people and too little money." Somerset shook his head and sighed, "We have no choice but to seek help from the state agency that once employed us."

“Sure enough…” He raised his head and looked at everyone. “No one cares about us. After all, we are just mercenaries, not official soldiers. Hehe, hehe…”

"In this case, we have decided to do something big so that the international community cannot help but pay attention to us. In half an hour, this airship will fall towards the city of Itlo."

"Of course, the more likely scenario is that we will be shot down by shells midway and fall into the mountains and forests. But it doesn't matter, as long as the airship crashes."

"By then, they should understand that the lives of the mercenaries' families are also lives. Spending a little more money to appease them can prevent many such 'plane crash tragedies'."

When Somerset said this, the crowd in the airship hall finally couldn't suppress their fear and suddenly burst into screams and cries. "Very desperate, right?" Somerset listened to these cries and said to them with a smile, "At least you still have half an hour to say goodbye to your family. Our brothers and comrades are not so lucky."

"We didn't want to choose you either. But there is no other way. Just accept your fate. At least we will accompany you to the end, and you know why you died."

"Okay, cherish the last bit of time. Remember, you still have half an hour left."

After Somerset finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the cockpit of the airship.

The captain and others were also among the hostages. The airship was temporarily switched to autopilot, and now Somerset would control it manually.

He is a pilot, and flying an airship is a piece of cake for him.

German looked at the chaotic hall. After Somerset left, people were crying and making cell phone calls under the gaze of the remaining thirteen gangsters.

Some of them asked the police for help, and some called their families.

Others walked up to the criminals and tried to persuade them, but were shot in the head before they could finish their words.

The buzzing sound of gunfire and splattering brain matter pushed the panic in the airship to a new peak.

The criminals stood there with indifferent expressions.

As mercenaries who often raid villages, they have seen this kind of scene too many times and will not show mercy just because there are women, children and the elderly in front of them.

Among the crowd, Germain and Kurapika were the only two who remained calm.

But Kurapika still didn't seem to give up. He kept breathing rhythmically and thought about various feasible solutions.

Germann used his "Concentration" to scan the group and confirmed that among the fourteen gangsters, Somerset and two others were "Psychic users", and the rest were just ordinary mercenaries.

As for the three "Nen users", they are only at the level of "Brave" and "Apprentice". It seems that they are limited by their talents and cannot make any further progress.

This means that German's fighting power is far above theirs.

The "psychic ability" of one of them is either to disguise a gun so that it can be carried on the airship, or it is a "psychic ability" involving "space" like Xiaodi and Nob.

The "psychic abilities" of the other two are unknown, but German feels that this is enough.

After all, they are not very strong enemies, so it is better to end the battle quickly.

He quickly finalized his plan. To ensure that the number of casualties on the scene was minimized, he had to get rid of all thirteen gangsters in a very short time and then go find Somerset.

After thinking it through, German did not hesitate and took action directly.

He walked out of the crowd and approached one of the gangsters.

The gangster showed no intention of being persuaded to stop and raised his gun to shoot.

However, the next moment he only saw a black shadow coming towards him, and his vision went black!
 Thanks to book friends 20200119065256035, Chu Kuang Qiu Bai, and Drifting Things in the Universe for their tips

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(End of this chapter)

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