Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 190 Greed Island is a new open world adventure game developed independently by Jin's te

Chapter 190 "Greed Island is a new open world adventure game independently developed by Jin's team"

Kim's unkempt appearance and unconventional style are heightened by the fact that he is wealthy.

Even if the temporary vehicle is a shabby car, it will be considered as "experiencing life".

Jin clearly felt that Bisiji's attitude towards him was an order of magnitude better than before. Although it was a little strange, he was more curious about other things now.

"By the way, where is your "base"? I want to see the information you have collected about the "Dark Continent" as soon as possible. Of course, I will share my intelligence with you as well."

"I have a fragment of Journey to the New World: East that I found at home a few years ago. I can show it to you later. Most of the complete copies on the market have been recycled by "V5". "

Jin couldn't help but sigh when he said this.

If he was not a descendant of the Fu Li Shi family, it might be difficult for him to read the famous work of his ancestor Don Fu Li Shi. "V5" was too strictly controlled.

However, precisely because it was collected at home and not well preserved, more than three hundred years later, the "New World Chronicle: Eastern Chapter" in Jin's hand has become damaged, incomplete and blurred.

However, Jin had read it countless times and sorted it out countless times, but he did not feel any regret because it was an incomplete copy.

On the contrary, the missing and unclear contents in those incomplete copies were what attracted him to the path of a "professional hunter" and the reason why he never gave up "exploring the Dark Continent" from beginning to end.

In this respect, German is of the same ilk as King.

Germann replied, "Our base is on the Eurubian continent. The exact location is -."

"Ah, that place." Jin remembered, "I've been there before when I traveled. Coincidentally, Greed Island is also in the waters near the Eurubian Continent."

"This will make it much easier to arrange your trip. Let me take you to Greed Island first."

Germann had long ago helped Bisiji and Xiaodi to break through the fog surrounding "Greed Island", pointing out that it was a real-life game that actually existed on an island.

Therefore, Bisiji and Xiaodi, who knew the situation, were not surprised.

Sheila, who didn't know the truth, looked confused.

"Eh? What's going on? Didn't you say Greed Island is a game? What does 'Greed Island is also in the sea near the Eurubian Continent' mean? Is it referring to your company's address?"

"That's about it," Jin replied. "Didn't I explain it before?"

"German, I see that you, Biscuit, and Xiaodi are not very surprised. You must have known about it a long time ago, right?"

Germain said, "I do know the truth about Greed Island. I told Bisqui and Xiaodi a few months ago. At that time, I used it as a metaphor to describe my "transmission lantern."

Germann had already explained the "teleportation lantern" as a "means" to travel back and forth to the "Dark Continent" to those in the car who didn't understand it yet.

Jin stroked his chin and said, "The Teleporting Lantern and Greed Island are indeed a bit similar..."

"I never thought that my original idea would be realized by your "mind power". What an incredible fate."

"'The original idea'?" Biscuit asked curiously, resting his chin on his hands in Xiaodi's arms, "Do you have any special purpose in developing Greed Island?"

Jin explained: "My team and I developed Greed Island for several purposes, one of which was to establish a connection with the Dark Continent and then conduct "ultra-long-distance teleportation."

"The current "teleportation" of "Greed Island" is sufficient to cover the entire "Six Continents", but whether it can be safely and stably "teleported" to the "Dark Continent" is still unknown."

"I need to conduct an on-site experiment in the Dark Continent. If successful, this will completely change the way we explore the Dark Continent."

Biscuit nodded knowingly: "So that's how it is. You have big ambitions too."

"Your own achievements are enough to become a "Three Star Hunter". If the "Greed Island" and the "Dark Continent" are successfully connected, then you will really go down in history."

Jin is still a "two-star hunter" now. The reason he didn't become a "three-star hunter" is that he didn't care about this honor and didn't apply for it.

"'Leaving a name in history' doesn't matter..." Jin said, "but if I simply apply to the 'International Passage Permit Office', I probably won't have the chance to go to the 'Dark Continent' in my lifetime." "So, I need Germain's 'method'. His 'method' is the only proven and stable way to travel to and from the 'Dark Continent' now."

Bisiji nodded: "That's the truth."

She looked at Germann again and said to herself: These two people's train of thought are really similar.

When we normal people face the "Dark Continent", the first thing we think of is the difficulties and obstacles. On the contrary, they think about how to solve these difficulties and obstacles and achieve their goal of moving forward.

At this time, Sheila finally caught the gap in everyone's conversation and asked, "Uh...wait a minute, you still haven't explained clearly what "Greed Island" is about?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Indeed, they had gone off topic and still did not answer Sheila's original question.

"Greed Island is a real game on a real island..." Biscuit saw that Sheila was still a little confused, so he thought about it and pushed the explanation to her, "Jin, you are the developer, you should explain it clearly."

Jin scratched his head.

"It's the 'Nen User's Game'. It's hard to explain... Germain, you explain it. You've explained it to Biscuit and Xiaodi before, so you have experience."

They all felt that it was difficult to explain in a few words, so after a round of "concession" to each other, the ball was kicked to German's feet.

Sheila stared at the shirking between them and always felt like she was being "bullied".

Fortunately, German did not refuse anymore.

He thought for a while, came up with a reasonable explanation, and then answered Sheila's question.

"They are actually right, but Greed Island is a brand new open world adventure game independently developed by Kim's Greed-Island-Team."

“The game takes place in a real world called Greed Island. Players who are transported here by the Greed Island Game Machine will be given the Book to guide the power of cards.”

“You will play a mysterious character named “Adventurer”, and meet “gamers and NPCs” with different personalities and unique abilities in the free “Greed Island”. Together with them, you will defeat “different types of enemies” and “collect the designated 100 cards” while gradually discovering the truth of “Greed Island”.”

It’s faster to solve problems with formulas.

Everyone in the car was a little confused as they listened to German's fluent explanations.

Jin was stunned for a moment and said, "What you said is true, but it sounds a bit too formal..."

"That's interesting. It can be used as the slogan for Greed Island. I'll have someone implement it later."

"You don't have to 'gradually discover the truth of Greed Island'. I will take you directly to see the 'truth'. By the way, after we arrive at Greed Island, it's best to split up into two groups."

"Why?" Germain asked.

"I plan to use the Greed Island cartridge and game console to connect Greed Island to your Mansion Base, so that you can directly teleport back and forth, saving time and effort."

"However, to achieve this, one of you needs to take the Greed Island cartridge and game console and return to the Mansion Base."

It turned out to be the case.

Upon hearing this, Bisiji raised one hand.

"If that's the case, let me take the Greed Island cassette and game console back. It's just right, I can finish explaining to Sambika, Menqi and Buhala at the same time."

"They don't know that Jin has joined yet, nor do they know what happened to us in the Kajin Empire, nor do they know about Bi Yangde's group. I have to explain all this information to them in person."

"Well," Jin said, "it's decided then. I'll call Greed Island now and ask them to arrange for a private airship to come over from Ezhen Continent."

Biscuit said: "That would be even more convenient. Right now, the Ten Old Men and the Phantom Troupe haven't completely given up on tracking down Germain and Kurapika. Taking a private airship would be much more relaxing."

(End of this chapter)

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